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Fonctions de gestion de la table des symboles Compilateur LSD010Code source ou contenu du fichier
Code c (symbolsTable.c) (558 lignes)
/* * symbolsTable.c : Implementation to manage the symbols table * Part of the compiler project for LSD10 language * Gaudry Stéphane * More information on * ********************************************************** */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) #include <errno.h> #endif #include "symbolsTableDataRepresentation.h" #include "scopeStack.h" #include "scopeHelper.h" #include "common.h" #include "hashCode.h" /* * ********************************************************** * Internal business implementations * ********************************************************** */ int symbolsTableAvailable=0; /** * Memory location of the last declaration */ int memoryUpperBound=INITIAL_INT; /** * Creates a new SymTableEntry instance. */ SymTableEntry* createSymTableEntry(AstNode *declarationNode) { if(!(entry)) { if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) { printMsg(DEB_E,"Allocation Error(SymTableEntry)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } entry->next = NULL; ScopeStack *scopeStack = createScopeStack(); scopeStack->declarationNode = declarationNode; scopeStack->parentPtr = NULL; declarationNode->info->memoryLocation=memoryUpperBound; scopeStack->functionNode = (AstNode *)scopeHelperGetCurrentFunction(); if(declarationNode==getMain()) { scopeStack->usage=VAR_USAGE_ALWAYS; } entry->scopeStack = scopeStack; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;\tCreation of an entry for %s on scope %d (compiler %s, %d)....main=%s\n", declarationNode->info->name, getScopeDepth(scopeStack), __FILE__, __LINE__, getMain()==NULL?"null":"ok" ); #endif return entry; } void finalizeSymTableEntry(SymTableEntry *entry) { if(entry!=NULL) { finalizeSymTableEntry(entry->next); } } /** * Search only on a given scope stack for a declaration * Pre-condition: the scope stack matches the identifier * @param astNode, pointer to the node for witch we search the declaration * @param scopeId * @param scopeStack, pointer to the stack where to search */ ScopeStack* searchDeclarationOnStack(AstNode *astNode, int scopeId, ScopeStack *scopeStack) { if(scopeStack==NULL) { return NULL; } int foundScopeId=getScopeDepth(scopeStack); #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------Search for %s [%p, scope %d] on scope %d (compiler %s,%d)\n", astNode->info->name, astNode, foundScopeId, scopeId, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif // there is a scopeStackPtr for this identifier if(foundScopeId!=ERROR_INT && foundScopeId<=scopeId) { return scopeStack; } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n; Nothing found for %s (%p) on scope %d (compiler %s,%d)\n", astNode->info->name, astNode, scopeId, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif // search into the wrapper scope ScopeStack *parentScope = scopeStack->parentPtr; if(parentScope!=NULL) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------Try to search on parent scope [%p] for %s [%p] (compiler %s,%d)\n", parentScope, astNode->info->name, astNode, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif return searchDeclarationOnStack(astNode, scopeId, parentScope); } else { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------Scope %d, No parent scope where to search for %s (compiler %s,%d)\n", foundScopeId, astNode->info->name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif } return NULL; } /** * Search on all of the linked list of given scope stack for a declaration * @param currentNode, pointer to the node for witch we search the declaration * @param scopeId, scope where to search * @param scopeStack, pointer to the stack where to start search */ ScopeStack* searchDeclaration(AstNode *currentNode, int scopeId, SymTableEntry *entry) { if(entry==NULL || entry->scopeStack==NULL) { return NULL; } // if(currentNode==NULL) // { // return NULL; // } // if(currentNode->info==NULL) // { // return NULL; // } // test name to detect hashcode collisions { // printf( // "\n; collision: %s searched, %s found, %s next\n", // currentNode->info->name, // entry->scopeStack->declarationNode->info->name, // entry->next==NULL?"null":entry->next->scopeStack->declarationNode->info->name // ); // if there is collision of hashcodes, search into the next identifier stack return searchDeclaration(currentNode, scopeId, entry->next) ; } // printf( // "\nOK : %s searched, %s found\n", // currentNode->info->name, // entry->scopeStack->declarationNode->info->name // ); // the scope stack matches the identifier return searchDeclarationOnStack(currentNode, scopeId, entry->scopeStack); } /** * Search into the symbols table for a declaration of a given AST node for the current scope. * If no backward declaration exists, the program exits with an error message * pre-condition: astNode not NULL */ ScopeStack* getScopeDeclaration(AstNode* astNode) { int hash = getASTHashCode(astNode); ScopeStack* foundStack = NULL; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------Search for %s; current scope=%d, Table[%d] %s (compiler %s,%d)", astNode->info->name, astNode->info->scopeId, hash, declarations[hash]==NULL?"empty":"not empty", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif if(declarations[hash]!=NULL) { foundStack = searchDeclaration(astNode, scopeHelperGetCurrentScope(), declarations[hash]); // printf( // "\n;\tnode=%s; founstack=%s\n", // astNode->info->name, // foundStack==NULL?"null":foundStack->declarationNode->info->name // ); if(foundStack!=NULL && isBefore(astNode, foundStack->declarationNode)==AST_CMP_BEFORE) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) ";\n;\tForward declaration detected for %s line %d col %d, declaration line %d col%d", astNode->info->name, astNode->debug->line, astNode->debug->linePsn, foundStack->declarationNode->debug->line, foundStack->declarationNode->debug->linePsn ); #endif foundStack=NULL; } } //else printf("\nentry null (%s,%d)",__FILE__, __LINE__); if(foundStack==NULL) { char errorStr[1024];//todo: minimize length errorStr, "No previous declaration found for %s line %d col %d (compiler %s,%d)", astNode->info->name, astNode->debug->line, astNode->debug->linePsn, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); onError(errorStr, __FILE__, __LINE__, astNode); } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) #endif return foundStack; } /** * Adds a declaration into the symbols table * @param entry pointer to an existing item of linked list (to solve hash collisions) * @param declarationNode declaration to add into the symbols table * @param hash index of the item on the symbols table * pre-condition: entry not null */ void addSafeDeclaration(SymTableEntry *entry, AstNode* declarationNode, int hash) { { // hash collision detected; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------Collision detected for %s hash=%d [%s found on %p] (compiler %s,%d)", declarationNode->info->name, hash, getEntryName(entry), entry, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif SymTableEntry *nextEntry = entry->next; if(nextEntry==NULL) { SymTableEntry *tempEntry = createSymTableEntry(declarationNode); tempEntry->next=entry; // we add the new entry as first item of the linked list(proximity possible usage) declarations[hash]=tempEntry; } else { addSafeDeclaration(nextEntry, declarationNode, hash); } } else { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) "\n;------A scope exists for %s [%s] (compiler %s,%d)", declarationNode->info->name, getEntryName(entry), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif int curScope = scopeHelperGetCurrentScope(); int foundScope = getScopeDepth(entry->scopeStack); if(foundScope==curScope) { AstNode* foundNode = entry->scopeStack->declarationNode; char errorStr[1024];//todo: minimize length errorStr, "A previous declaration for %s (scope %d line %d col %d) has been detected (scope %d line %d col %d) by compiler %s,%d", declarationNode->info->name, curScope, declarationNode->debug->line, declarationNode->debug->linePsn, foundScope, foundNode->debug->line, foundNode->debug->linePsn, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); onError(errorStr, __FILE__, __LINE__, declarationNode); } pushScopesStack(&(entry->scopeStack), scopeHelperGetCurrentScope(), declarationNode); entry->scopeStack->declarationNode->info->memoryLocation=memoryUpperBound; } } /** * Parses nodes from variable usage node to root to detect if we are on a conditional bloc */ void checkUsage(ScopeStack* scopeStack, AstNode *node) { if(scopeStack==NULL) { scopeStack = getScopeDeclaration(node); } if(scopeStack!=NULL && scopeStack->usage!=VAR_USAGE_ALWAYS) { while(node->parent!=NULL) { // printf( // "\n; Check usage for %s line %d col %d, parent=%s (compiler(%s, %d)", // node->info->name, // node->debug->line, // node->debug->linePsn, // node->parent==NULL?"NULL":node->parent->info->name, // __FILE__, // __LINE__ // ); switch(node->parent->subtype) { case LEXICAL_IF_STMT: case AST_IF_ELSE_STMT: scopeStack->usage = VAR_USAGE_SOMETIMES; return; } node=node->parent; } scopeStack->usage=VAR_USAGE_ALWAYS; } } /* * ********************************************************** * Implementation of the header exposed items * See symbolsTable.h for these functions comments * ********************************************************** */ int setUsage(AstNode *currentVarNode, VariableUsage usage) { switch(currentVarNode->type) { case NODE_TYPE_ID: case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL: break; default:return EXIT_FAILURE; } ScopeStack* foundStack = getScopeDeclaration(currentVarNode); if(foundStack==NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } foundStack->usage = usage; } char *getEntryName(SymTableEntry *entry) { if(entry==NULL)return "NULL entry"; // if(entry->scopeStack==NULL)return "NULL entry stack"; // if(entry->scopeStack->declarationNode==NULL)return "NULL entry declaration node"; // if(entry->scopeStack->declarationNode->info==NULL)return "NULL entry declaration node info"; return entry->scopeStack->declarationNode->info->name; } int isSymbolsTableAvailable() { return symbolsTableAvailable; } void initializeSymbolsTable() { setHashUpperBoundary(TABLES_SIZE); initializeScopeHelper(); //declare i before ‘for’ statement because ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode int i; for(i=0;i<TABLES_SIZE;i++) { declarations[i]=NULL;//createSymTableEntry(NULL); } symbolsTableAvailable=1; } void finalizeSymbolsTable() { //printScopeUsage(); int i; for(i=0;i<TABLES_SIZE;i++) { finalizeSymTableEntry(declarations[i]); } symbolsTableAvailable=0; finalizeScopeHelper(); } void enterScope() { scopeHelperEnterScope(); } void exitScope() { scopeHelperExitScope(); } int enterFunctionScope(AstNode* functionNode) { scopeHelperEnterScope(); scopeHelperSetCurrentFunction(functionNode); } void addDeclaration(AstNode* declarationNode) { switch(declarationNode->type) { case NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL: ++memoryUpperBound; case NODE_TYPE_PARAM_DECL: case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION: { int hash = getASTHashCode(declarationNode); if(declarations[hash]==NULL) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) declarationNode->info->name, scopeHelperGetCurrentScope(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif declarations[hash]=createSymTableEntry(declarationNode); } else { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) printf(";\n; Adding %s declaration into symbols table[existing entry], scope=%d (compiler %s, line %d)", declarationNode->info->name, scopeHelperGetCurrentScope(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif addSafeDeclaration(declarations[hash], declarationNode, hash); } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) printSymbolsTableDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } break; } // A declaration node is his own declaration declarationNode->info->declarationNode=declarationNode; } AstNode* getDeclaration(AstNode *node) { if(node==NULL) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) { printMsg(DEB_E,"Illegal argument (NULL)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } #endif //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) node->info->name, node->info->declarationNode==NULL?"no":"yes", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif if(node->info->declarationNode!=NULL) { return node->info->declarationNode; } //node->info->scopeDepth=scopeHelperGetCurrentDepth(); ScopeStack* foundStack = NULL; switch(node->type) { case NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL: return node; case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION: case NODE_TYPE_PARAM: #if(VAR_USAGE_REPORT_REQUESTED) checkUsage(foundStack, node); #endif return node; case NODE_TYPE_ID: case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL: // if(node->info->declarationNode==NULL) // { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_SYM) ";\n; Declaration not yet found for %s line %d col %d, must search into table (compiler %s, line %d)", node->info->name, node->debug->line, node->debug->linePsn, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif foundStack = getScopeDeclaration(node); node->info->declarationNode = foundStack==NULL?NULL:foundStack->declarationNode; // } #if(VAR_USAGE_REPORT_REQUESTED) checkUsage(foundStack, node); #endif return node->info->declarationNode; } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) { ";\n; Error : Illegal argument (%s is not an id or a function call) On %s, Line%d", node->info->name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } #endif //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } int getDeclarationsMemoryUpperBound() { return memoryUpperBound; } int getDeclarationMemoryLocation(AstNode *node) { AstNode *declarationNode = getDeclaration(node); return declarationNode==NULL?INITIAL_INT:declarationNode->info->memoryLocation; }
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