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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 91 to 100 of 119 total results
If you send the output to the same MySQL server, this may lead to an endless loop. The server's binary log consists of files containing “events” that describe modifications to database contents. To display their contents in text format, use the ...
Leading and trailing spaces not inside double quotation marks are ignored. Note PAM pluggable authentication is an extension included in MySQL Enterprise Edition, a commercial product. MySQL Enterprise Edition supports an authentication method that ...
When you specify the number of partitions for the table, this must be expressed as a positive, nonzero integer literal with no leading zeros, and may not be an expression such as 0.8E+01 or 6-2, even if it evaluates to an integer value. This ...
Mikael Ronström's Blog MySQL Partitioning Architect and Lead Developer Mikael Ronström frequently posts articles here concerning his work with MySQL Partitioning and NDB Cluster. Note Table partitioning differs from partitioning as used by window ...
At each iteration, investigation should lead closer and closer to the root cause of the problem, as the “signal/noise” ratio will improve, making analysis easier. The Performance Schema is a tool to help a DBA do performance tuning by taking ...
If the server has insufficient resources for the plugin's instruments and you do not explicitly allocate more using --performance_schema_max_mutex_classes=N, loading the plugin leads to starvation of instruments. Names for these variables have ...
The Performance Schema provides a user_variables_by_thread table that exposes user-defined variables. These are variables defined within a specific session and include a @ character preceding the name; see Section 9.4, “User-Defined Variables”.
Prior to MySQL 8.0, any user could execute the XA RECOVER statement to discover the XID values for outstanding prepared XA transactions, possibly leading to commit or rollback of an XA transaction by a user other than the one who started it. The ...
Attempts to treat floating-point values as exact in comparisons may lead to problems. Floating-point numbers sometimes cause confusion because they are approximate and not stored as exact values. A floating-point value as written in an SQL ...
In an option file, variable settings are given without the leading dashes: [mysql] max_allowed_packet=16777216 Or: [mysql] max_allowed_packet=16M If you like, underscores in a variable name can be specified as dashes. Many MySQL programs have ...
Displaying 91 to 100 of 119 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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