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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 11 to 20 of 93 total results
--relay-log-purge={0|1} Property Value Command-Line Format --relay-log-purge[={OFF|ON}] System Variable relay_log_purge Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Boolean Default Value ON Disable or enable automatic purging of relay logs ... This section explains the server options and system variables that apply to slave replication servers and contains the following: Startup Options for Replication Slaves Options for Logging Slave Status to Tables System Variables Used on Replication Slaves Specify the options either on the command line or in an option ...
--delete Property Value Command-Line Format --delete Type Boolean Default Value false Minimum Value Maximum Value Delete the index statistics for the given table, stopping any auto-update that was previously configured. --update Property Value ...
--exclude-intermediate-sql-tables[=TRUE|FALSE] Property Value Command-Line Format --exclude-intermediate-sql-tables[=TRUE|FALSE] Type Boolean Default Value TRUE When performing copying ALTER TABLE operations, mysqld creates intermediate tables ...
--config-cache Property Value Command-Line Format --config-cache[=TRUE|FALSE] Type Boolean Default Value TRUE This option, whose default value is 1 (or TRUE, or ON), can be used to disable the management server's configuration cache, so that it ...
(Bug #86614, Bug #26236298) Additional Options --color, -c Property Value Command-Line Format --color Type Boolean Default Value TRUE Show ASCII graphs in color; use --skip-colors to disable. --graph, -g Property Value Command-Line Format --graph ...
The system variables that are specific to the Group Replication plugin are as follows: group_replication_allow_local_disjoint_gtids_join Property Value Command-Line Format --group-replication-allow-local-disjoint-gtids-join[={OFF|ON}] Deprecated Yes ... This section lists the system variables that are specific to the Group Replication ...
Such errors do not cause any rows to be written to .rej file All NDB 8.0 releases --verbose=#, -v Enable verbose output All NDB 8.0 releases --abort-on-error Property Value Command-Line Format --abort-on-error Type Boolean Default Value FALSE Dump ... ndb_import imports CSV-formatted data, such as that produced by mysqldump --tab, directly into NDB using the NDB ...
The name of the file to be read may be followed by one or more of the options listed here: -dump Property Value Command-Line Format -dump Type Boolean Default Value FALSE Print dump info. Property Value Command-Line Format -filedescriptors Type ...
From version 8.0.17, the extended option supports integer or Boolean values. Setting extended using Boolean values is the equivalent of setting the integer values 0 and 1. In versions prior to 8.0.17, the extended option was only Boolean. Similarly ... This section explains how to work with InnoDB cluster, and how to handle common administration ...
Format is x[,y[,z]] where x=max tries (0=no limit), y=min delay (ms), z=max delay (ms) All NDB 8.0 releases --verbose Enable verbose messages All NDB 8.0 releases --abort-on-error Property Value Command-Line Format --abort-on-error Type Boolean ...
Displaying 11 to 20 of 93 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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