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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 21 to 30 of 106 total results
If the constant is one of the decimal types (such as DECIMAL, REAL, DOUBLE, or FLOAT) and has a nonzero decimal portion, it cannot be equal; fold accordingly. FLOAT(m,n) or DOUBLE(m,n) values compared with constants are handled as follows: If the ...
Values of a generated column are computed from an expression included in the column definition. Generated column definitions have this syntax: col_name data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expr) [VIRTUAL | STORED] [NOT NULL | NULL] [UNIQUE [KEY]] ...
Leading and trailing spaces not inside double quotation marks are ignored. If a pam_service_name, pam_group_name, or mysql_user_name value is quoted with double quotation marks, everything between the quotation marks is part of the value. All ...
For numeric arguments, the variance and standard deviation functions return a DOUBLE value. The SUM() and AVG() functions return a DECIMAL value for exact-value arguments (integer or DECIMAL), and a DOUBLE value for approximate-value arguments ...
Multiple-line string literals enclosed within either single quote (') or double quote (") characters. secondary_engine_cost_threshold Property Value Introduced 8.0.16 System Variable secondary_engine_cost_threshold Scope Session Dynamic Yes SET_VAR ... The MySQL server maintains many system variables that configure its ...
The FLOAT and DOUBLE data types are floating-point types and calculations are approximate. In MySQL, types that are synonymous with FLOAT or DOUBLE are DOUBLE PRECISION and REAL. The scope of precision math for exact-value operations includes the ...
On Windows, specify backslashes in path names as forward slashes or doubled backslashes. For example, many programs can export data in comma-separated values (CSV) format, such that lines have fields separated by commas and enclosed within double ...
The args parameter points to a UDF_ARGS structure that has the members listed here: unsigned int arg_count The number of arguments. Check this value in the initialization function if you require your function to be called with a particular number ...
For arguments that have no fixed number of decimals, the decimals value is set to 31, which is 1 more than the maximum number of decimals permitted for the DECIMAL, FLOAT, and DOUBLE data types. A decimals value of 31 is used for arguments in cases ... This section describes the different functions that you need to define when you create a simple ...
The default number of decimal places displayed is seven, but MySQL uses the full double-precision value internally. mysql> SELECT ABS(2); -> 2 mysql> SELECT ABS(-32); -> 32 This function is safe to use with BIGINT values. ACOS(X) Returns the arc ...
Displaying 21 to 30 of 106 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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