Description du code
Génération de p-code Compilateur LSD010Code source ou contenu du fichier
Code c (pcode.c) (823 lignes)
/* * pcode.c : generation of p-code * Part of the compiler project for LSD10 language * Gaudry Stéphane * More information on http://www.gaudry.be/langages-pcode.html */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) #include <errno.h> #endif #include "common.h" #include "y.tab.h" /* * ********************************************************** * Internal business implementations * ********************************************************** */ extern int num_lines; extern char* yytext; extern int *yylineno; extern AstNode *rootNode; FILE* pcodeFile; #define RESERVED_MEM 5 int pcodeGenValue(AstNode *node); /** * Wrapper function to get location * This calls table of symbols method, and compute shift for reserved memory * Internal business */ int getShiftedMemoryLocation(AstNode *node) { if (node == NULL || !isSymbolsTableAvailable()) { onError("AST node and Table of Symbols must not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__, node); //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } int location=INITIAL_INT; switch(node->type) { case LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT: location=RESERVED_MEM; break; case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL: location = getDeclarationMemoryLocation(node)+RESERVED_MEM; location += node->info->scopeDepth>1?RESERVED_MEM:1; break; default: location = getDeclarationMemoryLocation(node); if(location<0)location=0; //if( node->info->scopeDepth>=1)location += RESERVED_MEM; break; } return location; } /** * Returns the depth difference between the call node and the declaration node * @see IHDCB332 séance 1.pdf "Laboratoire LSD010" slide 40 */ int getDepthDiff(AstNode *node) { AstNode *declaration = getDeclaration(node); // printPCode( // pcodeFile, // ";\t%s depth %d, declaration depth=%d\n", // node->info->name, // node->info->scopeDepth, // declaration->info->scopeDepth // ); int locationDiff = (node->info->scopeDepth - declaration->info->scopeDepth)-1; return locationDiff<0?0:locationDiff; } void printLoad(int type, int depthDiff, int location) { switch(type) { case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i %d %d\n", depthDiff, location); break; case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda b %d %d\n", depthDiff, location); break; case AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE: //@todo: by val, by address //printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda a %d %d\n", getDepthDiff(node), location+RESERVED_MEM); break; } } int pcodeGenAddress(AstNode *node) { if (node == NULL) { return 0; } if(!isSymbolsTableAvailable()) { onError("Table of Symbols must not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__, node); //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } // printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tGenerate address for node %s\n", node->info->name); int location; int depthDiff = 0; switch (node->type) { case NODE_TYPE_ID: location = getShiftedMemoryLocation(node); depthDiff=getDepthDiff(node); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tGenerate address for %s variable\n",node->info->name); printLoad(node->info->computedType, depthDiff, location+RESERVED_MEM); break; // case LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT: // printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tStart generate address for return statement\n"); // location = getShiftedMemoryLocation(node); // printLoad(node->info->computedType, depthDiff, location); // switch(node->info->computedType) // { // case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: // printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); // printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); // break; // case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: // printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind b\n"); // printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto b\n"); // break; // } // printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tEnd generate address for return statement\n"); // break; } return 0; } /** * */ void pcodeGenParam(AstNode *node) { // printPCode( // pcodeFile, // ";\tGenerate %s Parameter (compiler %s, %d)\n", // node->info->name, // __FILE__, // __LINE__ // ); switch(node->subtype) { case LEXICAL_VAR://NODE_DECL_PADR: pcodeGenAddress(node); break; default://case NODE_DECL_PVAL: pcodeGenValue(node); break; /* * case stack by val : * pcodeGenValue(node); * printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind a"); */ } } /** * Recursive method to produce p-code from AST */ int pcodeGenValue(AstNode *node) { int location = INITIAL_INT; static int staticLabel = 0; int label = staticLabel; int rightLabel = INITIAL_INT; int leftLabel = INITIAL_INT; staticLabel++; if (node == NULL){ return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(!isSymbolsTableAvailable()) { onError("Table of Symbols must not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } char str[1024];//todo: minimize length #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_P) str, "pcodeGenValue %s (%d) (%s, line %d)", typeToString(node->type), node->type, node->debug->file, node->debug->line ); printMsg(DEB_P, str, __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tGenerate value for node %s\n", node->info->name); // printf( // ";\n;\tp-code : %s (%s, %s) line %d col %d (compiler %s, %d)\n", // node->info->name, // typeToString(node->type), // typeToString(node->subtype), // node->debug->line, // node->debug->linePsn, // __FILE__, // __LINE__ // ); switch (node->type) { case NUMBER: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Generate value for %d integer constant\n",node->info->value); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc i %d\n", node->info->value); break; case LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Generate value for true boolean constant\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc b 1\n"); break; case LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Generate value for false boolean constant\n",node->info->value); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc b 0\n"); break; case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONS: //function pcodeGenValue(node->right); //functions pcodeGenValue(node->left); break; case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tStart of %s function\n",node->info->name); location = getShiftedMemoryLocation(node); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @fct_%s_%d\n",node->info->name,location); //int varsCount=getDeclarationsMemoryUpperBound(); AstNode *arg = node->left; int varsCount=0; //get params count while(arg!=NULL) { switch(arg->type) { case NODE_TYPE_PARAM_LIST: varsCount++; arg=arg->right; break; case NODE_TYPE_PARAM: varsCount++; arg=NULL; break; default: arg=NULL; } } arg=node->right; //get declarations count while(arg!=NULL) { switch(arg->type) { case NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER: if( arg->left!=NULL && (arg->left->type==NODE_TYPE_DECLARATIONS||arg->left->type==NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL) ) { arg=arg->left; } else { arg=NULL; } break; case NODE_TYPE_DECLARATIONS: if(arg->left!=NULL && arg->left->type==NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL) { varsCount++; } arg=arg->right; break; case NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL: varsCount++; arg=NULL; break; default: arg=NULL; } } printPCode(pcodeFile, "ssp %d\n",varsCount+RESERVED_MEM); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ujp @fct_body_%s_%d\n",node->info->name, location); pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @fct_body_%s_%d\n",node->info->name,location); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i %d %d\n", 0, 0);//args= {diff, rel addr} ?? pcodeGenValue(node->right); if(node->info->returnStatement!=NULL) { printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tReturn\n"); // pcodeGenAddress(node->info->returnStatement); switch (node->info->returnStatement->info->computedType) { case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); break; case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto b\n"); break; case AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto a\n"); break; default: onNotIntegerNotBooleanTypeError(node, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } printPCode(pcodeFile, "retf\n"); } printPCode(pcodeFile, "retf\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tEnd of %s function\n",node->info->name); break; case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL: { printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---%s function call\n",node->info->name); printPCode(pcodeFile, "mst %d\n", getDepthDiff(node)); AstNode *arg = node->left; int paramsCount=0; while(arg!=NULL) { switch(arg->type) { case NODE_TYPE_PARAM_LIST: pcodeGenParam(arg->left); paramsCount++; arg=arg->right; break; case NODE_TYPE_PARAM: pcodeGenParam(arg); paramsCount++; arg=NULL; break; default: // These types are the only allowed types for parameters // Must trigger an error here? arg=NULL; } } // printPCode( pcodeFile, "cup %d @fct_%s_%d\n", paramsCount, node->info->name, getShiftedMemoryLocation(node->info->declarationNode) ); } break; case NODE_TYPE_REXP: // printf( // ";\n;\t*************tp-code %s =>%s=> %sline %d col %d (compiler %s, %d)\n", // node->left==NULL?"NULL":node->left->info->name, // typeToString(node->subtype), // node->right==NULL?"NULL":node->right->info->name, // node->debug->line, // node->debug->linePsn, // __FILE__, // __LINE__ // ); switch(node->subtype) { //Integer operations case LEXICAL_PLUS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start + operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "add i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start + operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_MINUS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start - operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "sub i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start - operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_MULT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start * operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "mul i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start * operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_DIV: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start DIV operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc i 0\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "equ i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @div_%d\n", label); /* here left == 0 */ printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tdiv division by 0 !!\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "stp\n"); /* else left != 0 */ printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tbegin of div\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @div_%d\n",label); label++; pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "div i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start DIV operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_MOD: { printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start mod operation (b mod a)\n"); int modLeft=5; int modRight=6; printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modLeft); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modRight); pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tchecks if b == 0\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modLeft); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc i 0\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "equ i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @mod_%d\n", label); /* here left == 0 */ printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tmod division by 0 !!\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "stp\n"); /* else left != 0 */ printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @mod_%d\n",label); label++; //load left printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modRight); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modRight); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modLeft); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "div i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "lda i 0 %d\n",modLeft); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "mul i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "sub i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start MOD operation\n"); } break; //Boolean operations case LEXICAL_EQUALS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start == operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "equ b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start == operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start <= operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "leq b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start <= operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_LESS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start < operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "les b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start < operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_ANDLAZY: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start & operation\n"); leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; pcodeGenValue(node->left); //set condition for the false jump(exp_1) pcodeGenValue(node->left); char andLazy[7+1] = "andLazy"; printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @%s%d\n", andLazy, leftLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "and b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @%s%d\n", andLazy, leftLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start & operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_AND: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start && operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->right); pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "and b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start && operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_ORLAZY: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start | operation\n"); leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; pcodeGenValue(node->left); //set condition for the false jump(exp_1) pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "not b\n"); char orLazy[6+1] = "orLazy"; printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @%s%d\n", orLazy, leftLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "or b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @%s%d\n", orLazy, leftLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start | operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_OR: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start || operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->right); pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "or b\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start || operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_NOT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---NOT operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "not b\n"); break; case LEXICAL_ISEMPTY_OPS : printPCode(pcodeFile, "ldc b 1\n"); break; default: pcodeGenValue(node->right); pcodeGenValue(node->left); break; } break; case NODE_TYPE_PARAM_DECL: { printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start %s param declaration\n",node->info->name); char nodeArgType[1+1];//because I have some problems with %c on printPCode char *pnodeArgType = nodeArgType; switch(node->info->computedType) { case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: pnodeArgType="i"; break; case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: pnodeArgType="b"; break; case AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE: pnodeArgType="a"; break; default: onNotIntegerNotBooleanTypeError(node, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } char varInst[3+1]; char *varInstp=varInst; if( node->subtype==LEXICAL_VAR) { varInstp="lda"; } else if( node->subtype==ID) { varInstp="lod"; pnodeArgType="a"; } else { str, "Unsupported subtype %s (%d) for %s, only %s or %s are allowed (%s, line %d)", typeToString(node->subtype), node->type, node->info->name, typeToString(LEXICAL_VAR), typeToString(ID), node->debug->file, node->debug->line ); onError(str, __FILE__, __LINE__, node); //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } printPCode(pcodeFile, "%s %s %d %d\n", varInstp, pnodeArgType, getDepthDiff(node), getShiftedMemoryLocation(node)); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind %s\n", pnodeArgType); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of %s param declaration\n",node->info->name); } break; case NODE_TYPE_ID: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---%s id\n",node->info->name); pcodeGenAddress(node); switch (node->info->computedType) { case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind i\n"); break; case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind b\n"); break; case AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "ind a\n"); break; default: onNotIntegerNotBooleanTypeError(node, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } break; // case LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT: // break; case NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT: switch(node->subtype) { case LEXICAL_AFFECTATION: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start affectation\n"); pcodeGenAddress(node->left); //printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tAFFECT right %d--%d\n",node->right->type,node->right->subtype); pcodeGenValue(node->right); switch (node->right->info->computedType) { case AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); break; case AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto b\n"); break; case AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE: printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto a\n"); break; default: onNotIntegerNotBooleanTypeError(node, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tEnd of affectation\n"); break; //Flow control operations case LEXICAL_IF_STMT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start if statement\n"); leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; //set condition for the false jump pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @endif_%d\n", leftLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @endif_%d\n", leftLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of if statement\n"); break; case AST_IF_ELSE_STMT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start if...else... statement\n"); leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; //set condition for the false jump pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @then_%d\n", leftLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ujp @endif_%d\n", rightLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @then_%d\n", leftLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @endif_%d\n", rightLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of if...else... statement\n"); break; case LEXICAL_FOR_STMT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start for statement\n"); // for(pre_instructions:condition:post_instructions_loop){instructions_loop} // is translated into // pre_instructions; while(condition){instructions_loop;post_instructions_loop} leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; // pre_instructions if(node->right!=NULL && node->right->left!=NULL) { //printf("\n; FLEXICAL_OR statement pre_instructions (compiler %s, %d)",__FILE__,__LINE__); pcodeGenValue(node->right->left->left); } // while printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @for_%d\n", leftLabel); //set condition for the false jump pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @endfor_%d\n", rightLabel); // instructions_loop if(node->right!=NULL) { //printf("\n; FLEXICAL_OR statement instructions_loop (compiler %s, %d)",__FILE__,__LINE__); pcodeGenValue(node->right->right); } // post_instructions_loop if(node->right!=NULL && node->right->left!=NULL) { //printf("\n; FLEXICAL_OR statement post_instructions_loop (compiler %s, %d)",__FILE__,__LINE__); pcodeGenValue(node->right->left->right); } printPCode(pcodeFile, "ujp @for_%d\n", leftLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @endfor_%d\n", rightLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of for statement\n"); break; case LEXICAL_WHILE_STMT: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start while statement\n"); leftLabel = staticLabel++; rightLabel = staticLabel++; printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @while_%d\n", leftLabel); //set condition for the false jump pcodeGenValue(node->left); printPCode(pcodeFile, "fjp @endwhile_%d\n", rightLabel); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ujp @while_%d\n", leftLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @endwhile_%d\n", rightLabel); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of while statement\n"); break; default: pcodeGenValue(node->right); pcodeGenValue(node->left); break; } break; case LEXICAL_READ_OPS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start read operation\n"); pcodeGenAddress(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "read\n"); //Only integer argument allowed for read (Spec. 6.2) printPCode(pcodeFile, "sto i\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of read operation\n"); break; case LEXICAL_WRITE_OPS: printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---Start write operation\n"); pcodeGenValue(node->right); printPCode(pcodeFile, "prin\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\t---End of write operation\n"); break; // case NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER: // case NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_BODY: // case NODE_TYPE_DECLARATIONS: // pcodeGenValue(node->left); // pcodeGenValue(node->right); // break; default: pcodeGenValue(node->left); pcodeGenValue(node->right); //onUnrecognizedTypeError(node->type, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * ********************************************************** * Implementation of the header exposed items * See pcode.h for these functions comments * ********************************************************** */ int generatePCode() { if(rootNode==NULL) { //To check : Meaning of a null node, is it an error or only a warning? onError("Root node may not be null", __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(!isSymbolsTableAvailable()) { onError("Table of Symbols must not be NULL", __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); //Failure of the compiler behavior, independent of the parsed code } #if(PCODE_FILE_REQUESTED) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Open p-code file...ERRLEXICAL_OR", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif }else { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) "\n; Open %s p-code file...OK\n", PCODE_FILE, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); #endif } #endif printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tStart program\n"); // int maxMem = getDeclarationsMemoryUpperBound(); // printPCode(pcodeFile, "ssp %d\n", (maxMem<= 0) ? 0 : maxMem ); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ssp 0\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "mst 0\n"); int mainMemLoc = getShiftedMemoryLocation(getMain()); printPCode(pcodeFile, "cup 0 @fct_%s_%d\n", getMain()->info->name, mainMemLoc); printPCode(pcodeFile, "ujp @program_end\n"); int ret = pcodeGenValue(rootNode); printPCode(pcodeFile, "define @program_end\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, "stp\n"); printPCode(pcodeFile, ";\tEnd of program\n"); if(PCODE_FILE_REQUESTED && pcodeFile!=NULL) { } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_P) printSymbolsTableDebug(__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif return ret; }
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- Suite de Fibonacci Exemple de récursion en C
- astDataRepresentation.h Représentation de données de l'arbre syntaxique abstrait Compilateur LSD010
- ast.h Arbre syntaxique abstrait Compilateur LSD010
- ast.c Arbre syntaxique abstrait Compilateur LSD010
- symbolsTableDataRepresentation.h Représentation de données de la table des symboles Compilateur LSD010
- symbolsTable.h Fonctions de gestion de la table des symboles Compilateur LSD010
- symbolsTable.c Fonctions de gestion de la table des symboles Compilateur LSD010
- hashCode.h Fonctions de hachage Compilateur LSD010
- hashCode.c Fonctions de hachage Compilateur LSD010
- scopeStack.h Fonctions de gestion d'une pile de portées Compilateur LSD010
- scopeStack.c Fonctions de gestion d'une pile de portées Compilateur LSD010
- scopeHelper.h Fonctions de gestion de la portée courante Compilateur LSD010
- console.h Fonctions d'affichage Compilateur LSD010
- console.c Fonctions d'affichage Compilateur LSD010
- graphVizHelper.h Génération d'une image d'un arbre syntaxique abstrait.
Classe d'intégration de l'outil GraphViz. Compilateur LSD010 - graphVizHelper.c Génération d'une image d'un arbre syntaxique abstrait.
Classe d'intégration de l'outil GraphViz. Compilateur LSD010 - common.h Définition des constantes et variables communes Compilateur LSD010
- pcode.c Génération de p-code Compilateur LSD010
- pcode.h Génération de p-code Compilateur LSD010
- Tous les extraits
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Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/sniplet-rf-lsd010/project/source/pcode.c.html
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