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Devoxx - Thucydides

To ATDD and beyond! Better Automated Acceptance Testing on the JVM
by John Smart

est Driven Development is a game changer for developers, but Automated Acceptance Testing (ATDD) is a game changer for the whole team! More than just a testing technique, Automated Acceptance Testing is both a collaboration tool and a vital step on the road to Continuous Delivery.

In this talk, you will see a real-world demo applying practical ATDD techniques to real-world projects using JBehave, Selenium 2 and Thucydides. Learn how to write better and more maintainable automated acceptance tests, and see how a well-designed set of automated acceptance tests can also be a powerful documentation and reporting tool.

See how tools like JBehave and Thucidides can help you structure your acceptance tests and generate powerful documentation, with narrative feature descriptions, screen shots, test coverage, and project progress reports.

And learn how product owners use ATDD and Thucydides to drive, coordinate and document releases.

Source: Devoxx


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8 mots clés

Document créé le 31/01/2014, dernière modification le 27/09/2024
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