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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 91 to 100 of 154 total results
Internally, the maximum value for this variable is the maximum unsigned integer value, but the actual maximum is platform dependent. The MySQL server maintains many system variables that configure its operation. System variables can be set at ...
If any SRID argument is not within the range of a 32-bit unsigned integer, an ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE error occurs. Geohash is a system for encoding latitude and longitude coordinates of arbitrary precision into a text string. Geohash values are ...
in_interval INT UNSIGNED: The sleep time between data collections in seconds. Creates a report of the current server status for diagnostic purposes. This procedure disables binary logging during its execution by manipulating the session value of ...
in_connection_id BIGINT UNSIGNED: The ID of the connection for which to return the thread ID. Note As of MySQL 8.0.16, ps_thread_id() is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications that use it should be migrated to use ...
For example, for a column with a bigint(20) unsigned column type, the data type is just bigint. This view indicates which tables have AUTO_INCREMENT columns and provides information about those columns, such as the current and maximum column values ...
It has this definition: struct st_trace_event_args { const char *plugin_name; int cmd; const unsigned char *hdr; size_t hdr_len; const unsigned char *pkt; size_t pkt_len; }; For different event types, the st_trace_event_args structure contains the ... MySQL supports the use of protocol trace plugins: client-side plugins that implement tracing of communication between a client and the server that takes place using the client/server ...
For NDB tables, it is also possible to change the storage type used for a table or column. row *************************** Table: t1 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `c1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) /*!50100 TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK */ ...
The callback function, if used, should have this calling signature: void my_callback(MYSQL_RPL *rpl, unsigned char *packet_gtid_set); gtid_set_arg Either a pointer to GTID set data (if fix_gtid_set is NULL), or a pointer to a value to be made ... C ...
But the binary representation of any TINYINT value requires only 1 byte for storage, so you can supply a signed char variable in which to store the value and set is_unsigned to indicate that values are signed. Prepared statements transmit data ...
NOTE 11: The Unicode scalar value of a character is its code point treated as an unsigned integer.” If the character set is ucs2, comparison is byte-by-byte, but ucs2 strings should not contain surrogates, anyway. This section describes the ...
Displaying 91 to 100 of 154 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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