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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Exit Action

The group_replication_exit_state_action system variable, which is available from MySQL 8.0.12 and MySQL 5.7.24, specifies what Group Replication does when the member leaves the group unintentionally due to an error or problem, and either fails to auto-rejoin or does not try. Note that in the case of an expelled member, the member does not know that it was expelled until it reconnects to the group, so the specified action is only taken if the member manages to reconnect, or if the member raises a suspicion on itself and expels itself.

In order of impact, the exit actions are as follows:

  1. If READ_ONLY is the exit action, the instance switches MySQL to super read only mode by setting the system variable super_read_only to ON. When the member is in super read only mode, clients cannot make any updates, even if they have the SUPER privilege. However, clients can still read data, and because updates are no longer being made, there is a probability of stale reads which increases over time. With this setting, you therefore need to pro-actively monitor the servers for failures. This exit action is the default from MySQL 8.0.15. After this exit action is taken, the member's status is displayed as ERROR in the view of the group.

  2. If OFFLINE_MODE is the exit action, the instance switches MySQL to offline mode by setting the system variable offline_mode to ON. When the member is in offline mode, connected client users are disconnected on their next request and connections are no longer accepted, with the exception of client users that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. Group Replication also sets the system variable super_read_only to ON, so clients cannot make any updates, even if they have connected with the SUPER privilege. This exit action prevents both updates and stale reads (with the exception of reads by client users with the stated privileges), and enables proxy tools such as MySQL Router to recognize that the server is unavailable and redirect client connections. It also leaves the instance running so that an administrator can attempt to resolve the issue without shutting down MySQL. This exit action is available from MySQL 8.0.18. After this exit action is taken, the member's status is displayed as ERROR in the view of the group (not OFFLINE, which means a member has Group Replication functionality available but does not currently belong to a group).

  3. If ABORT_SERVER is the exit action, the instance shuts down MySQL. Instructing the member to shut itself down prevents all stale reads and client updates, but it means that the MySQL Server instance is unavailable and must be restarted, even if the issue could have been resolved without that step. This exit action was the default from MySQL 8.0.12, when the system variable was added, to MySQL 8.0.15 inclusive. After this exit action is taken, the member is removed from the listing of servers in the view of the group.

Bear in mind that operator intervention is required whatever exit action is set, as an ex-member that has exhausted its auto-rejoin attempts (or never had any) and has been expelled from the group is not allowed to rejoin without a restart of Group Replication. The exit action only influences whether or not clients can still read data on the server that was unable to rejoin the group, and whether or not the server stays running.


If a failure occurs before the member has successfully joined the group, the exit action specified by group_replication_exit_state_action is not taken. This is the case if there is a failure during the local configuration check, or a mismatch between the configuration of the joining member and the configuration of the group. In these situations, the super_read_only system variable is left with its original value, and the server does not shut down MySQL. To ensure that the server cannot accept updates when Group Replication did not start, we therefore recommend that super_read_only=ON is set in the server's configuration file at startup, which Group Replication will change to OFF on primary members after it has been started successfully. This safeguard is particularly important when the server is configured to start Group Replication on server boot (group_replication_start_on_boot=ON), but it is also useful when Group Replication is started manually using a START GROUP_REPLICATION command.

If a failure occurs after the member has successfully joined the group, the specified exit action is taken. This is the case in the following situations:

  1. Applier error - There is an error in the replication applier. This issue is not recoverable.

  2. Distributed recovery not possible - There is an issue that means Group Replication's distributed recovery process (which uses remote cloning operations and state transfer from the binary log) cannot be completed. Group Replication retries distributed recovery automatically where this makes sense, but stops if there are no more options to complete the process. For details, see Section, “Fault Tolerance for Distributed Recovery”.

  3. Group configuration change error - An error occurred during a group-wide configuration change carried out using a UDF, as described in Section 18.4.1, “Configuring an Online Group”.

  4. Primary election error - An error occurred during election of a new primary member for a group in single-primary mode, as described in Section, “Single-Primary Mode”.

  5. Unreachable majority timeout - The member has lost contact with a majority of the group members so is in a minority, and a timeout that was set by the group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeout system variable has expired.

  6. Member expelled from group - A suspicion has been raised on the member, and any timeout set by the group_replication_member_expel_timeout system variable has expired, and the member has resumed communication with the group and found that it has been expelled.

  7. Out of auto-rejoin attempts - The group_replication_autorejoin_tries system variable was set to specify a number of auto-rejoin attempts after a loss of majority or expulsion, and the member completed this number of attempts without success.

The following table summarizes the failure scenarios and actions in each case:

Table 18.4 Exit actions in Group Replication failure situations

Failure situation

Group Replication started with START GROUP_REPLICATION

Group Replication started with group_replication_start_on_boot =ON

Member fails local configuration check

Mismatch between joining member and group configuration

super_read_only and offline_mode unchanged

MySQL continues running

Set super_read_only=ON at startup to prevent updates

super_read_only and offline_mode unchanged

MySQL continues running

Set super_read_only=ON at startup to prevent updates (Important)

Applier error on member

Distributed recovery not possible

Group configuration change error

Primary election error

Unreachable majority timeout

Member expelled from group

Out of auto-rejoin attempts

super_read_only set to ON


offline_mode and super_read_only set to ON


MySQL shuts down

super_read_only set to ON


offline_mode and super_read_only set to ON


MySQL shuts down

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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