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Rechercher une fonction PHP

General Information

This section holds the most general questions about PHP: what it is and what it does.

What is PHP?

From the preface of the manual:

PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.

What does PHP stand for?

PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. This confuses many people because the first word of the acronym is the acronym. This type of acronym is called a recursive acronym. For more information, the curious can visit » Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing or the » Wikipedia entry on recursive acronyms.

What is the relation between the versions?

PHP/FI 2.0 is an early and no longer supported version of PHP. PHP 3 is the successor to PHP/FI 2.0 and is a lot nicer. PHP 7 is the current generation of PHP, which uses the Zend engine 3 which, among other things, offers many additional OOP features.

Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time?

Yes. See the INSTALL file that is included in the PHP source distribution.

I think I found a bug! Who should I tell?

You should go to the PHP Bug Database and make sure the bug isn't a known bug. If you don't see it in the database, use the reporting form to report the bug. It is important to use the bug database instead of just sending an email to one of the mailing lists because the bug will have a tracking number assigned and it will then be possible for you to go back later and check on the status of the bug. The bug database can be found at »

Zoek een PHP-functie

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Bij voorbaat dank.

Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
Bron van het afgedrukte document:

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