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22.4.7 ndb_config — Extract NDB Cluster Configuration Information

This tool extracts current configuration information for data nodes, SQL nodes, and API nodes from one of a number of sources: an NDB Cluster management node, or its config.ini or my.cnf file. By default, the management node is the source for the configuration data; to override the default, execute ndb_config with the --config-file or --mycnf option. It is also possible to use a data node as the source by specifying its node ID with --config_from_node=node_id.

ndb_config can also provide an offline dump of all configuration parameters which can be used, along with their default, maximum, and minimum values and other information. The dump can be produced in either text or XML format; for more information, see the discussion of the --configinfo and --xml options later in this section).

You can filter the results by section (DB, SYSTEM, or CONNECTIONS) using one of the options --nodes, --system, or --connections.

The following table includes options that are specific to ndb_config. Additional descriptions follow the table. For options common to most NDB Cluster programs (including ndb_config), see Section 22.4.31, “Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs — Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs”.

Table 22.339 Command-line options for the ndb_config program

Format Description Added, Deprecated, or Removed


Set the path to config.ini file

All NDB 8.0 releases


Obtain configuration data from the node having this ID (must be a data node).

All NDB 8.0 releases


Dumps information about all NDB configuration parameters in text format with default, maximum, and minimum values. Use with --xml to obtain XML output.

All NDB 8.0 releases


Print connections information ([tcp], [tcp default], [sci], [sci default], [shm], or [shm default] sections of cluster configuration file) only. Cannot be used with --system or --nodes.

All NDB 8.0 releases


Print only configuration parameters that have non-default values

All NDB 8.0 releases



Field separator

All NDB 8.0 releases


Specify host

All NDB 8.0 releases


Read configuration data from my.cnf file

All NDB 8.0 releases



Get configuration of node with this ID

All NDB 8.0 releases


Print node information ([ndbd] or [ndbd default] section of cluster configuration file) only. Cannot be used with --system or --connections.

All NDB 8.0 releases


Short form for --ndb-connectstring

All NDB 8.0 releases



One or more query options (attributes)

All NDB 8.0 releases



Dumps all parameters and values to a single comma-delimited string.

All NDB 8.0 releases



Row separator

All NDB 8.0 releases


Print SYSTEM section information only (see ndb_config --configinfo output). Cannot be used with --nodes or --connections.

All NDB 8.0 releases


Specify node type

All NDB 8.0 releases

--configinfo --xml

Use --xml with --configinfo to obtain a dump of all NDB configuration parameters in XML format with default, maximum, and minimum values.

All NDB 8.0 releases

  • --configinfo

    The --configinfo option causes ndb_config to dump a list of each NDB Cluster configuration parameter supported by the NDB Cluster distribution of which ndb_config is a part, including the following information:

    • A brief description of each parameter's purpose, effects, and usage

    • The section of the config.ini file where the parameter may be used

    • The parameter's data type or unit of measurement

    • Where applicable, the parameter's default, minimum, and maximum values

    • NDB Cluster release version and build information

    By default, this output is in text format. Part of this output is shown here:

    shell> ndb_config --configinfo
    ****** SYSTEM ******
    Name (String)
    Name of system (NDB Cluster)
    PrimaryMGMNode (Non-negative Integer)
    Node id of Primary ndb_mgmd(MGM) node
    Default: 0 (Min: 0, Max: 4294967039)
    ConfigGenerationNumber (Non-negative Integer)
    Configuration generation number
    Default: 0 (Min: 0, Max: 4294967039)
    ****** DB ******
    MaxNoOfSubscriptions (Non-negative Integer)
    Max no of subscriptions (default 0 == MaxNoOfTables)
    Default: 0 (Min: 0, Max: 4294967039)
    MaxNoOfSubscribers (Non-negative Integer)
    Max no of subscribers (default 0 == 2 * MaxNoOfTables)
    Default: 0 (Min: 0, Max: 4294967039)

    Use this option together with the --xml option to obtain output in XML format.

  • --config-file=path-to-file

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --config-file=file_name
    Type File name
    Default Value

    Gives the path to the management server's configuration file (config.ini). This may be a relative or absolute path. If the management node resides on a different host from the one on which ndb_config is invoked, then an absolute path must be used.

  • --config_from_node=#

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --config-from-node=#
    Type Numeric
    Default Value none
    Minimum Value 1
    Maximum Value 48

    Obtain the cluster's configuration data from the data node that has this ID.

    If the node having this ID is not a data node, ndb_config fails with an error. (To obtain configuration data from the management node instead, simply omit this option.)

  • --connections

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --connections
    Type Boolean
    Default Value FALSE

    Tells ndb_config to print CONNECTIONS information only—that is, information about parameters found in the [tcp], [tcp default], [sci], [sci default], [shm], or [shm default] sections of the cluster configuration file (see Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections”, Section, “SCI Transport Connections in NDB Cluster”, and Section, “NDB Cluster Shared-Memory Connections”, for more information).

    This option is mutually exclusive with --nodes and --system; only one of these 3 options can be used.

  • --diff-default

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --diff-default
    Type Boolean
    Default Value FALSE

    Print only configuration parameters that have non-default values.

  • --fields=delimiter, -f delimiter

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --fields=string
    Type String
    Default Value

    Specifies a delimiter string used to separate the fields in the result. The default is , (the comma character).


    If the delimiter contains spaces or escapes (such as \n for the linefeed character), then it must be quoted.

  • --host=hostname

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --host=name
    Type String
    Default Value

    Specifies the host name of the node for which configuration information is to be obtained.


    While the hostname localhost usually resolves to the IP address, this may not necessarily be true for all operating platforms and configurations. This means that it is possible, when localhost is used in config.ini, for ndb_config --host=localhost to fail if ndb_config is run on a different host where localhost resolves to a different address (for example, on some versions of SUSE Linux, this is In general, for best results, you should use numeric IP addresses for all NDB Cluster configuration values relating to hosts, or verify that all NDB Cluster hosts handle localhost in the same fashion.

  • --mycnf

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --mycnf
    Type Boolean
    Default Value FALSE

    Read configuration data from the my.cnf file.

  • --ndb-connectstring=connection_string, -c connection_string

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format



    Type String
    Default Value localhost:1186

    Specifies the connection string to use in connecting to the management server. The format for the connection string is the same as described in Section, “NDB Cluster Connection Strings”, and defaults to localhost:1186.

  • --nodeid=node_id

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --ndb-nodeid=#
    Type Numeric
    Default Value 0

    Specify the node ID of the node for which configuration information is to be obtained.

  • --nodes

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --nodes
    Type Boolean
    Default Value FALSE

    Tells ndb_config to print information relating only to parameters defined in an [ndbd] or [ndbd default] section of the cluster configuration file (see Section, “Defining NDB Cluster Data Nodes”).

    This option is mutually exclusive with --connections and --system; only one of these 3 options can be used.

  • --query=query-options, -q query-options

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --query=string
    Type String
    Default Value

    This is a comma-delimited list of query options—that is, a list of one or more node attributes to be returned. These include nodeid (node ID), type (node type—that is, ndbd, mysqld, or ndb_mgmd), and any configuration parameters whose values are to be obtained.

    For example, --query=nodeid,type,datamemory,datadir returns the node ID, node type, DataMemory, and DataDir for each node.


    If a given parameter is not applicable to a certain type of node, than an empty string is returned for the corresponding value. See the examples later in this section for more information.

  • --query-all, -a

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --query-all
    Type String
    Default Value

    Returns a comma-delimited list of all query options (node attributes; note that this list is a single string.

  • --rows=separator, -r separator

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --rows=string
    Type String
    Default Value

    Specifies a separator string used to separate the rows in the result. The default is a space character.


    If the separator contains spaces or escapes (such as \n for the linefeed character), then it must be quoted.

  • --system

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --system
    Type Boolean
    Default Value FALSE

    Tells ndb_config to print SYSTEM information only. This consists of system variables that cannot be changed at run time; thus, there is no corresponding section of the cluster configuration file for them. They can be seen (prefixed with ****** SYSTEM ******) in the output of ndb_config --configinfo.

    This option is mutually exclusive with --nodes and --connections; only one of these 3 options can be used.

  • --type=node_type

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --type=name
    Type Enumeration
    Default Value [none]
    Valid Values




    Filters results so that only configuration values applying to nodes of the specified node_type (ndbd, mysqld, or ndb_mgmd) are returned.

  • --usage, --help, or -?

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format



    Causes ndb_config to print a list of available options, and then exit.

  • --version, -V

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --version

    Causes ndb_config to print a version information string, and then exit.

  • --configinfo --xml

    Property Value
    Command-Line Format --configinfo --xml
    Type Boolean
    Default Value false

    Cause ndb_config --configinfo to provide output as XML by adding this option. A portion of such output is shown in this example:

    shell> ndb_config --configinfo --xml
    <configvariables protocolversion="1" ndbversionstring="5.7.27-ndb-7.5.16"
                        ndbversion="460032" ndbversionmajor="7" ndbversionminor="5"
      <section name="SYSTEM">
        <param name="Name" comment="Name of system (NDB Cluster)" type="string"
        <param name="PrimaryMGMNode" comment="Node id of Primary ndb_mgmd(MGM) node"
                  type="unsigned" default="0" min="0" max="4294967039"/>
        <param name="ConfigGenerationNumber" comment="Configuration generation number"
                  type="unsigned" default="0" min="0" max="4294967039"/>
      <section name="MYSQLD" primarykeys="NodeId">
        <param name="wan" comment="Use WAN TCP setting as default" type="bool"
        <param name="HostName" comment="Name of computer for this node"
                  type="string" default=""/>
        <param name="Id" comment="NodeId" type="unsigned" mandatory="true"
                  min="1" max="255" deprecated="true"/>
        <param name="NodeId" comment="Number identifying application node (mysqld(API))"
                  type="unsigned" mandatory="true" min="1" max="255"/>
        <param name="ExecuteOnComputer" comment="HostName" type="string"

    Normally, the XML output produced by ndb_config --configinfo --xml is formatted using one line per element; we have added extra whitespace in the previous example, as well as the next one, for reasons of legibility. This should not make any difference to applications using this output, since most XML processors either ignore nonessential whitespace as a matter of course, or can be instructed to do so.

    The XML output also indicates when changing a given parameter requires that data nodes be restarted using the --initial option. This is shown by the presence of an initial="true" attribute in the corresponding <param> element. In addition, the restart type (system or node) is also shown; if a given parameter requires a system restart, this is indicated by the presence of a restart="system" attribute in the corresponding <param> element. For example, changing the value set for the Diskless parameter requires a system initial restart, as shown here (with the restart and initial attributes highlighted for visibility):

    <param name="Diskless" comment="Run wo/ disk" type="bool" default="false"
              restart="system" initial="true"/>

    Currently, no initial attribute is included in the XML output for <param> elements corresponding to parameters which do not require initial restarts; in other words, initial="false" is the default, and the value false should be assumed if the attribute is not present. Similarly, the default restart type is node (that is, an online or rolling restart of the cluster), but the restart attribute is included only if the restart type is system (meaning that all cluster nodes must be shut down at the same time, then restarted).

    Deprecated parameters are indicated in the XML output by the deprecated attribute, as shown here:

    <param name="NoOfDiskPagesToDiskAfterRestartACC" comment="DiskCheckpointSpeed"
           type="unsigned" default="20" min="1" max="4294967039" deprecated="true"/>

    In such cases, the comment refers to one or more parameters that supersede the deprecated parameter. Similarly to initial, the deprecated attribute is indicated only when the parameter is deprecated, with deprecated="true", and does not appear at all for parameters which are not deprecated. (Bug #21127135)

    Beginning with NDB 7.5.0, parameters that are required are indicated with mandatory="true", as shown here:

    <param name="NodeId"
              comment="Number identifying application node (mysqld(API))"
              type="unsigned" mandatory="true" min="1" max="255"/>

    In much the same way that the initial or deprecated attribute is displayed only for a parameter that requires an intial restart or that is deprecated, the mandatory attribute is included only if the given parameter is actually required.


    The --xml option can be used only with the --configinfo option. Using --xml without --configinfo fails with an error.

    Unlike the options used with this program to obtain current configuration data, --configinfo and --xml use information obtained from the NDB Cluster sources when ndb_config was compiled. For this reason, no connection to a running NDB Cluster or access to a config.ini or my.cnf file is required for these two options.

Combining other ndb_config options (such as --query or --type) with --configinfo (with or without the --xml option is not supported. Currently, if you attempt to do so, the usual result is that all other options besides --configinfo or --xml are simply ignored. However, this behavior is not guaranteed and is subject to change at any time. In addition, since ndb_config, when used with the --configinfo option, does not access the NDB Cluster or read any files, trying to specify additional options such as --ndb-connectstring or --config-file with --configinfo serves no purpose.


  1. To obtain the node ID and type of each node in the cluster:

    shell> ./ndb_config --query=nodeid,type --fields=':' --rows='\n'

    In this example, we used the --fields options to separate the ID and type of each node with a colon character (:), and the --rows options to place the values for each node on a new line in the output.

  2. To produce a connection string that can be used by data, SQL, and API nodes to connect to the management server:

    shell> ./ndb_config --config-file=usr/local/mysql/cluster-data/config.ini \
    --query=hostname,portnumber --fields=: --rows=, --type=ndb_mgmd
  3. This invocation of ndb_config checks only data nodes (using the --type option), and shows the values for each node's ID and host name, as well as the values set for its DataMemory and DataDir parameters:

    shell> ./ndb_config --type=ndbd --query=nodeid,host,datamemory,datadir -f ' : ' -r '\n'
    1 : : 83886080 : /usr/local/mysql/cluster-data
    2 : : 83886080 : /usr/local/mysql/cluster-data
    3 : : 83886080 : /usr/local/mysql/cluster-data
    4 : : 83886080 : /usr/local/mysql/cluster-data

    In this example, we used the short options -f and -r for setting the field delimiter and row separator, respectively, as well as the short option -q to pass a list of parameters to be obtained.

  4. To exclude results from any host except one in particular, use the --host option:

    shell> ./ndb_config --host= -f : -r '\n' -q id,type

    In this example, we also used the short form -q to determine the attributes to be queried.

    Similarly, you can limit results to a node with a specific ID using the --nodeid option.

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