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Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

The following constants can be used when executing SQL statement. They can be passed to cubrid_prepare() and cubrid_execute().

CUBRID SQL execution flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_INCLUDE_OID Determine whether to get OID during query execution.
CUBRID_ASYNC Execute the query in asynchronous mode.
CUBRID_EXEC_QUERY_ALL Execute the query in synchronous mode. This flag must be set when executing multiple SQL statements.

The following constants can be used when fetching the results to specify fetch behaviour. They can be passed to cubrid_fetch() and cubrid_fetch_array().

CUBRID fetch flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_NUM Get query result as a numeric array (0-default).
CUBRID_ASSOC Get query result as an associative array.
CUBRID_BOTH Get query result as both numeric and associative arrays (default value).
CUBRID_OBJECT Get query result an object.
CUBRID_LOB The constant CUBRID_LOB can be used when you want to operate the lob object. It can be passed to cubrid_fetch(), cubrid_fetch_row(), cubrid_fetch_array(), cubrid_fetch_assoc() and cubrid_fetch_object().

The following constants can be used when positioning the cursor in query results. They can be passed to or returned by cubrid_move_cursor().

CUBRID cursor position flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_CURSOR_FIRST Move current cursor to the first position in the result.
CUBRID_CURSOR_CURRENT Move current cursor as a default value if the origin is not specified.
CUBRID_CURSOR_LAST Move current cursor to the last position in the result.
CUBRID_CURSOR_SUCCESS Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of success. This flag has been removed from 8.4.1.
CUBRID_NO_MORE_DATA Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure. This flag has been removed from 8.4.1.
CUBRID_CURSOR_ERROR Returned value of cubrid_move_cursor() function in case of failure. This flag has been removed from 8.4.1.

The following constants can be used when setting the auto-commit mode for the database connection. They can be passed to cubrid_set_autocommit() or returned by cubrid_get_autocommit().

CUBRID auto-commit mode flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_AUTOCOMMIT_TRUE Enable the auto-commit mode.
CUBRID_AUTOCOMMIT_FALSE Disable the auto-commit mode.

The following constants can be used when setting the database parameter. They can be passed to cubrid_set_db_parameter().

CUBRID parameter flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_PARAM_ISOLATION_LEVEL Transaction isolation level for the database connection.
CUBRID_PARAM_LOCK_TIMEOUT Transaction timeout in seconds.

The following constants can be used when setting the transaction isolation level. They can be passed to cubrid_set_db_parameter() or returned by cubrid_get_db_parameter().

CUBRID isolation level flags
Constant Description
TRAN_COMMIT_CLASS_UNCOMMIT_INSTANCE The lowest isolation level (1). A dirty, non-repeatable or phantom read may occur for the tuple and a non-repeatable read may occur for the table as well.
TRAN_COMMIT_CLASS_COMMIT_INSTANCE A relatively low isolation level (2). A dirty read does not occur, but non-repeatable or phantom read may occur.
TRAN_REP_CLASS_UNCOMMIT_INSTANCE The default isolation of CUBRID (3). A dirty, non-repeatable or phantom read may occur for the tuple, but repeatable read is ensured for the table.
TRAN_REP_CLASS_COMMIT_INSTANCE A relatively low isolation level (4). A dirty read does not occur, but non-repeatable or phantom read may.
TRAN_REP_CLASS_REP_INSTANCE A relatively high isolation level (5). A dirty or non-repeatable read does not occur, but a phantom read may.
TRAN_SERIALIZABLE The highest isolation level (6). Problems concerning concurrency (e.g. dirty read, non-repeatable read, phantom read, etc.) do not occur.

The following constants can be used when getting schema information. They can be passed to cubrid_schema().

CUBRID schema flags
Constant Description
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS Get name and type of table in CUBRID.
CUBRID_SCH_VCLASS Get name and type of view in CUBRID.
CUBRID_SCH_QUERY_SPEC Get the query definition of view.
CUBRID_SCH_ATTRIBUTE Get the attributes of table column.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE Get the attributes of table.
CUBRID_SCH_METHOD Get the instance method. The instance method is a method called by a class instance. It is used more often than the class method because most operations are executed in the instance.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_METHOD Get the class method. The class method is a method called by a class object. It is usually used to create a new class instance or to initialize it. It is also used to access or update class attributes.
CUBRID_SCH_METHOD_FILE Get the information of the file where the method of the table is defined.
CUBRID_SCH_SUPERCLASS Get the name and type of table which table inherites attributes from.
CUBRID_SCH_SUBCLASS Get the name and type of table which inherites attributes from this table.
CUBRID_SCH_CONSTRAINT Get the table constraints.
CUBRID_SCH_TRIGGER Get the table triggers.
CUBRID_SCH_CLASS_PRIVILEGE Get the privilege information of table.
CUBRID_SCH_ATTR_PRIVILEGE Get the privilege information of column.
CUBRID_SCH_DIRECT_SUPER_CLASS Get the direct super table of table.
CUBRID_SCH_PRIMARY_KEY Get the table primary key.
CUBRID_SCH_IMPORTED_KEYS Get imported keys of table.
CUBRID_SCH_EXPORTED_KEYS Get exported keys of table.
CUBRID_SCH_CROSS_REFERENCE Get reference relationship of tow tables.

The following constants can be used when reporting errors. They can be returned from cubrid_error_code_facility().

CUBRID error facility code
Constant Description
CUBRID_FACILITY_DBMS The error occurred in CUBRID dbms.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CAS The error occurred in CUBRID broker cas.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CCI The error occurred in CUBRID cci.
CUBRID_FACILITY_CLIENT The error occurred in CUBRID PHP client.

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Bij voorbaat dank.

Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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