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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

2.7 Installing MySQL on Solaris


MySQL 8.0 supports Solaris 11.4 and higher

MySQL on Solaris is available in a number of different formats.


The installation packages have a dependency on the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Runtime Libraries, which must be installed before you run the MySQL installation package. See the download options for Oracle Developer Studio here. The installation package enables you to install the runtime libraries only instead of the full Oracle Developer Studio; see instructions in Installing Only the Runtime Libraries on Oracle Solaris 11.

To obtain a binary MySQL distribution for Solaris in tarball or PKG format,

Additional notes to be aware of when installing and using MySQL on Solaris:

  • If you want to use MySQL with the mysql user and group, use the groupadd and useradd commands:

    groupadd mysql
    useradd -g mysql -s /bin/false mysql
  • If you install MySQL using a binary tarball distribution on Solaris, because the Solaris tar cannot handle long file names, use GNU tar (gtar) to unpack the distribution. If you do not have GNU tar on your system, install it with the following command:

    pkg install archiver/gnu-tar
  • You should mount any file systems on which you intend to store InnoDB files with the forcedirectio option. (By default mounting is done without this option.) Failing to do so will cause a significant drop in performance when using the InnoDB storage engine on this platform.

  • If you would like MySQL to start automatically, you can copy support-files/mysql.server to /etc/init.d and create a symbolic link to it named /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql.server.

  • If too many processes try to connect very rapidly to mysqld, you should see this error in the MySQL log:

    Error in accept: Protocol error

    You might try starting the server with the --back_log=50 option as a workaround for this.

  • To configure the generation of core files on Solaris you should use the coreadm command. Because of the security implications of generating a core on a setuid() application, by default, Solaris does not support core files on setuid() programs. However, you can modify this behavior using coreadm. If you enable setuid() core files for the current user, they will be generated using the mode 600 and owned by the superuser.

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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