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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 61 to 70 of 689 total results
Elements following that one represent events such as client connect and disconnect events, executed SQL statements, and so forth. <AUDIT_RECORD> <TIMESTAMP>2017-10-16T14:09:38 UTC</TIMESTAMP> <RECORD_ID>6_2017-10-16T14:06:33</RECORD_ID> ... The ...
--zstd-compression-level Compression level for connections to server that use zstd compression 8.0.18 --help, -? Display a help message and exit. --bind-address=ip_address On a computer having multiple network interfaces, use this option to select ... The mysqlcheck client performs table maintenance: It checks, repairs, optimizes, or analyzes ...
--bind-address=ip_address On a computer having multiple network interfaces, use this option to select which interface to use for connecting to the MySQL server. It is also ignored if RSA-based password exchange is not used, as is the case when the ... The mysqlimport client provides a command-line interface to the LOAD DATA SQL ...
Note A dump made using PowerShell on Windows with output redirection creates a file that has UTF-16 encoding: shell> mysqlpump [options] > dump.sql However, UTF-16 is not permitted as a connection character set (see Section 10.4, “Connection ...
For information about the implications of this change for server operation and compatibility of the server with clients and connectors, see caching_sha2_password as the Preferred Authentication Plugin. Important To connect to the server using an ...
Group communication connections and distributed recovery connections can be secured using SSL. Secure sockets can be used for group communication connections between members of a group. The Group Replication system variable ...VERIFY_CA Like ...
The preceding filter enables logging of events in the connection class. The preceding definition can be written like this: { "filter": { "class": [ { "name": [ "connection", "general", "table_access" ] } ] } } To select specific event subclasses, ...
LDAP pluggable authentication provides these capabilities: External authentication: LDAP authentication enables MySQL Server to accept connections from users defined outside the MySQL grant tables in LDAP directories. For example, an LDAP user named ... Note LDAP pluggable authentication is an extension included in MySQL Enterprise Edition, a commercial ...
(These are both empty by default, so if they are not set, the LDAP server must permit anonymous connections.) The resulting bind LDAP handle is used to search for the user DN, based on the client user name. authentication_ldap_sasl_init_pool_size ...
PAM pluggable authentication provides these capabilities: External authentication: PAM authentication enables MySQL Server to accept connections from users defined outside the MySQL grant tables and that authenticate using methods supported by PAM.
Displaying 61 to 70 of 689 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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