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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 61 to 70 of 106 total results
If you work with Windows, you can usually get the name and version number by double-clicking your My Computer icon and pulling down the “Help/About Windows” menu. Before posting a bug report about a problem, please try to verify that it is a ...
If accuracy is not too important or if speed is the highest priority, the DOUBLE type may be good enough. For optimum storage, you should try to use the most precise type in all cases. For example, if an integer column is used for values in the ...
In MySQL, the -- (double-dash) comment style requires the second dash to be followed by at least one whitespace or control character (such as a space, tab, newline, and so on). MySQL Server supports three comment styles: From a # character to the ...
For DBAs who wish to change the cost model parameters from their defaults, try doubling or halving the value and measuring the effect. To generate execution plans, the optimizer uses a cost model that is based on estimates of the cost of various ...
Alternatively, double quotation marks (") can be used if the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled. MySQL supports foreign keys, which let you cross-reference related data across tables, and foreign key constraints, which help keep this spread-out data ...
The file_name, including any specified path, must be quoted with single or double quotations marks. The precise syntax and semantics depend on the storage engine used. MySQL NDB Cluster also supports tablespaces using the NDB storage engine.
Examples: CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT DEFAULT -1, c VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '', price DOUBLE(16,2) DEFAULT 0.00 ); SERIAL DEFAULT VALUE is a special case. Data type specifications can have explicit or implicit default values. A DEFAULT value clause in a ...
Make sure that you are connected to the server, as discussed in the previous section. Doing so does not in itself select any database to work with, but that is okay. At this point, it is more important to find out a little about how to issue ...
If a subquery returns any rows at all, EXISTS subquery is TRUE, and NOT EXISTS subquery is FALSE. For example: SELECT column1 FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t2); Traditionally, an EXISTS subquery starts with SELECT *, but it could begin with ...
Displaying 61 to 70 of 106 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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