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(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_stmt_bind_param -- maxdb_stmt::bind_paramBinds variables to a prepared statement as parameters

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Procedural style

maxdb_stmt_bind_param ( resource $stmt , string $types , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] ) : bool

Object oriented style

maxdb_stmt::bind_param ( string $types , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] ) : bool

Procedural style (extended syntax):

maxdb_stmt_bind_param ( resource $stmt , string $types , array &$var ) : bool

Object oriented style (extended syntax):

maxdb_stmt::bind_param ( string $types , array &$var ) : bool

maxdb_stmt_bind_param() is used to bind variables for the parameter markers in the SQL statement that was passed to maxdb_prepare(). The string types contains one or more characters which specify the types for the corresponding bind variables.

The extended syntax of maxdb_stmt_bind_param() allows to give the parameters as an array instead of a variable list of PHP variables to the function. If the array variable has not been used before calling maxdb_stmt_bind_param(), it has to be initialized as an emtpy array. See the examples how to use maxdb_stmt_bind_param() with extended syntax.

Variables for SELECT INTO SQL statements can also be bound using maxdb_stmt_bind_param(). Parameters for database procedures can be bound using maxdb_stmt_bind_param(). See the examples how to use maxdb_stmt_bind_param() in this cases.

If a variable bound as INTO variable to an SQL statement was used before, the content of this variable is overwritten by the data of the SELECT INTO statement. A reference to this variable will be invalid after a call to maxdb_stmt_bind_param().

For INOUT parameters of database procedures the content of the bound INOUT variable is overwritten by the output value of the database procedure. A reference to this variable will be invalid after a call to maxdb_stmt_bind_param().

Type specification chars
Character Description
i corresponding variable has type integer
d corresponding variable has type double
s corresponding variable has type string
b corresponding variable is a blob and will be sent in packages

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Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

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Example #1 Object oriented style

= new maxdb('localhost''MONA''RED''DEMODB');

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$maxdb->query ("CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE");
$maxdb->query ("INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM");

$stmt $maxdb->prepare("INSERT INTO temp.mycity VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

$zip '11111';
$name 'Georgetown';
$state 'NY';

/* execute prepared statement */

printf("%d Row inserted.\n"$stmt->affected_rows);

/* close statement and connection */

/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */
$maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='Georgetown'");
printf("%d Row deleted.\n"$maxdb->affected_rows);

/* close connection */

Example #2 Procedural style


/* check connection */
if (!$link) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

maxdb_query ($link"CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE");
maxdb_query ($link"INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM");

$stmt maxdb_prepare($link"INSERT INTO temp.mycity VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

$zip '11111';
$name 'Georgetown';
$state 'NY';

/* execute prepared statement */

printf("%d Row inserted.\n"maxdb_stmt_affected_rows($stmt));

/* close statement and connection */

/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */
maxdb_query($link"DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='Georgetown'");
printf("%d Row deleted.\n"maxdb_affected_rows($link));

/* close connection */

The above example will output something similar to:

1 Row inserted.
1 Row deleted.

Example #3 Procedural style (SELECT INTO)


/* check connection */
if (!$link) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

/* Performing SQL query */
$stmt maxdb_prepare ($link"SELECT price INTO ? FROM where hno = ? and type = ?");
if (!
$stmt) {
printf ("Prepare failed: %s\n"maxdb_error($link));

$hno "50";
$rtype "suite";


printf ("%f\n"$price);

maxdb_stmt_close ($stmt);

The above example will output something similar to:


Example #4 Procedural style (DB procedure)


/* check connection */
if (!$link) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

maxdb_report (MAXDB_REPORT_OFF);
maxdb_query($link,"DROP DBPROC test_proc");
maxdb_report (MAXDB_REPORT_ERROR);

$query "create dbproc test_proc (INOUT e_text char(72)) AS select * from SYSDBA.DUAL; fetch into :e_text;";


/* Performing SQL query */
$stmt maxdb_prepare ($link"CALL test_proc (?)");
if (!
$stmt) {
printf ("Prepare failed: %s\n"maxdb_error($link));


printf ("%s\n"$result);

maxdb_stmt_close ($stmt);

The above example will output something similar to:


Example #5 Object oriented style (extended syntax)

= new maxdb('localhost''MONA''RED''DEMODB');

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$maxdb->query ("CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE");
$maxdb->query ("INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM");

$stmt $maxdb->prepare("INSERT INTO temp.mycity VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

$arr = array();


$arr[0] = 11111;
$arr[1] = 'Georgetown';
$arr[2] = 'NY';

/* execute prepared statement */

printf("%d Row inserted.\n"maxdb_stmt_affected_rows($stmt));

$arr[0] = 22222;
$arr[1] = 'New Orleans';
$arr[2] = 'LA';

/* execute prepared statement */

printf("%d Row inserted.\n"$stmt->affected_rows);

/* close statement and connection */

$result $maxdb->query("SELECT * from temp.mycity WHERE zip = '11111' OR zip = '22222'");
if (
$result) {
  while (
$row $result->fetch_row()) {
printf ("%s %s %s\n"$row[0], $row[1], $row[2]);

/* Clean up table CountryLanguage */
$maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='Georgetown'");
$maxdb->query("DELETE FROM temp.mycity WHERE name='New Orleans'");
printf("%d Rows deleted.\n"$maxdb->affected_rows);

/* close connection */

The above example will output something similar to:

1 Row inserted.
1 Row inserted.
11111 Georgetown NY
22222 New Orleans LA
2 Rows deleted.

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See Also

Zoek een PHP-functie

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Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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