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Rechercher une fonction PHP

MaxDB Functions

Predefined Classes


Represents a connection between PHP and a MaxDB database.

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  • maxdb - construct a new maxdb object

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  • autocommit - turns on or off auto-commiting database modifications

  • change_user - changes the user of the specified database connection

  • character_set_name - returns the default character set for the database connection

  • close - closes a previously opened connection

  • commit - commits the current transaction

  • connect - opens a new connection to MaxDB database server

  • debug - performs debugging operations

  • dump_debug_info - dumps debug information

  • get_client_info - returns client version

  • get_host_info - returns type of connection used

  • get_server_info - returns version of the MaxDB server

  • get_server_version - returns version of the MaxDB server

  • init - initializes maxdb object

  • info - retrieves information about the most recently executed query

  • kill - asks the server to kill a MaxDB thread

  • multi_query - performs multiple queries

  • more_results - check if more results exist from currently executed multi-query

  • next_result - reads next result from currently executed multi-query

  • options - set options

  • ping - pings a server connection or reconnects if there is no connection

  • prepare - prepares an SQL query

  • query - performs a query

  • real_connect - attempts to open a connection to MaxDB database server

  • escape_string - escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection

  • rollback - rolls back the current transaction

  • select_db - selects the default database

  • ssl_set - sets ssl parameters

  • stat - gets the current system status

  • stmt_init- initializes a statement for use with maxdb_stmt_prepare

  • store_result - transfers a resultset from last query

  • use_result - transfers an unbuffered resultset from last query

  • thread-safe - returns whether thread safety is given or not

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  • affected_rows - gets the number of affected rows in a previous MaxDB operation

  • client_info - returns the MaxDB client version as a string

  • client_version - returns the MaxDB client version as an integer

  • errno - returns the error code for the most recent function call

  • error - returns the error string for the most recent function call

  • field_count - returns the number of columns for the most recent query

  • host_info - returns a string representing the type of connection used

  • info - retrieves information about the most recently executed query

  • insert_id - returns the auto generated id used in the last query

  • protocol_version - returns the version of the MaxDB protocol used

  • sqlstate - returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last error

  • thread_id - returns the thread ID for the current connection

  • warning_count - returns the number of warnings generated during execution of the previous SQL statement


Represents a prepared statement.

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  • bind_param - binds variables to a prepared statement

  • bind_result - binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage

  • close - closes a prepared statement

  • data-seek - seeks to an arbitrary row in a statement result set

  • execute - executes a prepared statement

  • fetch - fetches result from a prepared statement into bound variables

  • free_result - frees stored result memory for the given statement handle

  • result_metadata - retrieves a resultset from a prepared statement for metadata information

  • prepare - prepares an SQL query

  • send_long_data - sends data in chunks

  • close_long_data - end sending long data

  • reset - resets a prepared statement

  • store_result - buffers complete resultset from a prepared statement

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  • affected_rows - returns affected rows from last statement execution

  • errno - returns errorcode for last statement function

  • errno - returns errormessage for last statement function

  • param_count - returns number of parameter for a given prepare statement

  • sqlstate - returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last statement function


Represents the result set obtained from a query against the database.

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  • close - closes resultset

  • data_seek - moves internal result pointer

  • fetch_field - gets column information from a resultset

  • fetch_fields - gets information for all columns from a resulset

  • fetch_field_direct - gets column information for specified column

  • fetch_array - fetches a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.

  • fetch_assoc - fetches a result row as an associative array

  • fetch_object - fetches a result row as an object

  • fetch_row - gets a result row as an enumerated array

  • close - frees result memory

  • field_seek - set result pointer to a specified field offset

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  • current_field - returns offset of current fieldpointer

  • field_count - returns number of fields in resultset

  • lengths - returns an array of columnlengths

  • num_rows - returns number of rows in resultset

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Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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