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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 51 to 60 of 78 total results
NDB Cluster nodes can employ different transport mechanisms for inter-node communications; TCP/IP over standard 100 Mbps or faster Ethernet hardware is used in most real-world deployments. NDB Cluster is a technology that enables clustering of ...
Data masking hides sensitive information by replacing real values with substitutes. MySQL includes several components and plugins that implement security features: Plugins for authenticating attempts by clients to connect to MySQL Server. For ...
RealtimeScheduler: When true, data node threads are scheduled as real-time threads. The listings in this section provide information about parameters used in the [ndbd] or [ndbd default] sections of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster ...
This section discusses internal locking; that is, locking performed within the MySQL server itself to manage contention for table contents by multiple sessions. This type of locking is internal because it is performed entirely by the server and ...
If a processor's cycle rate fluctuates, conversion from cycles to real-time units is subject to error. Events are collected by means of instrumentation added to the server source code. Instruments time events, which is how the Performance Schema ...
Once you know how to enter SQL statements, you are ready to access a database. Suppose that you have several pets in your home (your menagerie) and you would like to keep track of various types of information about them. You can do so by creating ...
An interactive client is defined as a client that uses the CLIENT_INTERACTIVE option to mysql_real_connect(). This value is measured in real time, not CPU time, so a query that is under the threshold on a lightly loaded system might be above the ...
If any of the operands of a +, -, /, *, % is a real or string value, the precision of the result is the precision of the operand with the maximum precision. Table 12.11 Arithmetic Operators Name Description DIV Integer division / Division operator ...
Certain keywords, such as SELECT, DELETE, or BIGINT, are reserved and require special treatment for use as identifiers such as table and column names. This may also be true for the names of built-in functions. Reserved words are permitted as ...
At this point, the real statement type is unknown, the type will be refined after SQL parsing. (Events do not really have a “name,” but this provides a way to associate events with instruments.) ENABLED Whether the instrument is enabled. The ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 78 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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