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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 251 to 260 of 703 total results
Group Replication supports TLSv1.3 from MySQL 8.0.18, where it can be used for group communication connections and distributed recovery connections. In MySQL 8.0.18, TLSv1.3 can be used in Group Replication for the distributed recovery connection, ...Note that the limitations and issues described for multi-primary mode groups can also apply in single-primary mode clusters during a failover event, while the newly elected primary flushes out its applier queue from the old ...
Important If distributed recovery connections for your group use SSL, the replication user must be created on each server before the joining member connects to the donor. For instructions to set up SSL for distributed recovery connections, see ...
get BB VALUE BB 10 16 GOODBYE, GOODBYE END quit If you shut down the MySQL server, which also shuts off the integrated memcached server, further attempts to access the memcached data fail with a connection error. For example, you can specify options ... This section describes how to set up the daemon_memcached plugin on a MySQL ...
Redo log application Redo log application is performed during initialization, before accepting any connections. After redo log application, InnoDB attempts to accept connections as early as possible, to reduce downtime. The rollback is performed by ...Topics include: Point-in-Time Recovery Recovery from Data Corruption or Disk Failure InnoDB Crash Recovery Tablespace Discovery During Crash Recovery To recover an InnoDB database to the present from the time at which the physical backup was made, you must run MySQL server with binary logging enabled, even before taking the ...
To see the values used by a given instance, connect to it and execute a SHOW VARIABLES statement. In addition to using different data directories, several other options must have different values for each server instance: --port=port_num --port ...
bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user, const char *password, const char *db) Changes the user and causes the database specified by db to become the default (current) database on the connection specified by mysql. mysql_change_user() ...In subsequent queries, this database is the default for table references that include no explicit database ...
The send buffer reserved size is calculated in two steps: Use the value of the TotalSendBufferMemory configuration parameter (no default value) or the sum of the individual send buffers used by all individual connections to the data node. A data ...
(For more information, see Section, “Installing NDB Cluster Processes as Windows Services”.) Do not start the SQL node yet; it cannot connect to the cluster until the data nodes have finished starting, which may take some time. You can ... Once the NDB Cluster executables and needed configuration files are in place, performing an initial start of the cluster is simply a matter of starting the NDB Cluster executables for all nodes in the ...
A secure shell connection is used to enable the back end to perform actions on remote hosts. Letting the default be used means that, for testing purposes, you can simply start the installer with the -S option to use an HTTPS connection between the ... This section provides information on supported operating platforms and software, required software, and other prerequisites for running the NDB Cluster ...
The NDB Cluster codebase provides for four different transporters: TCP/IP using 100 Mbps or gigabit Ethernet, as discussed in Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections”. See Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections Using ...
Displaying 251 to 260 of 703 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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