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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 541 to 550 of 724 total results
Setting the session value affects statistics collection only for the current client connection. Storage engines collect statistics about tables for use by the optimizer. Table statistics are based on value groups, where a value group is a set of ...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data ...
The default_table_encryption variable can be set for an individual client connection or globally using SET syntax. InnoDB supports data-at-rest encryption for file-per-table tablespaces, general tablespaces, the mysql system tablespace, redo logs, ...
During implicit rollbacks, as well as during the execution of an explicit ROLLBACK SQL statement, SHOW PROCESSLIST displays Rolling back in the State column for the relevant connection. InnoDB sometimes rolls back only the statement that failed, ...
In MySQL, the specific task of generating a unique identifier actually can be accomplished using only a single access to the table: UPDATE child_codes SET counter_field = LAST_INSERT_ID(counter_field + 1); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); The SELECT ... If ...
For example, you can change the port that memcached listens on, reduce the maximum number of simultaneous connections, change the maximum memory size for a key-value pair, or enable debugging messages for the error log. The InnoDB memcached plugin ...
SASL stands for “Simple Authentication and Security Layer”, a standard for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. Caution Consult this section before deploying the daemon_memcached plugin on a production server, or even on ...
Each buffer pool manages its own free lists, flush lists, LRUs, and all other data structures connected to a buffer pool. For systems with buffer pools in the multi-gigabyte range, dividing the buffer pool into separate instances can improve ...
When running an in-place online DDL operation, the thread that runs the ALTER TABLE statement applies an online log of DML operations that were run concurrently on the same table from other connection threads. The following limitations apply to ...
For general performance information about MySQL thread handling, see Section, “Connection Interfaces”. InnoDB uses operating system threads to process requests from user transactions. (Transactions may issue many requests to InnoDB ...
Displaying 541 to 550 of 724 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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