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Rechercher une fonction PHP


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

ldap_listSingle-level search


ldap_list ( resource $link_identifier , string $base_dn , string $filter [, array $attributes = array("*") [, int $attrsonly = 0 [, int $sizelimit = -1 [, int $timelimit = -1 [, int $deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER [, array $serverctrls = array() ]]]]]] ) : resource

Performs the search for a specified filter on the directory with the scope LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL.

LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL means that the search should only return information that is at the level immediately below the base_dn given in the call. (Equivalent to typing "ls" and getting a list of files and folders in the current working directory.)

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An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().


The base DN for the directory.



An array of the required attributes, e.g. array("mail", "sn", "cn"). Note that the "dn" is always returned irrespective of which attributes types are requested.

Using this parameter is much more efficient than the default action (which is to return all attributes and their associated values). The use of this parameter should therefore be considered good practice.


Should be set to 1 if only attribute types are wanted. If set to 0 both attributes types and attribute values are fetched which is the default behaviour.


Enables you to limit the count of entries fetched. Setting this to 0 means no limit.


This parameter can NOT override server-side preset sizelimit. You can set it lower though.

Some directory server hosts will be configured to return no more than a preset number of entries. If this occurs, the server will indicate that it has only returned a partial results set. This also occurs if you use this parameter to limit the count of fetched entries.


Sets the number of seconds how long is spend on the search. Setting this to 0 means no limit.


This parameter can NOT override server-side preset timelimit. You can set it lower though.


Specifies how aliases should be handled during the search. It can be one of the following:

  • LDAP_DEREF_NEVER - (default) aliases are never dereferenced.
  • LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING - aliases should be dereferenced during the search but not when locating the base object of the search.
  • LDAP_DEREF_FINDING - aliases should be dereferenced when locating the base object but not during the search.
  • LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS - aliases should be dereferenced always.


Array of LDAP Controls to send with the request.

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Return Values

Returns a search result identifier or FALSE on error.

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Version Description
7.3 Support for serverctrls added

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Example #1 Produce a list of all organizational units of an organization

// $ds is a valid link identifier for a directory server

$basedn "o=My Company, c=US";
$justthese = array("ou");

$sr ldap_list($ds$basedn"ou=*"$justthese);

$info ldap_get_entries($ds$sr);

for (
$i=0$i $info["count"]; $i++) {

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