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20.5.3 Using Encrypted Connections with X Plugin

This section explains how to configure X Plugin to use encrypted connections. For more background information, see Section 6.3, “Using Encrypted Connections”.

To enable configuring support for encrypted connections, X Plugin has mysqlx_ssl_xxx system variables, which can have different values from the ssl_xxx system variables used with MySQL Server. For example, X Plugin can have SSL key, certificate, and certificate authority files that differ from those used for MySQL Server. These variables are described at Section, “X Plugin Options and System Variables”. Similarly, X Plugin has its own Mysqlx_ssl_xxx status variables that correspond to the MySQL Server encrypted-connection Ssl_xxx status variables. See Section, “X Plugin Status Variables”.

At initialization, X Plugin determines its TLS context for encrypted connections as follows:

  • If all mysqlx_ssl_xxx system variables have their default values, X Plugin uses the same TLS context as the MySQL Server main connection interface, which is determined by the values of the ssl_xxx system variables.

  • If any mysqlx_ssl_xxx variable has a nondefault value, X Plugin uses the TLS context defined by the values of its own system variables. (This is the case if any mysqlx_ssl_xxx system variable is set to a value different from its default.)

This means that, on a server with X Plugin enabled, you can choose to have MySQL Protocol and X Protocol connections share the same encryption configuration by setting only the ssl_xxx variables, or have separate encryption configurations for MySQL Protocol and X Protocol connections by configuring the ssl_xxx and mysqlx_ssl_xxx variables separately.

To have MySQL Protocol and X Protocol connections use the same encryption configuration, set only the ssl_xxx system variables in my.cnf:


To configure encryption separately for MySQL Protocol and X Protocol connections, set both the ssl_xxx and mysqlx_ssl_xxx system variables in my.cnf:



For general information about configuring connection-encryption support, see Section 6.3.1, “Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections”. That discussion is written for MySQL Server, but the parameter names are similar for X Plugin. (The X Plugin mysqlx_ssl_xxx system variable names correspond to the MySQL Server ssl_xxx system variable names.)

The tls_version system variable that determines the permitted TLS versions for MySQL Protocol connections also applies to X Protocol connections. The permitted TLS versions for both types of connections are therefore the same.

Encryption per connection is optional, but a specific user can be required to use encryption for X Protocol and MySQL Protocol connections by including an appropriate REQUIRE clause in the CREATE USER statement that creates the user. For details, see Section, “CREATE USER Statement”. Alternatively, to require all users to use encryption for X Protocol and MySQL Protocol connections, enable the require_secure_transport system variable. For additional information, see Configuring Encrypted Connections as Mandatory.

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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