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UIManagerDefaults - Class in be.gaudry.swing.laf
UIManagerDefaults() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.laf.UIManagerDefaults
UIManagerDefaults.ChangeLookAndFeelAction - Class in be.gaudry.swing.laf
UIManagerDefaults.ExitAction - Class in be.gaudry.swing.laf
UIManagerDefaults.SafeIcon - Class in be.gaudry.swing.laf
Thanks to Jeanette for the use of this code found at: Some ui-icons misbehave in that they unconditionally class-cast to the component type they are mostly painted on.
UIManagerDefaults.SampleRenderer - Class in be.gaudry.swing.laf
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class be.gaudry.model.exception.BrolExceptionHandler
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.utils.BrolSwingExceptionHandler
UncompleteSettingException - Exception in be.gaudry.model.exception
Provided by the broldev.core.model project.
UncompleteSettingException() - Constructor for exception be.gaudry.model.exception.UncompleteSettingException
Builds an UncompleteSettingException with no detail message.
UncompleteSettingException(String) - Constructor for exception be.gaudry.model.exception.UncompleteSettingException
Builds an UncompleteSettingException with the names of the unfilled properties
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.person.EGender
Non specified
UNDEFINED_VALUE_16 - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesCore
Represents an undefined value
UNDERSCORE - Enum constant in enum class
UNDERSCORE - Enum constant in enum class
unhexify(String) - Method in class be.gaudry.model.eid.file.EidAbstractHandler
Wrapper method to ByteConverter.unhexify(String) Represents hexified bytes as documented above in their original value.
uninstallDefaults(JXStatusBar) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
uninstallListeners(JXStatusBar) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
Remove the installed listeners from the status bar.
uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.statusbar.BasicStatusBarUI
UNIT_MULTIPLES_P10 - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.UnitUtils
Powers of 10 prefixes according to the SI(International System of Units).
UNIT_MULTIPLES_P2 - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.UnitUtils
Powers of 2 prefixes according to the SI(International System of Units).
UNITS_OF_FILE_LENGTH_P10 - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.UnitUtils
String representations of the electronic data quantity scale for the power of 10 prefixes according to the SI(International System of Units) "o", "ko", "Mo", "Go", "To"
UNITS_OF_FILE_LENGTH_P2 - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.UnitUtils
String representations of the electronic data quantity scale for the power of 2 prefixes according to the SI(International System of Units) "o", "kio", "Mio", "Gio", "Tio"
UNITS_OF_TIME_SHORT - Static variable in class be.gaudry.model.UnitUtils
String representations of the time scale TODO internationalize this
UnitUtils - Class in be.gaudry.model
Allows to use and output units like time, length, weight, etc.
unlockDBKOStr - Variable in class
unlockDBOKStr - Variable in class
UNORDERED - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.swing.component.jlist.BasicSortedListModel.SortOrder
Leaves the model in its original order
UNREAL - Variable in class be.gaudry.model.file.Diff
block len > any possible real block len
unregister(Container) - Static method in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.JXTableRegistry
unSecuredActionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.action.AuthenticatedAction
Invoked if there is no loginService set.
unselectedBorder - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.component.table.renderer.FileTableCellRenderer
update() - Method in class
update() - Method in interface
Updates the DAO schema if needed and sets the new DAO version number
update(AbstractLightObject) - Method in interface be.gaudry.dao.ILightObjectDAO
update(AbstractLightObject) - Method in class be.gaudry.dao.jpa.JpaLightObjectDao
update(Person) - Method in interface be.gaudry.dao.IPersonDAO
update(Person) - Method in class be.gaudry.dao.jpa.JpaPersonDao
update(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.laf.NimbusTaskPaneUI
* Override to paint the background of the component but keeping the rounded * corners.
update(File) - Method in class be.gaudry.swing.file.SelectedFileObservable
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesSynchro
From the source to the target
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.synchro.ESynchroDirection
From the source to the target
UPDATEALL - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesSynchro
From the source to the target
updateExists() - Method in class
updateExists() - Method in interface
Reads the DAO version to know if an update is available or not.
updateLanguage(ResourceBundle) - Method in enum class
updateLanguage(ResourceBundle) - Method in enum class
updateLanguage(ResourceBundle) - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.eid.action.EidActionsFactory.EidPanels
updateLanguage(ResourceBundle) - Method in enum class be.gaudry.swing.file.renamer.action.RenamerActionsFactory.ERenamerCard
updateLazyMeter(Meter) - Method in class be.gaudry.dao.brolmeter.derby.DerbyMeter
Updates the meter informations, but not saves the measures
Usage() - Constructor for class be.gaudry.swing.component.monitor.MemoryUsageAndHistoryMonitor.Usage
Creates a new Usage object.
usageTermsTextField - Variable in class
USE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.file.nfo.constants.NfoAdaptNumber
useCameraModel - Variable in class
usedColors - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.component.monitor.MemoryUsageAndHistoryMonitor.Usage
The color of the used blocks for each block type.
useGPSCheckBox - Variable in class
useNativeIcons - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.IconsFileViewPanel
useNativeIcons - Variable in class be.gaudry.swing.file.navigator.fileview.ThumbnailsFileViewPanel
USER_LOGO - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesBibliobrol
USERS32 - Enum constant in enum class be.gaudry.model.drawing.BrolImagesPerson
usesVersion() - Method in class
If the class that extends this class does not support different physical versions of electronic identity card, it is necessary to override this method to return the value false
usesVersion() - Method in class
usesVersion() - Method in class
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form