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The CairoContext class

(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)


Context is the main object used when drawing with cairo. To draw with cairo, you create a CairoContext, set the target CairoSurface, and drawing options for the CairoContext, create shapes with functions . like CairoContext::moveTo() and CairoContext::lineTo(), and then draw shapes with CairoContext::stroke() or CairoContext::fill(). Contexts can be pushed to a stack via CairoContext::save(). They may then safely be changed, without losing the current state. Use CairoContext::restore() to restore to the saved state.

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Class synopsis

CairoContext {
/* Methods */
public appendPath ( CairoPath $path ) : void
public arc ( float $x , float $y , float $radius , float $angle1 , float $angle2 ) : void
public arcNegative ( float $x , float $y , float $radius , float $angle1 , float $angle2 ) : void
public clip ( void ) : void
public clipExtents ( void ) : array
public clipPreserve ( void ) : void
public clipRectangleList ( void ) : array
public closePath ( void ) : void
public __construct ( CairoSurface $surface )
public copyPage ( void ) : void
public copyPath ( void ) : CairoPath
public copyPathFlat ( void ) : CairoPath
public curveTo ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $x3 , float $y3 ) : void
public deviceToUser ( float $x , float $y ) : array
public deviceToUserDistance ( float $x , float $y ) : array
public fill ( void ) : void
public fillExtents ( void ) : array
public fillPreserve ( void ) : void
public fontExtents ( void ) : array
public getAntialias ( void ) : int
public getCurrentPoint ( void ) : array
public getDash ( void ) : array
public getDashCount ( void ) : int
public getFillRule ( void ) : int
public getFontFace ( void ) : void
public getFontMatrix ( void ) : void
public getFontOptions ( void ) : void
public getGroupTarget ( void ) : void
public getLineCap ( void ) : int
public getLineJoin ( void ) : int
public getLineWidth ( void ) : float
public getMatrix ( void ) : void
public getMiterLimit ( void ) : float
public getOperator ( void ) : int
public getScaledFont ( void ) : void
public getSource ( void ) : void
public getTarget ( void ) : void
public getTolerance ( void ) : float
public glyphPath ( array $glyphs ) : void
public hasCurrentPoint ( void ) : bool
public identityMatrix ( void ) : void
public inFill ( float $x , float $y ) : bool
public inStroke ( float $x , float $y ) : bool
public lineTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public mask ( CairoPattern $pattern ) : void
public maskSurface ( CairoSurface $surface [, float $x [, float $y ]] ) : void
public moveTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public newPath ( void ) : void
public newSubPath ( void ) : void
public paint ( void ) : void
public paintWithAlpha ( float $alpha ) : void
public pathExtents ( void ) : array
public popGroup ( void ) : void
public popGroupToSource ( void ) : void
public pushGroup ( void ) : void
public pushGroupWithContent ( int $content ) : void
public rectangle ( float $x , float $y , float $width , float $height ) : void
public relCurveTo ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $x3 , float $y3 ) : void
public relLineTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public relMoveTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public resetClip ( void ) : void
public restore ( void ) : void
public rotate ( float $angle ) : void
public save ( void ) : void
public scale ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public selectFontFace ( string $family [, int $slant [, int $weight ]] ) : void
public setAntialias ([ int $antialias ] ) : void
public setDash ( array $dashes [, float $offset ] ) : void
public setFillRule ( int $setting ) : void
public setFontFace ( CairoFontFace $fontface ) : void
public setFontMatrix ( CairoMatrix $matrix ) : void
public setFontOptions ( CairoFontOptions $fontoptions ) : void
public setFontSize ( float $size ) : void
public setLineCap ( int $setting ) : void
public setLineJoin ( int $setting ) : void
public setLineWidth ( float $width ) : void
public setMatrix ( CairoMatrix $matrix ) : void
public setMiterLimit ( float $limit ) : void
public setOperator ( int $setting ) : void
public setScaledFont ( CairoScaledFont $scaledfont ) : void
public setSource ( CairoPattern $pattern ) : void
public setSourceRGB ( float $red , float $green , float $blue ) : void
public setSourceRGBA ( float $red , float $green , float $blue , float $alpha ) : void
public setSourceSurface ( CairoSurface $surface [, float $x [, float $y ]] ) : void
public setTolerance ( float $tolerance ) : void
public showPage ( void ) : void
public showText ( string $text ) : void
public status ( void ) : int
public stroke ( void ) : void
public strokeExtents ( void ) : array
public strokePreserve ( void ) : void
public textExtents ( string $text ) : array
public textPath ( string $string ) : void
public transform ( CairoMatrix $matrix ) : void
public translate ( float $x , float $y ) : void
public userToDevice ( float $x , float $y ) : array
public userToDeviceDistance ( float $x , float $y ) : array

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Bij voorbaat dank.

Document heeft de 30/01/2003 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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