Package be.gaudry.model

package be.gaudry.model
Provides a set of classes used into the Broldev applications. \nAs described into the MVC Java Blueprint, The model represents enterprise data and the business rules that govern access to and updates of this data. Often the model serves as a software approximation to a real-world process, so simple real-world modeling techniques apply when defining the model. \nNone of these classes know any view class to be independent of the GUI, as specified into the sun MVC pattern. \n\n Although persistence classes and informations can be found in other Broldev dependencies (like be.gaudry.dao), model classes are JPA annotated; but as most of the JPA annotations are not tagged with @Documented, these informations are not into this javadoc. I think the mention of these annotations is extremely important for those who wish to persist these classes, and the inclusion of annotations JPA does not violate the principle of abstraction is to hide the internal representation. \nI am looking for a solution to this problem...