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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

20.4.1 MySQL Shell

This quick-start guide assumes a certain level of familiarity with MySQL Shell. The following section is a high level overview, see the MySQL Shell documentation for more information. MySQL Shell is a unified scripting interface to MySQL Server. It supports scripting in JavaScript and Python. JavaScript is the default processing mode.

Start MySQL Shell

After you have installed and started MySQL server, connect MySQL Shell to the server instance. You need to know the address of the MySQL server instance you plan to connect to. To be able to use the instance as a Document Store, the server instance must have X Plugin installed and you should connect to the server using X Protocol. For example to connect to the instance on the default mysqlx_port of 33060 use the network string


If you connect to the instance using MySQL classic protocol, for example by using the default port of 3306 instead of the mysqlx_port, you cannot use the Document Store functionality shown in this tutorial. For example the db global object is not populated. To use the Document Store, always connect using X Protocol.

If MySQL Shell is not already running, open a terminal window and issue:


Alternatively, if MySQL Shell is already running use the \connect command by issuing:


You need to specify the address of the MySQL server instance which you want to connect MySQL Shell to. For example in the previous example:

  • user represents the user name of your MySQL account.

  • is the hostname of the server instance running MySQL. Replace this with the hostname of the MySQL server instance you are using as a Document Store.

  • The default schema for this session is world_x. For instructions on setting up the world_x schema, see Section 20.4.2, “Download and Import world_x Database”.

For more information, see Section 4.2.5, “Connecting to the Server Using URI-Like Strings or Key-Value Pairs”.

Once MySQL Shell opens, the mysql-js> prompt indicates that the active language for this session is JavaScript. To switch MySQL Shell to Python mode, use the \py command.

mysql-js> \py
Switching to Python mode...

MySQL Shell supports input-line editing as follows:

  • left-arrow and right-arrow keys move horizontally within the current input line.

  • up-arrow and down-arrow keys move up and down through the set of previously entered lines.

  • Backspace deletes the character before the cursor and typing new characters enters them at the cursor position.

  • Enter sends the current input line to the server.

Table des matières Haut

Get Help for MySQL Shell

Type mysqlsh --help at the prompt of your command interpreter for a list of command-line options.

mysqlsh --help

Type \help at the MySQL Shell prompt for a list of available commands and their descriptions.

mysql-py> \help

Type \help followed by a command name for detailed help about an individual MySQL Shell command. For example, to view help on the \connect command, issue:

mysql-py> \help \connect

Table des matières Haut

Quit MySQL Shell

To quit MySQL Shell, issue the following command:

mysql-py> \quit

Table des matières Haut

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Traduction non disponible

Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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  1. Consulter le document html Langue du document :en Manuel MySQL :

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