LAST_ERROR_TIMESTAMP A timestamp in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]' format that shows when the most recent I/O error took place. LAST_HEARTBEAT_TIMESTAMP A timestamp in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]' format that shows when the most recent ...
MySQL 8.0 permits fractional seconds for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values, with up to microseconds (6 digits) precision.
However, the slave notices the network outage only after receiving no data from the master for slave_net_timeout seconds. If your outages are short, you may want to decrease slave_net_timeout. Setting sync_relay_log_info to 0 causes no writes to be ... It is safe to shut down a master server and restart it ...
This is a “cold start” procedure that assumes either that you are starting the replication master for the first time, or that it is possible to stop it; for information about provisioning replication slaves using GTIDs from a running master, see ... This section describes a process for configuring and starting GTID-based replication in MySQL ...
The following procedure can be paused at any time and later resumed where it was, or reversed by jumping to the corresponding step of Section, “Disabling GTID Transactions Online”, the online procedure to disable GTIDs. If you use ...
If the masters in the multi-source replication topology have existing data, it can save time to provision the slave with the relevant data before starting replication. The statement can therefore potentially be left in the dump output when you ...
You can use mysqlbinlog to retrieve and display the events that were logged around the time of the error. For instructions to do this, see Section 7.5, “Point-in-Time (Incremental) Recovery Using the Binary Log”. If a privilege check against ...
Whenever the 50 most recent ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT warnings have been generated more than 50 times in any 50-second period, warning suppression is enabled. When activated, this causes such warnings not to be written to the error log; instead, ...
If semisynchronous replication is enabled on the master side and there is at least one semisynchronous slave, a thread that performs a transaction commit on the master blocks and waits until at least one semisynchronous slave acknowledges that it ...
Rewriter_number_reloads The number of times the rewrite_rules table has been loaded into the in-memory cache used by the Rewriter plugin. Rewriter_reload_error Whether an error occurred the most recent time that the rewrite_rules table was loaded ...