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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 31 to 40 of 132 total results
For example: ALTER TABLE t MODIFY latin1_text_col TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8; ALTER TABLE t MODIFY latin1_varchar_col VARCHAR(M) CHARACTER SET utf8; If you specify CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET binary, the CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT columns are converted to ...
If strict SQL mode is not enabled, a VARCHAR column with a length specification greater than 65535 is converted to TEXT, and a VARBINARY column with a length specification greater than 65535 is converted to BLOB. Specifying the CHARACTER SET binary ... In some cases, MySQL silently changes column specifications from those given in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE ...
--hex-blob Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, 'abc' becomes 0x616263). The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB types, BIT, all spatial data types, and other non-binary data types when used with the binary ...
--hex-blob Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, 'abc' becomes 0x616263). The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB types, BIT, all spatial data types, and other non-binary data types when used with the binary ...
Between any of the binary data types BINARY, VARBINARY, and BLOB, including conversions between different widths. Conversion of a BINARY, VARBINARY, or BLOB to a BINARY, VARBINARY, or BLOB column the same size or larger is never lossy. Source and ...
MyISAM is based on the older (and no longer available) ISAM storage engine but has many useful extensions. Table 16.2 MyISAM Storage Engine Features Feature Support B-tree indexes Yes Backup/point-in-time recovery (Implemented in the server, rather ...
For successful conversion to occur, one of the following conditions must apply: If the column has a binary data type (BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB), all the values that it contains must be encoded using a single character set (the character set you're ...
It is used when the table contains no variable-length columns (VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT). Note Fixed-length row format is only available for tables without BLOB or TEXT columns. Of the three MyISAM storage formats, static format is the ...
For column values less than 8KB in size, use binary VARCHAR instead of BLOB. The GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses can generate temporary tables, and these temporary tables can use the MEMORY storage engine if the original table does not contain any ...
Why do some LIKE and FULLTEXT searches with CJK characters fail? For LIKE searches, there is a very simple problem with binary string column types such as BINARY and BLOB: we must know where characters end. You can also change the data type to BLOB ... This set of Frequently Asked Questions derives from the experience of MySQL's Support and Development groups in handling many inquiries about CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 132 total results

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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