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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 141 to 150 of 700 total results
If this variable is 0, the Performance Schema does not maintain connection statistics in the accounts table or status variable information in the status_by_account table. If this variable is 0, the Performance Schema does not maintain connection ...
For foreground threads (resulting from client connections), the initial values of the INSTRUMENTED and HISTORY columns in threads table rows are determined by whether the user account associated with a thread matches any row in the setup_actors ...
If the server is started using the --daemonize option and is not connected to a tty device, a default error logging option of --log-error="" is used in the absence of an explicit logging option, to direct error output to the default log file. When ...
An account is defined in terms of a user name and the client host or hosts from which the user can connect to the server. This means that anyone can attempt to connect to the server using any user name, so you cannot make a database secure in any ...
Asynchronous functions enable development of applications that differ from the query processing model based on synchronous functions that block if reads from or writes to the server connection must wait. Using the asynchronous functions, an ... As ...
For example, you might change the port that memcached listens on, reduce the maximum number of simultaneous connections, change the maximum memory size for a key-value pair, or enable debugging messages for the error log. (In practice, it is most ...
CONNECTION Events These events are associated with connections between Cluster nodes. An event report reported in the event logs has the following format: datetime [string] severity -- message For example: 09:19:30 2005-07-24 [NDB] INFO -- Node 4 ...
Each slave connects to the master using a MySQL user name and password, so there must be a user account on the master that the slave can use to connect. You can choose to create a different account for each slave, or connect to the master using the ...The user name is specified by the MASTER_USER option on the CHANGE MASTER TO command when you set up a replication ...
The master creates a thread to send the binary log contents to a slave when the slave connects. When a START SLAVE statement is issued on a slave server, the slave creates an I/O thread, which connects to the master and asks it to send the updates ... MySQL replication capabilities are implemented using three threads, one on the master server and two on the slave: Binlog dump ...
RESET SLAVE does not change any replication connection parameters, which include the master host, master port, master user, master password, PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account, and REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT option. If you want to change any of the replication ... RESET SLAVE [ALL] [channel_option] channel_option: FOR CHANNEL channel RESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position in the master's binary ...
Displaying 141 to 150 of 700 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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