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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL The tp_thread_group_state Table


The Performance Schema table described here is available as of MySQL 8.0.14. Prior to MySQL 8.0.14, use the corresponding INFORMATION_SCHEMA table instead; see Section 25.40.1, “The INFORMATION_SCHEMA TP_THREAD_GROUP_STATE Table”.

The tp_thread_group_state table has one row per thread group in the thread pool. Each row provides information about the current state of a group.

The tp_thread_group_state table has these columns:


    The thread group ID. This is a unique key within the table.


    The number of consumer threads. There is at most one thread ready to start executing if the active threads become stalled or blocked.


    The number of threads in the reserved state. This means that they will not be started until there is a need to wake a new thread and there is no consumer thread. This is where most threads end up when the thread group has created more threads than needed for normal operation. Often a thread group needs additional threads for a short while and then does not need them again for a while. In this case, they go into the reserved state and remain until needed again. They take up some extra memory resources, but no extra computing resources.


    The number of threads that are processing or waiting to process connection initialization and authentication. There can be a maximum of four connection threads per thread group; these threads expire after a period of inactivity.


    The number of connections using this thread group.


    The number of statements waiting in the high-priority queue.


    The number of statements waiting in the low-priority queue. These are the initial statements for transactions that have not started, so they also represent queued transactions.


    The value of the thread_pool_stall_limit system variable for the thread group. This is the same value for all thread groups.


    The value of the thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer system variable for the thread group. This is the same value for all thread groups.


    The value of the thread_pool_algorithm system variable for the thread group. This is the same value for all thread groups.


    The number of threads started in the thread pool as part of this thread group.


    The number of threads active in executing statements.


    The number of stalled statements in the thread group. A stalled statement could be executing, but from a thread pool perspective it is stalled and making no progress. A long-running statement quickly ends up in this category.


    If there is a thread handling the polling of statements in the thread group, this specifies the thread number within this thread group. It is possible that this thread could be executing a statement.


    How long in milliseconds the oldest queued statement has been waiting for execution.


    The maximum thread ID of the threads in the group. This is the same as MAX(TP_THREAD_NUMBER) for the threads when selected from the tp_thread_state table. That is, these two queries are equivalent:

    2. FROM tp_thread_group_state;
    5. FROM tp_thread_state GROUP BY TP_GROUP_ID;

The tp_thread_group_state table has these indexes:

  • Unique index on (TP_GROUP_ID)

TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted for the tp_thread_group_state table.

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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