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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Creating InnoDB Tables

To create an InnoDB table, use the CREATE TABLE statement.

You do not need to specify the ENGINE=InnoDB clause if InnoDB is defined as the default storage engine, which it is by default. To check the default storage engine, issue the following statement:

  1. mysql> SELECT @@default_storage_engine;
  2. +--------------------------+
  3. | @@default_storage_engine |
  4. +--------------------------+
  5. | InnoDB                   |
  6. +--------------------------+

You might still use ENGINE=InnoDB clause if you plan to use mysqldump or replication to replay the CREATE TABLE statement on a server where the default storage engine is not InnoDB.

An InnoDB table and its indexes can be created in the system tablespace, in a file-per-table tablespace, or in a general tablespace. When innodb_file_per_table is enabled, which is the default, an InnoDB table is implicitly created in an individual file-per-table tablespace. Conversely, when innodb_file_per_table is disabled, an InnoDB table is implicitly created in the InnoDB system tablespace. To create a table in a general tablespace, use CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE syntax. For more information, see Section, “General Tablespaces”.

When you create a table in a file-per-table tablespace, MySQL creates an .ibd tablespace file in a database directory under the MySQL data directory, by default. A table created in the InnoDB system tablespace is created in an existing ibdata file, which resides in the MySQL data directory. A table created in a general tablespace is created in an existing general tablespace .ibd file. General tablespace files can be created inside or outside of the MySQL data directory. For more information, see Section, “General Tablespaces”.

Internally, InnoDB adds an entry for each table to the data dictionary. The entry includes the database name. For example, if table t1 is created in the test database, the data dictionary entry for the database name is 'test/t1'. This means you can create a table of the same name (t1) in a different database, and the table names do not collide inside InnoDB.

InnoDB Tables and Row Formats

The default row format for InnoDB tables is defined by the innodb_default_row_format configuration option, which has a default value of DYNAMIC. Dynamic and Compressed row format allow you to take advantage of InnoDB features such as table compression and efficient off-page storage of long column values. To use these row formats, innodb_file_per_table must be enabled (the default).

  1. SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1;

Alternatively, you can use CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE syntax to create an InnoDB table in a general tablespace. General tablespaces support all row formats. For more information, see Section, “General Tablespaces”.

CREATE TABLE ... TABLESPACE syntax can also be used to create InnoDB tables with a Dynamic row format in the system tablespace, alongside tables with a Compact or Redundant row format.


For more information about InnoDB row formats, see Section 15.10, “InnoDB Row Formats”. For how to determine the row format of an InnoDB table and the physical characteristics of InnoDB row formats, see Section 15.10, “InnoDB Row Formats”.

Inhoudsopgave Haut

InnoDB Tables and Primary Keys

Always define a primary key for an InnoDB table, specifying the column or columns that:

  • Are referenced by the most important queries.

  • Are never left blank.

  • Never have duplicate values.

  • Rarely if ever change value once inserted.

For example, in a table containing information about people, you would not create a primary key on (firstname, lastname) because more than one person can have the same name, some people have blank last names, and sometimes people change their names. With so many constraints, often there is not an obvious set of columns to use as a primary key, so you create a new column with a numeric ID to serve as all or part of the primary key. You can declare an auto-increment column so that ascending values are filled in automatically as rows are inserted:

  1. # The value of ID can act like a pointer between related items in different tables.
  3. # The primary key can consist of more than one column. Any autoinc column must come first.

Although the table works correctly without defining a primary key, the primary key is involved with many aspects of performance and is a crucial design aspect for any large or frequently used table. It is recommended that you always specify a primary key in the CREATE TABLE statement. If you create the table, load data, and then run ALTER TABLE to add a primary key later, that operation is much slower than defining the primary key when creating the table.

Inhoudsopgave Haut

Viewing InnoDB Table Properties

To view the properties of an InnoDB table, issue a SHOW TABLE STATUS statement:

  1. mysql> SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM test LIKE 't%' \G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3.            Name: t1
  4.          Engine: InnoDB
  5.         Version: 10
  6.      Row_format: Compact
  7.            Rows: 0
  8.     Data_length: 16384
  9. Max_data_length: 0
  10.    Index_length: 0
  11.       Data_free: 0
  12.     Create_time: 2015-03-16 15:13:31
  13.     Update_time: NULL
  14.      Check_time: NULL
  15.       Collation: utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
  16.        Checksum: NULL
  17.  Create_options:
  18.         Comment:

For information about SHOW TABLE STATUS output, see Section, “SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax”.

InnoDB table properties may also be queried using the InnoDB Information Schema system tables:

  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3.      TABLE_ID: 45
  4.          NAME: test/t1
  5.          FLAG: 1
  6.        N_COLS: 5
  7.         SPACE: 35
  8.    ROW_FORMAT: Compact
  10.    SPACE_TYPE: Single

For more information, see Section 15.14.3, “InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA Schema Object Tables”.

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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