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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 241 to 250 of 703 total results
The users table contains a row for each user who has connected to the MySQL server. For each user name, the table counts the current and total number of connections. For a description of how the Performance Schema maintains rows in this table, ...
For example, for MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CLASS (the class that covers connect and disconnect events), plugin_audit.h defines these symbols: typedef enum { /** occurs after authentication phase is completed. */ MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECTION_CONNECT = 1 << 0, ... This section describes how to write a server-side audit plugin, using the example plugin found in the plugin/audit_null directory of MySQL source ...
You can use X Plugin to authenticate against such accounts using non-SSL connections with SHA256_MEMORY authentication and SSL connections with PLAIN authentication. Before you can use non-SSL connections to authenticate an account which uses the ...
This capability is enabled by special options that are specified either when you connect to the server with mysql_real_connect() or after connecting by calling mysql_set_server_option(). Failure to process the result this way may result in a dropped ... By default, mysql_query() and mysql_real_query() interpret their statement string argument as a single statement to be executed, and you process the result according to whether the statement produces a result set (a set of rows, as for SELECT) or an affected-rows count (as for INSERT, UPDATE, and so ...
These files enable encrypted client connections using SSL; see Section 6.3.1, “Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections”. These key-pair files enable secure password exchange using RSA over unencrypted connections for accounts ...For some ...
Using the statement SET [GLOBAL|SESSION] sql_mode='modes', you can change the settings from within a connection, either locally to the connection, or to take effect globally. Is the mode dependent on the database or connection? A mode is not linked ...What is the default server SQL mode when MySQL 8.0 is installed? ...
Create the table on the local server with an identical table definition, but adding the connection information that links the local table to the remote table. You can either create the local table and specify the connection string (containing the ...
When using a CONNECTION string, you cannot use an '@' character in the password. You can get round this limitation by using the CREATE SERVER statement to create a server connection. The following items indicate features that the FEDERATED storage ...
FIPS mode also applies to attempts by clients to connect to the server. FIPS mode also applies to attempts by clients to connect to the server. However, enabling FIPS mode does not require that an encrypted connection must be used, or that user ...
Group Replication uses this address for internal member-to-member connections involving remote instances of the group communication engine (XCom, a Paxos variant). Configuring group_replication_group_seeds sets the hostname and port of the group ...
Displaying 241 to 250 of 703 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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