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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 1 to 10 of 15 total results
CREATE FUNCTION GTID_IS_EQUAL(gtid_set_1 LONGTEXT, gtid_set_2 LONGTEXT) RETURNS INT RETURN GTID_SUBSET(gtid_set_1, gtid_set_2) AND GTID_SUBSET(gtid_set_2, gtid_set_1)| This function returns nonzero (true) if two GTID sets are disjoint. CREATE ...
LONGTEXT [CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name] A TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (232 − 1) characters. The effective maximum length of LONGTEXT columns also depends on the configured maximum packet size in ...For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the string types, see Section 11.4, “String Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage ...
JSON_UNQUOTE() returns a value with a data type of LONGTEXT, and the hidden generated column thus is assigned the same data type. MySQL cannot index LONGTEXT columns specified without a prefix length on the key part, and prefix lengths are not ...
In general, the storage requirement for a JSON column is approximately the same as for a LONGBLOB or LONGTEXT column; that is, the space consumed by a JSON document is roughly the same as it would be for the document's string representation stored ... InnoDB Table Storage Requirements NDB Table Storage Requirements Numeric Type Storage Requirements Date and Time Type Storage Requirements String Type Storage Requirements Spatial Type Storage Requirements JSON Storage Requirements The storage requirements for table data on disk depend on several ...
Given a string (normally representing an SQL statement), reduces it to the length given by the statement_truncate_len configuration option, and returns the result. Otherwise, the middle part of the string is replaced by an ellipsis (...). This ...
Given an SQL statement as a string, executes it as a prepared statement. The prepared statement is deallocated after execution, so it is not subject to reuse. Thus, this procedure is useful primarily for executing dynamic statements on a one-time ...
LONGBLOB and LONGTEXT columns must be less than 4GB, and the total row length, including BLOB and TEXT columns, must be less than 4GB. Limits on InnoDB tables are described under the following topics in this section: Maximums and Minimums ...
Returns a JSON formatted stack of all statements, stages, and events within the Performance Schema for a given thread ID. The value should match the THREAD_ID column from some Performance Schema threads table row. row *************************** ...
Returns a JSON object containing information about a given thread. The information includes the current transaction, and the statements it has already executed, derived from the Performance Schema events_transactions_current and ...
The space required to store a JSON document is roughly the same as for LONGBLOB or LONGTEXT; see Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage Requirements”, for more information. The JSON data type provides these advantages over storing JSON-format strings ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 15 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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