
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form


i - Variable in class be.gaudry.fontviewer.swing.component.GlyphLabel
IAVGTableModel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.brolmeter.avg
IAVGTableModel - Interface in
IBeID - Interface in be.gaudry.eid.dao
IBrol - Interface in be.gaudry.model.bibliobrol
To use a Brol or Mediabrol as a generic IBrol
IBrolCard - Interface in
Implementing this for an enum allows managing panels for the main frame.
IBrolDao - Interface in be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao
IBrolImage - Interface in be.gaudry.model.drawing
Container for Image resource informations.
IBrolLoader<T> - Interface in be.gaudry.model.thread
Allows to load asynchronously data and to report informations about loading without freezing GUI.
IClearable - Interface in be.gaudry.model
Allows to clear informations contained into an object.
iconCache - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.file.FileUtils
Icon cache to speed the rendering.
IConfigDao - Interface in be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao
Allows some operations on the persistent system.
IConfigDao - Interface in
Defines the general contract of persistent layer configuration and management.
iconMapping - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.IconsFileViewPanel
iconMapping - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.ThumbnailsFileViewPanel
ICONS - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.EFileView
IconsFileViewPanel - Class in be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview
Panel that hosts image-based buttons with file icons.
IconsFileViewPanel() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.IconsFileViewPanel
Creates a new panel.
IconsFileViewPanel(BrolCrumbBar, int, ProgressListener) - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.IconsFileViewPanel
Creates a new panel.
IconsFileViewPanel(BrolCrumbBar, CommandButtonDisplayState, ProgressListener) - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.IconsFileViewPanel
Creates a new panel.
IconWrapperResizableIcon - Class in be.gaudry.swing.ribbon
IconWrapperResizableIcon(Icon) - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.ribbon.IconWrapperResizableIcon
ICourse - Interface in
Defines the general contract of Course, Examination, or Quotation management.
ICT_I - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidDocumentType
ID - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.DAOBrolField
ID - Enum constant in enum class
Id3GenericEditorPanel<T extends org.farng.mp3.id3.AbstractID3> - Class in
Id3GenericEditorPanel() - Constructor for class
ID3V1 - Enum constant in enum class
Id3v1EditorPanel - Class in
Id3v1EditorPanel() - Constructor for class
ID3V2 - Enum constant in enum class
Id3v2EditorPanel - Class in
Id3v2EditorPanel() - Constructor for class
id3Version - Variable in class
idData2Person(IDData, Person) - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidModelHelper
Identity - Class in be.gaudry.model.person
Basic Person information
Identity() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.model.person.Identity
IdentityCrudPanel - Class in be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart
IdentityCrudPanel() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.IdentityCrudPanel
identityValidityTextField - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.CardAndPinPanel
idle - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.file.Diff
IEduAdminDAO - Interface in
Provides a contract for giving specific persistent layer implementations of administration methods.
IEduDAO - Interface in
Provides a contract for giving specific persistent layer implementations to manage of persistent data used into EducaBrol application.
Some administration restricted features are not available here, but in another specific project.
IEidDocumentType - Interface in be.gaudry.model.eid
IEidFrontPanel - Interface in
IEidHandler - Interface in be.gaudry.model.eid.file
IEidPart - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart
IFilePanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls
IFileTableModel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.component.table
\n Provided by the broldev.core.swing project.
IFileView - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview
IItem<T extends ILightObject> - Interface in be.gaudry.model.crud
IItemEditor<T extends ILightObject> - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.crud
IItemPanel<T> - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.bibliobrol.utils
IItemPanel<T extends ILightObject> - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.crud
ILaf - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.laf
ILightObject - Interface in be.gaudry.model
Forces to have an id and a displayable string.
ILightObjectDAO - Interface in be.gaudry.dao
IllegalInstanceException - Exception in be.gaudry.model.exception
Thrown when trying to build a non instanciable class.
IllegalInstanceException() - Constructor for exception be.gaudry.model.exception.IllegalInstanceException
Builds an instance of this exception without specifying the class that is at fault
IllegalInstanceException(Class<?>) - Constructor for exception be.gaudry.model.exception.IllegalInstanceException
Builds an instance of the exception with the class that an instance is trying to be created
ILocalized - Interface in be.gaudry.model.locale
Allows to provide a custom GUI depending on the Locale Provided by the broldev.core.model project.
ILookAndFeelCustomize - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.laf
BrolDev applications allow users switching between some Look And Feels (lafs).
But I noticed than some laf did not render as I expected.
IMAGE_DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.ExifTag
IMAGE_HISTORY - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.ExifTag
ImageDrawer - Class in be.gaudry.swing.component.image
This utility class draws and scales an image to fit canvas of a component.
ImageDrawer() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ImageDrawer
ImagePreviewPanel - Class in be.gaudry.swing.component.filechooser
Panel to display some basic informations about an image file.
ImagePreviewPanel() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.filechooser.ImagePreviewPanel
Builds an instance of the panel
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesBibliobrol
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesChart
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesDAOCore
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesEdu
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesEid
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesMeters
imageResourcePath - Variable in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesRibbon
ImagesDirectoryHighMemoryParser - Class in
This is the first version of ImagesDirectoryParser, that parses all files before inserting matching files into the database.
ImagesDirectoryHighMemoryParser() - Constructor for class
ImagesDirectoryParser - Class in
Allows an asynchonous parsing a directory to read images to store into the Derby database.
The images name must respect this format x.ext where x is the item identifier in the database. If an image exists in the database, default behavior does not replace the database image.
ImagesDirectoryParser() - Constructor for class
ImageTableOutput - Class in be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory
ImageTableOutput() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.ImageTableOutput
Creates a ImageTableOutput object with "user homedir/yyyyMMddHHmmsssnapshot.png" as output file
ImageTableOutput(ImageTableOutput.Extension) - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.ImageTableOutput
ImageTableOutput.Extension - Enum Class in be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory
ImageZoomablePanel - Class in be.gaudry.swing.component.image
Allows to display an image and zooming on it.
ImageZoomablePanel() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ImageZoomablePanel
ImageZoomablePanel(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ImageZoomablePanel
IMainFrame - Interface in be.gaudry.swing
Defines some methods needed by the most of main JFrames in the BrolDev applications.
IMediaCleanerPanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.file.mediacleaner.controls
IMeter - Interface in be.gaudry.dao.brolmeter
Provide some persistent methods on Meters
IModel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.component.jlist
Allows to define same behaviors for SortedListModel and DefaultListModel Provided by the broldev.core2.crud project.
IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesCore
Action to import data (Arrow to the box)
IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class
IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class
importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.FavoritesDropPanel.ToTransferHandler
IMRTPPImplementation - Class in
Implementation of the TransfertPhotosParser using an ImageMetadataReader.
IMRTPPImplementation() - Constructor for class
IMultiFilesPanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.utils
INACTIVEBORDER - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
INACTIVECAPTION - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
includeSeparators() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
incrementSeasonNumber() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.mediacleaner.controls.SeasonOptionPanel
index - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.component.tabbedpane.DynamicTabbedPaneStyle.JTabbedPlafLayout.CloseButtonAction
INDEX - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.swing.brolmeter.avg.MeterAVGTableModel.EMeasureStructure
INDIANRED - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
INDIGO - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
info - Variable in enum class
info - Variable in enum class
INFO - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesPerson
INFO - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
INFO - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.swing.crud.CrudListPanel.ManagementCard
INfoEnum - Interface in be.gaudry.model.file.nfo.constants
infoGenTextPane - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.finder.control.config.SearchFullConfigurationPanel
infoGenTextPane - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.mreporter.control.config.SearchFullConfigurationPanel
INFOTEXT - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.derby.DerbyFactory
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.dao.brolmeter.derby.DerbyFactory
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
Override this to do some initializations before starting the parsing, like reset errors, etc.
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.AutoLocalizedAction
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.LocalizableAction
init() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.bibliobrol.control.CategoryPane
initArrowLabel(boolean) - Method in class
initBeMapLabel() - Method in class
initBirthLabel() - Method in class
initBirthTextField() - Method in class
initCardNumberLabel() - Method in class
initCardNumberTextField() - Method in class
initChartPanel(Meter) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.brolmeter.chart.view.BarMeterPanel
initChipLabel() - Method in class
initCipher() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.EidSettingsPanel
initConsole() - Static method in class be.gaudry.debug.ConsoleHelper
Sets the console encoding.
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.BrolPanel
Method used to initialize certain data before building the various graphical components that will then be added to the panel, during the call to BrolPanel.initGUI().
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.PersonSimpleDataEditPanel
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initData() - Method in class
initDataPanel() - Method in class
initFirstname2TextField() - Method in class
initFirstname3TextField() - Method in class
initFirstnameLabel() - Method in class
initFirstnameTextField() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.BrolPanel
Method that places the various graphical components on the panel.
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.back.DefaultBackPanel
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.PersonEidSimpleDataEditPanel
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.PersonSimpleDataEditPanel
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.AbstractExplorerPanel
initGUI() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.ExplorerPanel
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initGUI() - Method in class
initialize(Container) - Method in class com.cloudgarden.layout.AnchorLayout
initialized - Variable in class
initIdentityValidityLabel() - Method in class
initIdentityValidityTextField() - Method in class
initInsertStrs() - Method in class
initLAF() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.LookAndFeelHelper
Installs some LAFs, and sets preferred LAF
initListeners() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.BrolPanel
Method that allows to initialize listeners and bind them to already built GUI components when calling initGUI, or to bind actions (initialized in BrolPanel.initData()) to components such as buttons etc.
initListeners() - Method in class
initListeners() - Method in class
initListeners() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart.PersonSimpleDataEditPanel
initNameLabel() - Method in class
initNameTextField() - Method in class
initNationalityLabel() - Method in class
initNationalityTextField() - Method in class
initPhotoLabel() - Method in class
initRenderLevels() - Method in class
initRenderLevels() - Method in class
initSexLabel() - Method in class
initSexTextField() - Method in class
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.fontviewer.swing.FontViewerRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.BrolDevAllRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.BrolEidRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.NavigabrolRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.FinderRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.MediabrolRibbonMainFrame
initSpecificRibbon() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.ribbon.BrolRibbonMainFrame
Initialize specific ribbon.
initTransaction() - Method in class be.gaudry.dao.jpa.test.JpaGenericLightObjectTest
INotifier - Interface in be.gaudry.model.thread
Allows to report progress of a long time job.
inputscan(Diff.fileInfo) - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.Diff
inputscan Reads the file specified by pinfo.file.
insert - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.file.Diff
insert(School) - Method in class
insert(School) - Method in interface
insertData() - Method in class be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.derby.DerbyConfig
insertData() - Method in interface be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.IConfigDao
insertData() - Method in class be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.msaccess.MsAccessConfig
insertData() - Method in class be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao.mysql.MySQLConfig
insertPeriodStatement - Variable in class
insertSchoolClassStatement - Variable in class
insertSchoolStatement - Variable in class
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.utils.console.LimitLinesDocumentListener
insertYearStatement - Variable in class
installDefaults(JXStatusBar) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
installListeners(JXStatusBar) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
Create and install the listeners for the status bar.
installUI(JComponent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
instance - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.fontviewer.swing.action.FontViewerActionsFactory
instance - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.action.PhotoActionsFactory
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.action.ShowPanelController
instance - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.MReporterActionsFactory
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.NavigatorActionsFactory
instance - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.finder.action.FinderActionsFactory
INVALID_DIR_STR_KEY - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.synchro.control.RefreshSynchroPanel
INVALID_SEARCH_STR_KEY - Static variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.synchro.control.RefreshSynchroPanel
invalidAction - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.FileDesktopAction
invalidate() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.painter.BrolGradientPainter
invalidateLayout(Container) - Method in class com.cloudgarden.layout.AnchorLayout
IObservable - Interface in be.gaudry.model.thread
NOTE: This is the replacement of the deprecated Observer pattern.
IPeriod - Interface in
The IPeriod defines the contract needed to manage a time from a start date to an end date.
IPersonDao - Interface in be.gaudry.bibliobrol.dao
IPersonDao - Interface in
Defines the general contract of Person management (including subclasses like Teacher or Student).
IPersonDAO - Interface in be.gaudry.dao
IPhotoFilePanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart
IPhotoFormat - Interface in
IPhotoRefreshPanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.eid.control.eidpart
IPlanningDao - Interface in
Defines the general contract of SchoolYear or Period loading.
IPrintable - Interface in be.gaudry.model.drawing
Allows to print an item by calling a simple IPrintable.print() method without arguments.
IProcessablePanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.utils
\n Provided by the broldev.file.synchro.swing project.
IPTC - Enum constant in enum class
IPTCCORE_CREATOR_WORK_URL - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.XMPTag
IPTCTag - Enum Class in be.gaudry.model.file.meta
IPTC (Information Interchange Model) Tags Enum used to pre-define a convenient list of tags that can be easily extracted from images using this class with an external install of ExifTool.
IQuotationsTableModel - Interface in
IRememberPreferences - Interface in be.gaudry.swing
IRenamerAdapter<T,​P extends AbstractFileParser<T>> - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls
IRunnablePanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.utils
Notes : Dec 6, 2011 : IProcessablePanel added to provide more features... \n Provided by the broldev.file.synchro.swing project.
IRunnablePauseablePanel - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.utils
Provided by the broldev.file.synchro.swing project.
isAdaptEpisodeFromFilename() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls.nfo.AdaptNumberFromFilenamePanel
isAddToList() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.bibliobrol.control.CategoryPane
isAuthenticated() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.authentication.SSOLoginService
Status of the Single Sign On.
isAuthenticationFree() - Method in class
isAuthenticationFree() - Method in interface
Allows to know that the authentication is not used.
isAutoClean() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.mediacleaner.controls.MediaCleanerConsolePanel
isBordered - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.renderer.FileTableCellRenderer
isCanceled() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.dialog.DateSelectorDialog
isCanceled() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.dialog.TableOutputDialog
isCardAvailable() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidModelHelper
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.old.SimpleRenameParser
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.brolmeter.avg.MeterAVGTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
ISchoolAdminDao - Interface in
ISchoolDao - Interface in
Defines the general contract of School or SchoolClass loading.
isClearOnCardRemoved() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory.ListenEidAction
isColored() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.AbstractColoredTableOutput
isDarkMode() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.ThemeDetector
isDarkTheme() - Method in interface be.gaudry.swing.laf.ILaf
isDarkTheme() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.laf.LAF_FLATLAF
isDarkTheme() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.LookAndFeelHelper
isDarkTheme() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.laf.MainLauncherLAF
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.dnd.TransferableFile
isDBAvailable() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory
isDefaultImg() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ScaledDefaultImageLabel
isDirty() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.brolmeter.Meter
Adding or removing measures from the indexes may lead to dirty relative measures (i.e.
isDisableEnlarge() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ScaledImageLabel
isDisableShrink() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.image.ScaledImageLabel
isDisplayDate() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.AbstractTableOutput
isEdited() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.bibliobrol.Person
isEnabledByFilesCheck() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.FileDesktopAction
Override this method to allow to call FileDesktopAction.mayEnable(File) method to perform a check on files to enable or disable this action.
isEnabledByFilesCheck() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.SynchroAction
isExtendedminority() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidSpecialStatus
isExtendedMinority() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.BeIDPerson
isFeatureAdmin() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.config.Configuration
isFeatureAdvance() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.config.Configuration
isFeatureDev() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.config.Configuration
isFileSystemRoot() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.utils.FileTreeNode
isFilmFile(File) - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.parsers.RenamerFileHelper
TODO : check if extension is really needed with os like mac...
isFindAllExtensions() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.parser.SearchMediaParser
isFindDVD() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.parser.SearchMediaParser
isFitToPageWidth() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.AbstractTableOutput
isFullRefueling() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.brolmeter.VehicleMeasure
isGnome() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.ThemeDetector
isGnomeDarkMode() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.ThemeDetector
isGraphicallyEditable() - Method in class
isGraphicallyEditable() - Method in class
isGraphicallyEditable() - Method in class
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.fontviewer.swing.action.FontViewerActionsFactory.EFontViewerCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.action.BrolSwingActionsFactory.ECards
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.action.PhotoActionsFactory.ECewerCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.action.PhotoActionsFactory.ETransfertPhotosCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.bibliobrol.action.BibliobrolActionFactory.EBiblioCards
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory.EidPanels
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.MReporterActionsFactory.EFinderCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.NavigatorActionsFactory.ENavCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.action.SynchroActionsFactory.ESynchroCards
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.finder.action.FinderActionsFactory.EFinderCard
isHomePanel() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.action.RenamerActionsFactory.ERenamerCard
isHomePanel() - Method in interface
Most implementations will return false, but if the panel is the default panel it is not appropriate to show it in the panels that the user can delete, against this must still be present in the panels to be displayed if there is more than one opened panel.
isIncludeHiddenFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
isIncludeSubFolders() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
isItemSelected() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.crud.AbstractCrudListPanel
isItemSelected() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.crud.AbstractCrudPanel
isKerberosSupported(String) - Static method in class
Calls a server to know if a Kerberos service may be used.
isLeaf() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.utils.FileTreeNode
isListenDarkMode() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.LookAndFeelHelper
isLoading() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.crud.AbstractCrudPanel
isLoading() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.crud.CrudListPanel
isMacOsDarkMode() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.ThemeDetector
isMainMenu() - Method in class
isModified() - Method in class
isModified() - Method in class
isMonitorRequested() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BrolStatusBar
Allows to know if the memory monitor is requested or not.
isMouseOverBorder() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.NimbusTaskPaneUI.NimbusPaneBorder
isMoveAllSeasons() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.mediacleaner.workers.MediaCleanerParser
isMusicFile(File) - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.parsers.RenamerFileHelper
TODO : check if extension is really needed with os like mac...
isNewConfig() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.config.RememberHelper
isNfoFile(File) - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.parsers.RenamerFileHelper
TODO : check if extension is really needed with os like mac...
isOptionIntoTask() - Method in class
isOptionIntoTask() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.ribbon.BrolRibbonMainFrame
isOriginalPhysicalCardData() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.VirtualBeID
true ONLY if the data comes directly from the physical card.
isOverrideFile() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.mediacleaner.workers.MediaCleanerParser
isPanelBuilt() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.AbstractShowPanelAction
isPanelShowing() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.AbstractShowPanelAction
Determines whether this component is showing on screen.
isPaused() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.thread.AbstractBrolWorker
isPaused() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.RunnablePanelPauseAction
Returns the runnable status
isPauseProcessing() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
isPhotoFile(File) - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.parsers.RenamerFileHelper
TODO : check if extension is really needed with os like mac...
isPreCalcProgress() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
isPreCalculated() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.AbstractFileParser
Any modification on the parsing configuration wich affects the progress percentage will set this to false
isPrintAllRows() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory.AbstractTableOutput
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.mediacleaner.MediaCleanerOptionsPanel
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in interface be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls.IRenamerAdapter
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls.nfo.NfoOptionsPanel
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in class
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in class
isProcessOnlySelectedFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.controls.simple.SimpleRenamerOptionsPanel
isPseudoTab(int) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.tabbedpane.DynamicTabbedPane
Determines if the index is this of the pseudo tab with the "add" feature
isReaderAvailable() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidModelHelper
isRemoveOrigineFile() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.mediacleaner.workers.MediaCleanerParser
isSelected() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.LocalizedSelectableAction
isSelectFileOnDrop() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.FavoritesDropPanel
isShouldCopyTrailer() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.mediacleaner.workers.MediaCleanerParser
isShowFolders() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isShowHiddenFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isShowingFavouritesPanel() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.AbstractExplorerPanel
isShowingLeftPanel() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.AbstractExplorerPanel
isShowingTreePanel() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.AbstractExplorerPanel
isShowSystemFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isShowTreeFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isShowTreeHiddenFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isShowTreeSystemFiles() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isStarted() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.RunnablePanelAction
Returns the runnable status
isStarted() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory.ListenEidAction
isTestOnly() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.mediacleaner.workers.MediaCleanerParser
isTestOnly() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.parsers.AbstractFileParser
isUseMetaDate() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.renamer.old.SimpleRenameParser
isUseNativeIcons() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.component.BrolCrumbConfiguration
isValidPath() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.file.parser.RefreshSynchroParser
isVisibleInMenu() - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.AbstractShowPanelAction
Allows the controller to display the panel in the panels management controls.
isWhitecane() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidSpecialStatus
isWhiteCane() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.BeIDPerson
isWindowsDarkMode() - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.ThemeDetector
isWindowsPlatform() - Static method in class be.gaudry.model.system.WindowsUtils
Checks if the operating system is included into the Windows family.
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.CompositeTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.DICOMTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.ExifTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.IPTCTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.NikonTag
isWritable() - Method in interface be.gaudry.model.file.meta.PhotoMetaTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.PhotoshopTag
isWritable() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.meta.XMPTag
isYellowcane() - Method in enum class be.gaudry.model.eid.EidSpecialStatus
isYellowCane() - Method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.BeIDPerson
ITA - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.nfo.constants.NfoAudioLang
ITableOutput - Interface in be.gaudry.swing.component.table.output.factory
ItemCoverParser - Class in
ItemCoverParser() - Constructor for class
ItemsListSelectionListener() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.crud.AbstractCrudPanel.ItemsListSelectionListener
ItemsListSelectionListener() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.crud.CrudListPanel.ItemsListSelectionListener
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.UIManagerDefaults
ITUNES - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.ETableStyle
ITunes style
IVORY - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.color.EColors
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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