Description du code
lsd10.y est un fichier du projet Compilateur LSD010.Ce fichier est situé dans /var/www/bin/sniplets/lsd010/.
Projet Compilateur LSD010 :
Compilateur LSD010 développé dans le cadre du cours de syntaxe et sémantiqueref 1
Code source ou contenu du fichier
Code Yacc (lsd10.y) (759 lignes)
%{ /* * lsd10.y : lexical parsing file for Bison * Part of the compiler project for LSD10 language * Gaudry Stéphane * More information on */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_E) #include <errno.h> #endif #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) #include <time.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include "common.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define FILE_SEPARATLEXICAL_OR "\\" #else #define FILE_SEPARATLEXICAL_OR "/" #endif extern int lexLinesCount; //extern int lexCharsLineCountBeforeToken; extern int lexTotalCharsCount; extern char* yytext; extern int *yylineno; extern FILE *yyin; /** * Position of a detected error */ DebugInfo *debugInfo; AstNode *rootNode; // to avoid 'implicit definition' int yylex(void); int yyerror(char *str); %} %union{ int nval; char *text; struct astNode *node; } %error-verbose %locations %token LEXICAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE LEXICAL_INTEGER_TYPE LEXICAL_VOID_TYPE LEXICAL_INSTACK_TYPE %token <nval> NUMBER %token LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL %token LEXICAL_AND LEXICAL_OR LEXICAL_ANDLAZY LEXICAL_ORLAZY LEXICAL_NOT LEXICAL_EQUALS LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS LEXICAL_LESS %token LEXICAL_AFFECTATION %token LEXICAL_PLUS LEXICAL_MINUS LEXICAL_MULT LEXICAL_DIV LEXICAL_MOD %token L_PARENTHESIS LSQUI_BRACKET LSQUA_BRACKET POINT RSQUA_BRACKET R_PARENTHESIS RSQUI_BRACKET %token LEXICAL_GET_OPS LEXICAL_ISEMPTY_OPS LEXICAL_WRITE_OPS LEXICAL_READ_OPS LEXICAL_PUT_OPS LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT %token LEXICAL_IF_STMT LEXICAL_ELSE_STMT LEXICAL_WHILE_STMT LEXICAL_FOR_STMT %token COLON SEMICOLON COMMA %token LEXICAL_VAR %token <text>ID %type <node> Prg Function Functions PostFixeFunction %type <node> ArgDeclaration ParamList ParamList_FunctionCall %type <node> FuncOrVar VarIds %type <node> Declarations Declaration %type <node> Statements Statement %type <node> iteration_while if_instruction iteration_for %type <node> LExpr RExpr %type <nval> FunctionType VarType %left LEXICAL_AND LEXICAL_OR LEXICAL_ANDLAZY LEXICAL_ORLAZY %right LEXICAL_NOT %left LEXICAL_EQUALS LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS LEXICAL_LESS %left LEXICAL_PLUS LEXICAL_MINUS %left LEXICAL_MULT LEXICAL_DIV LEXICAL_MOD %start Prg %% Prg: Functions { rootNode=$1;//createASTNode(10,createASTNodeInfo("Root", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$1,NULL); } ; Functions: {$$=NULL;} | Function Functions { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Functions node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // Avoid building an unneeded node if($1==NULL && $2!=NULL) { $$=$2; } else if($2==NULL && $1!=NULL) { $$=$1; } else { $$=createASTNode(&@1,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONS, createASTNodeInfo("Functions", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $2, $1); } } ; Function: FunctionType ID L_PARENTHESIS ParamList R_PARENTHESIS PostFixeFunction{ #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Function node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&@2,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION, createASTNodeInfo($2, $1, NO_VAL), $4, $6); } ; PostFixeFunction: LSQUI_BRACKET LSQUI_BRACKET Declarations RSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"PostFixeFunction node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // Avoid building an unneeded node if($3==NULL) { $$=$5==NULL?NULL:$5; } else if($5==NULL) { $$=$3; } else { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER, createASTNodeInfo("{{decl}statement}", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $3, $5); } } ; Declarations: { $$=NULL; } | Declaration Declarations { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Declarations node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // Avoid building an unneeded node if($2==NULL) { $$=$1; } else { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_DECLARATIONS, createASTNodeInfo("Declarations node", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $1, $2); } } ; Declaration: LEXICAL_VOID_TYPE ID L_PARENTHESIS ParamList R_PARENTHESIS PostFixeFunction { /*void function*/ $$ = createASTNode(&@2,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION, createASTNodeInfo($2, AST_VOID_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL), $4, $6); //setNodeSubType($$, SUBFUNCTION); } | VarType ID FuncOrVar { if($3==NULL || $3->type==NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL) { // multiple variables declarations like "integer i j;" // we must set the type for each variable AstNode *tempNode = $3; while(tempNode!=NULL) { //printf("\nVar ids: %s (on %s %d)\n", varNode->info->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); setComputedType(tempNode,$1); tempNode=tempNode->left; } $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL, createASTNodeInfo($2, $1, NO_VAL), $3, NULL); setComputedType($$,$1); } else { // function declaration $$ = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION, createASTNodeInfo($2, $1, NO_VAL), $3->right, $3->left); setComputedType($$,$1); //setNodeSubType($$, SUBFUNCTION); free($3); } } ; FuncOrVar: L_PARENTHESIS ParamList R_PARENTHESIS PostFixeFunction { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_DECL_PVAL, createASTNodeInfo("function", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $2, $4); } | VarIds SEMICOLON { $$=$1; } ; VarIds: {$$=NULL;} | ID VarIds { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_VAR_DECL, createASTNodeInfo($1, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $2, NULL); } ; FunctionType: LEXICAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE { $$=AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"FunctionType node : boolean", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_INTEGER_TYPE { $$=AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"FunctionType node : integer", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_VOID_TYPE { $$=AST_VOID_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"FunctionType node : void", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } ; ParamList: ArgDeclaration COMMA ParamList { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_PARAM_LIST, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $1, $3); } | ArgDeclaration { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_PARAM_LIST, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $1, NULL); } | {$$=NULL;} ; ArgDeclaration: LEXICAL_VAR VarType ID { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"LEXICAL_VAR VarType ID node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$ = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_PARAM_DECL, createASTNodeInfo($3, $2, NO_VAL), NULL, NULL); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_VAR); } | VarType ID { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType ID node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$ = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_PARAM_DECL, createASTNodeInfo($2, $1, NO_VAL), NULL, NULL); setNodeSubType($$, ID); setComputedType($$, $1); } ; VarType: LEXICAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE { $$=AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType node : boolean", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_INTEGER_TYPE { $$=AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType node : integer", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_INSTACK_TYPE { $$=AST_INSTACK_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType node : instack", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_INTEGER_TYPE LSQUA_BRACKET NUMBER RSQUA_BRACKET{ $$=AST_INTEGER_ARRAY_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType node : integer", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | LEXICAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE LSQUA_BRACKET NUMBER RSQUA_BRACKET{ $$=AST_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_VAR_TYPE; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"VarType node : integer", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } ; RExpr: LEXICAL_NOT RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),NULL, $2); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_NOT); } | RExpr LEXICAL_AND RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_AND); } | RExpr LEXICAL_OR RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_OR); } | RExpr LEXICAL_ANDLAZY RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_ANDLAZY); } | RExpr LEXICAL_ORLAZY RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_ORLAZY); } | LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL); } | LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL); } | LEXICAL_ISEMPTY_OPS L_PARENTHESIS ID R_PARENTHESIS { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL), NULL, createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_ID, createASTNodeInfo($3, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL) ); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_ISEMPTY_OPS); } | LEXICAL_GET_OPS L_PARENTHESIS ID R_PARENTHESIS { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL), NULL, createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_ID, createASTNodeInfo($3, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL) ); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_GET_OPS); } | RExpr LEXICAL_EQUALS RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"=", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_EQUALS); } | RExpr LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS RExpr { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS); #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) //printf(";\ttest subtype %d",$$->subtype); printMsg(DEB_Y,"<=", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } | RExpr LEXICAL_LESS RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"<", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_BOOLEAN_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_LESS); } | RExpr LEXICAL_PLUS RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"+", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_PLUS); } | RExpr LEXICAL_MINUS RExpr{ #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"-", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_MINUS); } | RExpr LEXICAL_MULT RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"*", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_MULT); } | RExpr LEXICAL_DIV RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"LEXICAL_DIV", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_DIV); } | RExpr LEXICAL_MOD RExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"LEXICAL_MOD", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_MOD); } | L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"(RExpr)", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$2;//createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),NULL, $2); } | LExpr { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"LExpr", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$1;//createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),$1, NULL); } | ID L_PARENTHESIS ParamList_FunctionCall R_PARENTHESIS { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Function call with parameters", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL, createASTNodeInfo($1, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),$3, NULL); } | ID L_PARENTHESIS R_PARENTHESIS { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Function call without parameters", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL, createASTNodeInfo($1, NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL); } | NUMBER { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NUMBER, createASTNodeInfo("CONSTANT, NUMBER", AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, $1),NULL, NULL); } | LEXICAL_MINUS NUMBER { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NUMBER, createASTNodeInfo("CONSTANT, NEGATIVE NUMBER", AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, 0-$2),NULL, NULL); } // | Statement { // $$=$1; // } ; LExpr: ID { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"ID node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_ID, createASTNodeInfo($1, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL); } | ID LSQUA_BRACKET RExpr RSQUA_BRACKET { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_ID,createASTNodeInfo($1, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$3,NULL); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_INSTACK_TYPE); } ; ParamList_FunctionCall: RExpr COMMA ParamList_FunctionCall { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_PARAM_LIST, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$1, $3); } | RExpr { $$=$1; setNodeType($$, NODE_TYPE_PARAM); } ; Statements: Statement Statements{ #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statements node", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // Avoid building an unneeded node if($2==NULL) { $$=$1; } else { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_FUNCTION_BODY, createASTNodeInfo("Statements node", NODE_TYPE_TODO, NO_VAL),$1, $2); } } | { $$=NULL;} ; Statement: SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : ';'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=NULL; } | RExpr SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'RExpr;'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$1; } | LExpr LEXICAL_AFFECTATION RExpr SEMICOLON { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'LExpr = RExpr;'", NODE_TYPE_CHECK, NO_VAL),$1, $3); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_AFFECTATION); } | if_instruction { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'if'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$1;//createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'if'", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$1, NULL); } | iteration_while { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'while'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$1; } | iteration_for { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'for'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=$1; } | LEXICAL_WRITE_OPS L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'WRITE (RExpr);'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,LEXICAL_WRITE_OPS, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'WRITE (RExpr);'", AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),NULL, $3); } | LEXICAL_READ_OPS L_PARENTHESIS LExpr R_PARENTHESIS SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'READ (LExpr);'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,LEXICAL_READ_OPS, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'READ (LExpr);'", AST_INTEGER_VAR_TYPE, NO_VAL),NULL, $3); } | LEXICAL_PUT_OPS L_PARENTHESIS ID COMMA RExpr R_PARENTHESIS SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'PUT (ID, RExpr);'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc, LEXICAL_PUT_OPS, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'PUT;'", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_ID, createASTNodeInfo($3, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),NULL, NULL), $5 ); } | LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS SEMICOLON { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_Y) printMsg(DEB_Y,"Statement : 'LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT(RExpr);'", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT, createASTNodeInfo("Statement : 'LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT(RExpr);'", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),NULL, $3); } ; iteration_for: LEXICAL_FOR_STMT L_PARENTHESIS Statements COLON RExpr COLON Statements R_PARENTHESIS LSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET { AstNode *forBoundariesNode = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER,createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$3,$7); AstNode *forNode = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER,createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),forBoundariesNode, $10); //AstNode *forConditionNode = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_REXP,createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$5,NULL); $$ = createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT,createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $5, forNode ); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_FOR_STMT); } ; iteration_while: LEXICAL_WHILE_STMT L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS LSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT,createASTNodeInfo("while(RExpr){Statement}", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$3, $6); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_WHILE_STMT); } ; if_instruction: LEXICAL_IF_STMT L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS LSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET LEXICAL_ELSE_STMT LSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET { AstNode *ifNode = $6; AstNode *elseNode = $10; $$=createASTNode(&yylloc, NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT, createASTNodeInfo("if(RExpr){Statement}else{Statement}", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), $3, createASTNode(&yylloc, NODE_TYPE_CONTAINER, createASTNodeInfo(NO_NAME, NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL), ifNode, elseNode ) ); setNodeSubType($$, AST_IF_ELSE_STMT); } | LEXICAL_IF_STMT L_PARENTHESIS RExpr R_PARENTHESIS LSQUI_BRACKET Statements RSQUI_BRACKET { $$=createASTNode(&yylloc,NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT,createASTNodeInfo("if(RExpr){Statement}", NODE_TYPE_NOTHING, NO_VAL),$3, $6); setNodeSubType($$, LEXICAL_IF_STMT); } ; %% void finalizeYacc() { #if(SYMTABLE_PRINT_REQUESTED==1 || VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_I) printSymbolsTableFooter(); #endif #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Cleaning memory...", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif // finalizeSymbolsTable MUST be called BELEXICAL_FOR_STMTE finalizeAST to avoid double free or corruption finalizeSymbolsTable(); finalizeAST(); // if(psnBeforeToken!=NULL) // { // free(psnBeforeToken); // } // if(psnAfterToken!=NULL) // { // free(psnAfterToken); // } yylex_destroy(); #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"...OK Memory cleaned\n;\n;", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif } int testFile(char *path) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) time_t startTime = time(NULL); printf(";****************************************************************************************"); printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Creating Symbols Table",__FILE__, __LINE__); #endif initializeSymbolsTable(); #if(SYMTABLE_PRINT_REQUESTED==1) printSymbolsTableHeader(); #endif #if(SYMTABLE_PRINT_REQUESTED!=1 && VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_W,"Print Symbols table not requested (use DEB_I level minimum to print it)", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif if(path==NULL || !(yyin=fopen(path,"r"))) { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Using Test file...false", __FILE__, __LINE__); printMsg(DEB_E, (char *)strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Calling yyparse()", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif yyparse(); } else { #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Using Test file...true", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf("; Parsing %s file...", path); printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Calling yyparse()", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif yyparse();/*retourne un booleen?*/ fclose(yyin); } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"End of yyparse execution;", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif #if(AST_PRINT_REQUESTED==1) printTree(); #endif #if(AST_PRINT_REQUESTED!=1 && VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_W,"Print tree not requested (use DEB_I level minimum to print it)", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif checkAST(); #if(AST_IMAGE_REQUESTED!=0) printGraph(); #endif #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC && PCODE_GENERATION_BYPASS) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"P-code generation not requested.", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif #if(!PCODE_GENERATION_BYPASS) #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"Generating p-code...", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif generatePCode(); #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"...OK P-code generated;", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif #endif #if(VAR_USAGE_REPORT_REQUESTED) printSymbolsUsage(); #endif finalizeYacc(); #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) time_t endTime = time(NULL); char str[1024];//todo: minimize length sprintf( str, "Parsing started at %s;\t%d lines %d chars parsed in %g seconds\n;\tVerbose set on \"%s\" level", asctime(localtime(&startTime)), lexLinesCount, lexTotalCharsCount, difftime(endTime, startTime), debugLevelToString(VERBOSE_LEVEL) ); printMsg(DEB_EXEC,str, __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif //fprintf(stderr,"OK\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int main() { DIR *dir = NULL; struct dirent *file = NULL; char *path="tests"; #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"\n;\n;\tLSD010 Compiler [SSHD09]\n;\n;", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif if((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL) { testFile(NULL); } else { char *filePath; while((file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if(strcmp(file->d_name, ".") && strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) { filePath = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(file->d_name) + 2); sprintf(filePath, "%s%s%s", path, FILE_SEPARATLEXICAL_OR, file->d_name); //printf("\n; Opening %s file...", filePath); if(testFile(filePath) != EXIT_SUCCESS) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } closedir(dir); free(filePath); } #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_EXEC) printMsg(DEB_EXEC,"That's All Folks!", __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif fprintf(stderr,"OK\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int yyerror(char *str) { fprintf(stderr,"KO\n"); if(yytext!=NULL) { fprintf(stderr,";\n;\tError : \"%s\" On parsed code, Line %d : UNRECOGNISED '%s'\n\n", str, lexLinesCount, yytext); }else if(debugInfo!=NULL) { fprintf( stderr, ";\n;\tError : \"%s\" On %s, Line %d col %d\n\n", str, debugInfo->file, debugInfo->line, debugInfo->linePsn ); } // else if(lexLinesCount>0) // { // fprintf(stderr,";\n;\tError : \"%s\" On parsed code, Line %d\n\n", str, lexLinesCount); // } else { fprintf(stderr,";\n;\tError : \"%s\"\n\n", str); } finalizeYacc(); //failure for the parsed code, but success for the compiler (it must stop here) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
Structure et Fichiers du projet
Afficher/masquer...Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
Pas de sous-répertoires. | |||
Icône | Nom | Taille | Modification |
![]() | Répertoire parent | 0 octets | 1741487686 09/03/2025 03:34:46 |
Ce code présente une manière possible d'implémenter un compilateur, et certains choix peuvent être discutés.Cependant, il peut donner des pistes pour démarrer, ou approcher certains concepts, et je tenterais par la suite de mettre à jour le code.
Utilisation de l'explorateur de code
- Navigation :
- Un clic sur une icône de répertoire ouvre ce répertoire pour en afficher les fichiers.
- Lorsque le répertoire en cours ne contient pas de sous-répertoires il est possible de remonter vers le répertoire parent.
- La structure de répertoires en treetable (tableau en forme d'arborescence) n'est plus possibledans cette version.
- Un clic sur une icône de fichier ouvre ce fichier pour en afficher le code avec la coloration syntaxique adaptée en fonction du langage principal utilisé dans le fichier.
- Affichage :
- Il est possible de trier les répertoires ou les fichiers selon certains critères (nom, taille, date).
- Actions :
- Les actions possible sur les fichiers dépendent de vos droits d'utilisateur sur le site. Veuillez activer le mode utilisateur pour activer les actions.
Nederlandse vertaling
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Bij voorbaat dank.
Document heeft de 07/03/2010 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 28/10/2018 gewijzigd
Bron van het afgedrukte document:
De infobrol is een persoonlijke site waarvan de inhoud uitsluitend mijn verantwoordelijkheid is. De tekst is beschikbaar onder CreativeCommons-licentie (BY-NC-SA). Meer info op de gebruiksvoorwaarden en de auteur.
- ↑a,b LSD010 : Langage Simple et Didactique Il existe une un certain nombre d'interprétations de l'acronyme LSD (Langage Symbolique Didactique, Langage Sans Difficulté, Langage Simple et Didactique). LSD010 est la version 2010 de la suite LSD80, LSD_02, LSD03, LSD04, LSD05, LSD06, LSD07, LSD08, et LSD09.
IHDCB332 - Théorie des langages : Syntaxe et sémantique : PY Schobbens,
Syntaxe et sémantique
(January 2010)
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