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L'épée sur l'enclume

Album n°1 dans la série Astonishing X-Men

Xavier makes his way to Hammer Bay, Genosha which has been decimated by Cassandra Nova's Mega-Sentinels and quarantined off to the rest of the world. As the ghost of Moira helps him get his head together, he meets Wicked, a mutant who summons ghosts of her own. He is confronted by Unus who claims to be in control of the island but is aided by the young boy, Freakshow, who transforms into a giant monster and swallows the untouchable mutant. With plans to rebuild the decimated nation, who better to bring as an ally than the former ruler of Genosha, Magneto.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 31-05-2005
Date de parution: 31-05-2005
Nombre de pages: 100
Type: album simple

Astonishing X-Men : les albums

Liste des ouvrages sous forme de couvertures

Il existe 4 ouvrages qui ne sont pas encore approuvés;

Voir les détails de la série

Voir toutes les séries BD

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Document heeft de 01/05/2020 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 05/02/2024 gewijzigd
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