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28.7.2 Simultaneous MySQL Server and Connector/C Installations

MySQL Server and Connector/C installation packages both provide the files needed to build and run MySQL C API client programs. This section discusses when it is possible to install both products on the same system. For some packaging formats, this is possible without conflict. For others, both products cannot be installed at the same time.

This discussion assumes the use of similar package types for both products (for example, RPM packages for both products). It does not try to describe coexistence between packaging types (for example, use of RPM packages for one product and a tar file package for the other). Nor does it describe coexistence of packages provided by Oracle and those provided by third-party vendors.

If you install both products, it may be necessary to adjust your development tools or runtime environment to choose one set of header files and libraries over the other. See Section, “Building C API Client Programs”, and Section, “Running C API Client Programs”.

tar and Zip file packages install under the directory into which you unpack them. For example, you can unpack MySQL Server and Connector/C tar packages under /usr/local and they will unpack into distinct directory names without conflict.

Windows MSI installers use their own installation directory, so MySQL Server and Connector/C installers do not conflict.

OS X DMG packages install under the same parent directory but in a different subdirectory, so there is no conflict. For example:


Solaris PKG packages install under the same parent directory but in a different subdirectory, so there is no conflict. For example:


The Solaris Connector/C installer does not create any symlinks from system directories such as /usr/bin or /usr/lib into the installation directory. That must be done manually if desired after installation.

For RPM installations, there are several types of RPM packages. MySQL Server shared and devel RPM packages are similar to the corresponding Connector/C RPM packages. These RPM package types cannot coexist because the MySQL Server and Connector/C RPM packages use the same installation locations for the client library-related files. This means the following conditions hold:

  • If MySQL Server shared and devel RPM packages are installed, they provide the C API headers and libraries, and there is no need to install the Connector/C RPM packages. To install the Connector/C packages anyway, you must first remove the corresponding MySQL Server packages.

  • To install MySQL Server RPM packages if you already have Connector/C RPM packages installed, you must first remove the Connector/C RPM packages.

MySQL Server RPM packages other than shared and devel do not conflict with Connector/C packages and can be installed if Connector/C is installed. This includes the main server RPM that includes the mysqld server itself.

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