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Rechercher une fonction PHP

The Gmagick class

(PECL gmagick >= Unknown)


Eerste pagina van Manuel PHP  Inhoudsopgave Haut

Class synopsis

Gmagick {
/* Methods */
public addimage ( Gmagick $source ) : Gmagick
public addnoiseimage ( int $noise_type ) : Gmagick
public annotateimage ( GmagickDraw $GmagickDraw , float $x , float $y , float $angle , string $text ) : Gmagick
public blurimage ( float $radius , float $sigma [, int $channel ] ) : Gmagick
public borderimage ( GmagickPixel $color , int $width , int $height ) : Gmagick
public charcoalimage ( float $radius , float $sigma ) : Gmagick
public chopimage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y ) : Gmagick
public clear ( void ) : Gmagick
public commentimage ( string $comment ) : Gmagick
public compositeimage ( Gmagick $source , int $COMPOSE , int $x , int $y ) : Gmagick
public __construct ([ string $filename ] )
public cropimage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y ) : Gmagick
public cropthumbnailimage ( int $width , int $height ) : Gmagick
public current ( void ) : Gmagick
public cyclecolormapimage ( int $displace ) : Gmagick
public deconstructimages ( void ) : Gmagick
public despeckleimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public destroy ( void ) : bool
public drawimage ( GmagickDraw $GmagickDraw ) : Gmagick
public edgeimage ( float $radius ) : Gmagick
public embossimage ( float $radius , float $sigma ) : Gmagick
public enhanceimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public equalizeimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public flipimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public flopimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public frameimage ( GmagickPixel $color , int $width , int $height , int $inner_bevel , int $outer_bevel ) : Gmagick
public gammaimage ( float $gamma ) : Gmagick
public getcopyright ( void ) : string
public getfilename ( void ) : string
public getimageblueprimary ( void ) : array
public getimagechanneldepth ( int $channel_type ) : int
public getimagecolors ( void ) : int
public getimagecolorspace ( void ) : int
public getimagecompose ( void ) : int
public getimagedelay ( void ) : int
public getimagedepth ( void ) : int
public getimagedispose ( void ) : int
public getimageextrema ( void ) : array
public getimagefilename ( void ) : string
public getimageformat ( void ) : string
public getimagegamma ( void ) : float
public getimagegreenprimary ( void ) : array
public getimageheight ( void ) : int
public getimagehistogram ( void ) : array
public getimageindex ( void ) : int
public getimageinterlacescheme ( void ) : int
public getimageiterations ( void ) : int
public getimagematte ( void ) : int
public getimagemattecolor ( void ) : GmagickPixel
public getimageprofile ( string $name ) : string
public getimageredprimary ( void ) : array
public getimagerenderingintent ( void ) : int
public getimageresolution ( void ) : array
public getimagescene ( void ) : int
public getimagesignature ( void ) : string
public getimagetype ( void ) : int
public getimageunits ( void ) : int
public getimagewhitepoint ( void ) : array
public getimagewidth ( void ) : int
public getpackagename ( void ) : string
public getquantumdepth ( void ) : array
public getreleasedate ( void ) : string
public getsamplingfactors ( void ) : array
public getsize ( void ) : array
public getversion ( void ) : array
public hasnextimage ( void ) : mixed
public haspreviousimage ( void ) : mixed
public implodeimage ( float $radius ) : mixed
public labelimage ( string $label ) : mixed
public levelimage ( float $blackPoint , float $gamma , float $whitePoint [, int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] ) : mixed
public magnifyimage ( void ) : mixed
public mapimage ( gmagick $gmagick , bool $dither ) : Gmagick
public medianfilterimage ( float $radius ) : void
public minifyimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public modulateimage ( float $brightness , float $saturation , float $hue ) : Gmagick
public motionblurimage ( float $radius , float $sigma , float $angle ) : Gmagick
public newimage ( int $width , int $height , string $background [, string $format ] ) : Gmagick
public nextimage ( void ) : bool
public normalizeimage ([ int $channel ] ) : Gmagick
public oilpaintimage ( float $radius ) : Gmagick
public previousimage ( void ) : bool
public profileimage ( string $name , string $profile ) : Gmagick
public quantizeimage ( int $numColors , int $colorspace , int $treeDepth , bool $dither , bool $measureError ) : Gmagick
public quantizeimages ( int $numColors , int $colorspace , int $treeDepth , bool $dither , bool $measureError ) : Gmagick
public queryfontmetrics ( GmagickDraw $draw , string $text ) : array
public queryfonts ([ string $pattern = "*" ] ) : array
public queryformats ([ string $pattern = "*" ] ) : array
public radialblurimage ( float $angle [, int $channel = Gmagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT ] ) : Gmagick
public raiseimage ( int $width , int $height , int $x , int $y , bool $raise ) : Gmagick
public read ( string $filename ) : Gmagick
public readimage ( string $filename ) : Gmagick
public readimageblob ( string $imageContents [, string $filename ] ) : Gmagick
public readimagefile ( resource $fp [, string $filename ] ) : Gmagick
public reducenoiseimage ( float $radius ) : Gmagick
public removeimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public removeimageprofile ( string $name ) : string
public resampleimage ( float $xResolution , float $yResolution , int $filter , float $blur ) : Gmagick
public resizeimage ( int $width , int $height , int $filter , float $blur [, bool $fit = FALSE ] ) : Gmagick
public rollimage ( int $x , int $y ) : Gmagick
public rotateimage ( mixed $color , float $degrees ) : Gmagick
public scaleimage ( int $width , int $height [, bool $fit = FALSE ] ) : Gmagick
public separateimagechannel ( int $channel ) : Gmagick
setCompressionQuality ( int $quality = 75 ) : Gmagick
public setfilename ( string $filename ) : Gmagick
public setimageblueprimary ( float $x , float $y ) : Gmagick
public setimagechanneldepth ( int $channel , int $depth ) : Gmagick
public setimagecolorspace ( int $colorspace ) : Gmagick
public setimagecompose ( int $composite ) : Gmagick
public setimagedelay ( int $delay ) : Gmagick
public setimagedepth ( int $depth ) : Gmagick
public setimagedispose ( int $disposeType ) : Gmagick
public setimagefilename ( string $filename ) : Gmagick
public setimageformat ( string $imageFormat ) : Gmagick
public setimagegamma ( float $gamma ) : Gmagick
public setimagegreenprimary ( float $x , float $y ) : Gmagick
public setimageindex ( int $index ) : Gmagick
public setimageinterlacescheme ( int $interlace ) : Gmagick
public setimageiterations ( int $iterations ) : Gmagick
public setimageprofile ( string $name , string $profile ) : Gmagick
public setimageredprimary ( float $x , float $y ) : Gmagick
public setimagerenderingintent ( int $rendering_intent ) : Gmagick
public setimageresolution ( float $xResolution , float $yResolution ) : Gmagick
public setimagescene ( int $scene ) : Gmagick
public setimagetype ( int $imgType ) : Gmagick
public setimageunits ( int $resolution ) : Gmagick
public setimagewhitepoint ( float $x , float $y ) : Gmagick
public setsamplingfactors ( array $factors ) : Gmagick
public setsize ( int $columns , int $rows ) : Gmagick
public shearimage ( mixed $color , float $xShear , float $yShear ) : Gmagick
public solarizeimage ( int $threshold ) : Gmagick
public spreadimage ( float $radius ) : Gmagick
public stripimage ( void ) : Gmagick
public swirlimage ( float $degrees ) : Gmagick
public thumbnailimage ( int $width , int $height [, bool $fit = FALSE ] ) : Gmagick
public trimimage ( float $fuzz ) : Gmagick
public writeimage ( string $filename [, bool $all_frames = FALSE ] ) : Gmagick

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Table of Contents

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Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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