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Class JobStateReasons

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<JobStateReason>, Collection<JobStateReason>, Set<JobStateReason>, Attribute, PrintJobAttribute

    public final class JobStateReasons
    extends HashSet<JobStateReason>
    implements PrintJobAttribute
    Class JobStateReasons is a printing attribute class, a set of enumeration values, that provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e., information that augments the value of the job's JobState attribute.

    Instances of JobStateReason do not appear in a Print Job's attribute set directly. Rather, a JobStateReasons attribute appears in the Print Job's attribute set. The JobStateReasons attribute contains zero, one, or more than one JobStateReason objects which pertain to the Print Job's status. The printer adds a JobStateReason object to the Print Job's JobStateReasons attribute when the corresponding condition becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer removes the JobStateReason object again when the corresponding condition becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Job's overall JobState also changed.

    Class JobStateReasons inherits its implementation from class java.util.HashSet. Unlike most printing attributes which are immutable once constructed, class JobStateReasons is designed to be mutable; you can add JobStateReason objects to an existing JobStateReasons object and remove them again. However, like class java.util.HashSet, class JobStateReasons is not multiple thread safe. If a JobStateReasons object will be used by multiple threads, be sure to synchronize its operations (e.g., using a synchronized set view obtained from class java.util.Collections).

    IPP Compatibility: The string value returned by each individual JobStateReason object's toString() method gives the IPP keyword value. The category name returned by getName() gives the IPP attribute name.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobStateReasons

        public JobStateReasons()
        Construct a new, empty job state reasons attribute; the underlying hash set has the default initial capacity and load factor.
      • JobStateReasons

        public JobStateReasons(int initialCapacity)
        Construct a new, empty job state reasons attribute; the underlying hash set has the given initial capacity and the default load factor.
        initialCapacity - Initial capacity.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the initial capacity is less than zero.
      • JobStateReasons

        public JobStateReasons(int initialCapacity,
                       float loadFactor)
        Construct a new, empty job state reasons attribute; the underlying hash set has the given initial capacity and load factor.
        initialCapacity - Initial capacity.
        loadFactor - Load factor.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the initial capacity is less than zero.
      • JobStateReasons

        public JobStateReasons(Collection<JobStateReason> collection)
        Construct a new job state reasons attribute that contains the same JobStateReason objects as the given collection. The underlying hash set's initial capacity and load factor are as specified in the superclass constructor HashSet(Collection).
        collection - Collection to copy.
        NullPointerException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if collection is null or if any element in collection is null.
        ClassCastException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if any element in collection is not an instance of class JobStateReason.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public boolean add(JobStateReason o)
        Adds the specified element to this job state reasons attribute if it is not already present. The element to be added must be an instance of class JobStateReason. If this job state reasons attribute already contains the specified element, the call leaves this job state reasons attribute unchanged and returns false.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Collection<JobStateReason>
        Specified by:
        add in interface Set<JobStateReason>
        add in class HashSet<JobStateReason>
        o - Element to be added to this job state reasons attribute.
        true if this job state reasons attribute did not already contain the specified element.
        NullPointerException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified element is null.
        ClassCastException - (unchecked exception) Thrown if the specified element is not an instance of class JobStateReason.
      • getCategory

        public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory()
        Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category" for this printing attribute value.

        For class JobStateReasons, the category is class JobStateReasons itself.

        Specified by:
        getCategory in interface Attribute
        Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class java.lang.Class.
      • getName

        public final String getName()
        Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an instance.

        For class JobStateReasons, the category name is "job-state-reasons".

        Specified by:
        getName in interface Attribute
        Attribute category name.

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Document heeft de 11/06/2005 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 04/03/2020 gewijzigd
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