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22.4.5 ndb_mgm — The NDB Cluster Management Client

The ndb_mgm management client process is actually not needed to run the cluster. Its value lies in providing a set of commands for checking the cluster's status, starting backups, and performing other administrative functions. The management client accesses the management server using a C API. Advanced users can also employ this API for programming dedicated management processes to perform tasks similar to those performed by ndb_mgm.

To start the management client, it is necessary to supply the host name and port number of the management server:

shell> ndb_mgm [host_name [port_num]]

For example:

shell> ndb_mgm 1186

The default host name and port number are localhost and 1186, respectively.

The following table includes options that are specific to the NDB Cluster management client program ndb_mgm. Additional descriptions follow the table. For options common to most NDB Cluster programs (including ndb_mgm), see Section 22.4.31, “Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs — Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs”.

Table 22.337 Command-line options for the ndb_mgm program

Format Description Added, Deprecated, or Removed



Set the number of times to retry a connection before giving up; synonym for --connect-retries

All NDB 8.0 releases



Execute command and exit

All NDB 8.0 releases

  • --connect-retries=#

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --connect-retries=#
    Type Numeric
    Default Value 3
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 4294967295

    This option specifies the number of times following the first attempt to retry a connection before giving up (the client always tries the connection at least once). The length of time to wait per attempt is set using --connect-retry-delay.

    This option is synonymous with the --try-reconnect option, which is now deprecated.

    The default for this option this option differs from its default when used with other NDB programs. See Section 22.4.31, “Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs — Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs”, for more information.

  • --execute=command, -e command

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --execute=name

    This option can be used to send a command to the NDB Cluster management client from the system shell. For example, either of the following is equivalent to executing SHOW in the management client:

    shell> ndb_mgm -e "SHOW"
    shell> ndb_mgm --execute="SHOW"

    This is analogous to how the --execute or -e option works with the mysql command-line client. See Section, “Using Options on the Command Line”.


    If the management client command to be passed using this option contains any space characters, then the command must be enclosed in quotation marks. Either single or double quotation marks may be used. If the management client command contains no space characters, the quotation marks are optional.

  • --try-reconnect=number

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --try-reconnect=#
    Deprecated Yes
    Type Numeric
    Type Integer
    Default Value 12
    Default Value 3
    Minimum Value 0
    Maximum Value 4294967295

    If the connection to the management server is broken, the node tries to reconnect to it every 5 seconds until it succeeds. By using this option, it is possible to limit the number of attempts to number before giving up and reporting an error instead.

    This option is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. Use --connect-retries, instead.

Additional information about using ndb_mgm can be found in Section 22.5.2, “Commands in the NDB Cluster Management Client”.

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