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13.1.5 ALTER INSTANCE Syntax

  1. ALTER INSTANCE instance_action
  3. instance_action: {
  7. }

ALTER INSTANCE defines actions applicable to a MySQL server instance. The statement supports these actions:


    This action rotates the master encryption key used for InnoDB tablespace encryption. Key rotation requires the ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. To perform this action, a keyring plugin must be installed and configured. For instructions, see Section 6.4.4, “The MySQL Keyring”.

    ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY supports concurrent DML. However, it cannot be run concurrently with CREATE TABLE ... ENCRYPTION or ALTER TABLE ... ENCRYPTION operations, and locks are taken to prevent conflicts that could arise from concurrent execution of these statements. If one of the conflicting statements is running, it must complete before another can proceed.

    ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY statements are written to the binary log so that they can be executed on replicated servers.

    For additional ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY usage information, see Section, “InnoDB Data-at-Rest Encryption”.


    This action rotates the binary log master key used for binary log encryption. Key rotation for the binary log master key requires the BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. The statement cannot be used if the binlog_encryption system variable is set to OFF. To perform this action, a keyring plugin must be installed and configured. For instructions, see Section 6.4.4, “The MySQL Keyring”.

    ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE BINLOG MASTER KEY actions are not written to the binary log and are not executed on replication slaves. Binary log master key rotation can therefore be carried out in replication environments including a mix of MySQL versions. To schedule regular rotation of the binary log master key on all applicable master and slave servers, you can enable the MySQL Event Scheduler on each server and issue the ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE BINLOG MASTER KEY statement using a CREATE EVENT statement. If you rotate the binary log master key because you suspect that the current or any of the previous binary log master keys might have been compromised, issue the statement on every applicable master and slave server, which enables you to verify immediate compliance.

    For additional ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE BINLOG MASTER KEY usage information, including what to do if the process does not complete correctly or is interrupted by an unexpected server halt, see Section 17.3.10, “Encrypting Binary Log Files and Relay Log Files”.


    This action reconfigures the SSL context from the current values of the system variables that define the context. It also updates the status variables that reflect the active context values. This action requires the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege.

    By default, the RELOAD TLS action rolls back with an error and has no effect if the configuration values do not permit creation of a new SSL context. The previous context values continue to be used for new connections.

    If the optional NO ROLLBACK ON ERROR clause is given and a new context cannot be created, rollback does not occur. Instead, a warning is generated and SSL is disabled for new connections.

    ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLS statements are not written to the binary log (and thus are not replicated). SSL configuration is local and depends on local files not necessarily present on all servers involved.

    For additional information about reconfiguring the SSL context, including which system and status variables are context-related, see Server-Side Runtime Configuration for Encrypted Connections.

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Document heeft de 26/06/2006 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 26/10/2018 gewijzigd
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