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(PECL ibm_db2 >= 1.1.1)

db2_server_infoReturns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server


db2_server_info ( resource $connection ) : object

This function returns an object with read-only properties that return information about the IBM DB2, Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database server. The following table lists the database server properties:

Database server properties
Property name Return type Description
DBMS_NAME string The name of the database server to which you are connected. For DB2 servers this is a combination of DB2 followed by the operating system on which the database server is running.
DBMS_VER string The version of the database server, in the form of a string "" where MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and uuuu is the update. For example, "08.02.0001" represents major version 8, minor version 2, update 1.
DB_CODEPAGE int The code page of the database to which you are connected.
DB_NAME string The name of the database to which you are connected.

The default transaction isolation level supported by the server:


Uncommitted read: changes are immediately visible by all concurrent transactions.


Cursor stability: a row read by one transaction can be altered and committed by a second concurrent transaction.


Read stability: a transaction can add or remove rows matching a search condition or a pending transaction.


Repeatable read: data affected by pending transaction is not available to other transactions.


No commit: any changes are visible at the end of a successful operation. Explicit commits and rollbacks are not allowed.

IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR string The character used to delimit an identifier.
INST_NAME string The instance on the database server that contains the database.
ISOLATION_OPTION array An array of the isolation options supported by the database server. The isolation options are described in the DFT_ISOLATION property.
KEYWORDS array An array of the keywords reserved by the database server.
LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE bool TRUE if the database server supports the use of % and _ wildcard characters. FALSE if the database server does not support these wildcard characters.
MAX_COL_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a column name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN int Maximum length of an SQL identifier supported by the database server, expressed in characters.
MAX_INDEX_SIZE int Maximum size of columns combined in an index supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a procedure name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_ROW_SIZE int Maximum length of a row in a base table supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a schema name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_STATEMENT_LEN int Maximum length of an SQL statement supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN int Maximum length of a table name supported by the database server, expressed in bytes.
NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS bool TRUE if the database server supports columns that can be defined as NOT NULL, FALSE if the database server does not support columns defined as NOT NULL.
PROCEDURES bool TRUE if the database server supports the use of the CALL statement to call stored procedures, FALSE if the database server does not support the CALL statement.
SPECIAL_CHARS string A string containing all of the characters other than a-Z, 0-9, and underscore that can be used in an identifier name.

The level of conformance to the ANSI/ISO SQL-92 specification offered by the database server:


Entry-level SQL-92 compliance.


FIPS-127-2 transitional compliance.


Full level SQL-92 compliance.


Intermediate level SQL-92 compliance.

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Specifies an active DB2 client connection.

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Return Values

Returns an object on a successful call. Returns FALSE on failure.

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Example #1 A db2_server_info() example

To retrieve information about the server, you must pass a valid database connection resource to db2_server_info().



$server db2_server_info$conn );

if (
$server) {
"DBMS_NAME: ";                 var_dump$server->DBMS_NAME );
"DBMS_VER: ";                  var_dump$server->DBMS_VER );
"DB_CODEPAGE: ";               var_dump$server->DB_CODEPAGE );
"DB_NAME: ";                   var_dump$server->DB_NAME );
"INST_NAME: ";                 var_dump$server->INST_NAME );
"SPECIAL_CHARS: ";             var_dump$server->SPECIAL_CHARS );
"KEYWORDS: ";                  var_dumpsizeof($server->KEYWORDS) );
"DFT_ISOLATION: ";             var_dump$server->DFT_ISOLATION );
$il '';
$server->ISOLATION_OPTION as $opt )
$il .= $opt." ";
var_dump$il );
"SQL_CONFORMANCE: ";           var_dump$server->SQL_CONFORMANCE );
"PROCEDURES: ";                var_dump$server->PROCEDURES );
"LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE: ";        var_dump$server->LIKE_ESCAPE_CLAUSE );
"MAX_COL_NAME_LEN: ";          var_dump$server->MAX_COL_NAME_LEN );
"MAX_ROW_SIZE: ";              var_dump$server->MAX_ROW_SIZE );
"MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN: ";        var_dump$server->MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN );
"MAX_INDEX_SIZE: ";            var_dump$server->MAX_INDEX_SIZE );
"MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN: ";         var_dump$server->MAX_PROC_NAME_LEN );
"MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN: ";       var_dump$server->MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN );
"MAX_STATEMENT_LEN: ";         var_dump$server->MAX_STATEMENT_LEN );
"MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN: ";        var_dump$server->MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN );


The above example will output:

DBMS_NAME: string(9) "DB2/LINUX"
DBMS_VER: string(10) "08.02.0000"
DB_CODEPAGE: int(1208)
DB_NAME: string(6) "SAMPLE"
INST_NAME: string(8) "db2inst1"
SPECIAL_CHARS: string(2) "@#"
KEYWORDS: int(179)
DFT_ISOLATION: string(2) "CS"
SQL_CONFORMANCE: string(7) "FIPS127"
PROCEDURES: bool(true)
MAX_ROW_SIZE: int(32677)
MAX_INDEX_SIZE: int(1024)
MAX_STATEMENT_LEN: int(2097152)

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See Also

  • db2_client_info() - Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client

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