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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 181 to 190 of 702 total results
By default, and when an Internet connection is present, MySQL Installer updates the catalog daily. If the local server is a member of an InnoDB cluster, reconfigure the cluster as follows: Type the administrator password for the cluster affected ...
int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql) Checks whether the connection to the server is working. If the connection has gone down and auto-reconnect is enabled an attempt to reconnect is made. If the connection is down and auto-reconnect is disabled, ...
When invoked with the --read-from-remote-server option, mysqlbinlog connects to a MySQL server, specifies a server ID to identify itself, and requests binary log files from the server. You can use mysqlbinlog to request log files from a server in ...
The following table lists each Performance Schema table and provides a short description of each one.
The server writes information to this log when clients connect or disconnect, and it logs each SQL statement received from clients. Each line that shows when a client connects also includes using connection_type to indicate the protocol used to ...
The SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement, which you must execute on each slave, provides information about the configuration and status of the connection between the slave server and the master server. The MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD setting on the master (set ... The most common task when managing a replication process is to ensure that replication is taking place and that there have been no errors between the slave and the ...
Anyone using MySQL on a computer connected to the Internet should read this section to avoid the most common security mistakes. MySQL uses security based on Access Control Lists (ACLs) for all connections, queries, and other operations that users ...In discussing security, it is necessary to consider fully protecting the entire server host (not just the MySQL server) against all types of applicable attacks: eavesdropping, altering, playback, and denial of ...
If the server tries to create a shutdown thread and cannot (for example, if memory is exhausted), it issues a diagnostic message that appears in the error log: Error: Can't create thread to kill server The server stops accepting new connections. To ... The server shutdown process takes place as follows: The shutdown process is ...
The SHOW PROCESSLIST statement is very useful if you get the “too many connections” error message and want to find out what is going on. MySQL reserves one extra connection to be used by accounts that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER ... SHOW ...
Access privileges for the master info log table should be restricted because it contains the password for connecting to the master. RESET SLAVE clears the data in the slave_master_info and slave_relay_log_info tables, with the exception of ... A ...
Displaying 181 to 190 of 702 total results

Zoek in de MySQL-handleiding

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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