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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 31 to 40 of 119 total results
However, in an option file, you omit the leading two dashes from the option name and you specify only one option per line. Leading and trailing spaces are automatically deleted from option names and values. Most MySQL programs can read startup ...
DECIMAL columns do not store a leading + character or - character or leading 0 digits. This section discusses the characteristics of the DECIMAL data type (and its synonyms), with particular regard to the following topics: Maximum number of digits ...
This causes the slave to be out of synchrony with the master and may lead to other failures or cause the slave to stop: Row-format updates and deletes received from the master may fail with Can't find record in 'memory_table'. When a master server ...
You can use the --log-bin option to specify an alternative location, by adding a leading absolute path name to the base name to specify a different directory. When MIXED is specified, statement-based replication is used, except for cases where only ... Startup Options Used with Binary Logging System Variables Used with Binary Logging You can use the mysqld options and system variables that are described in this section to affect the operation of the binary log as well as to control which statements are written to the binary ...
Changing the server SQL mode after creating and inserting data into partitioned tables can cause major changes in the behavior of such tables, and could lead to loss or corruption of data. When replicating partitioned tables, differing SQL modes on ... The MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, and can apply these modes differently for different clients, depending on the value of the sql_mode system ...
This phenomenon can lead to different results for a given TIMESTAMP column query, depending on whether the optimizer uses an index to execute the query. Under those conditions, the comparison in the WHERE clause occurs in different ways for ...
A leading plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) boolean operator followed by a space and then a word ('+ apple' or '- apple'). The leading plus or minus sign must be directly adjacent to the word, for example: '+apple' or '-apple'. MySQL supports ...
Table 12.15 XML Functions Name Description ExtractValue() Extract a value from an XML string using XPath notation UpdateXML() Return replaced XML fragment This section discusses XML and related functionality in MySQL. Note It is possible to obtain ...
This can lead to inconsistent data being returned and unexpectedly failed statements. ALTER TABLE operations permitted for generated columns are ADD, MODIFY, and CHANGE. CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN c2 INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS ...
It is possible to change the logging format to STATEMENT, but doing so at runtime leads very rapidly to errors because InnoDB can no longer perform inserts. You can select the binary logging format explicitly by starting the MySQL server with ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 119 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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