If you call mysql_sqlstate() after mysql_real_connect() fails, mysql_sqlstate() might not return a useful value. For example, this happens if a host is blocked by the server and the connection is closed without any SQLSTATE value being sent to the ... const char *mysql_sqlstate(MYSQL *mysql) Returns a null-terminated string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently executed SQL ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. const char *mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql) Returns a character string containing information similar to that provided by the mysqladmin status command. This includes uptime in seconds ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred. int mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *stmt_str, unsigned long length) Given the statement handler returned by ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred. bool mysql_stmt_reset(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) Resets a prepared statement on client and server to state after prepare. It resets the ...
The mysql variable is assumed to be a valid connection handler. bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned int parameter_number, const char *data, unsigned long length) Enables an application to send parameter data to the server in ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. int mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) Result sets are produced by calling mysql_stmt_execute() to executed prepared statements for SQL statements such as SELECT, SHOW, ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. Its asynchronous counterpart is mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), for use by applications that require asynchronous communication with the server. After invoking mysql_query() or ...
CR_SERVER_LOST The connection to the server was lost during the query. MYSQL_RES *mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql) After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every statement that ...
The following discussion covers these MySQL server configuration topics: Startup options that the server supports. You can specify these options on the command line, through configuration files, or both. These variables reflect the current state and ...
When MySQL server starts, it listens for network connections from client programs and manages access to databases on behalf of those clients. mysqld, also known as MySQL Server, is the main program that does most of the work in a MySQL installation. MySQL Server manages access to the MySQL data directory that contains databases and ...