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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL NDB Cluster Management Node Configuration Parameters

The listing in this section provides information about parameters used in the [ndb_mgmd] or [mgm] section of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster management nodes. For detailed descriptions and other additional information about each of these parameters, see Section, “Defining an NDB Cluster Management Server”.

  • ArbitrationDelay: When asked to arbitrate, arbitrator waits this long before voting (milliseconds)

  • ArbitrationRank: If 0, then management node is not arbitrator. Kernel selects arbitrators in order 1, 2

  • DataDir: Data directory for this node

  • ExecuteOnComputer: String referencing an earlier defined COMPUTER

  • ExtraSendBufferMemory: Memory to use for send buffers in addition to any allocated by TotalSendBufferMemory or SendBufferMemory. Default (0) allows up to 16MB.

  • HeartbeatIntervalMgmdMgmd: Time between management node-to-management node heartbeats; the connection between management node is considered lost after 3 missed heartbeats.

  • HeartbeatThreadPriority: Set heartbeat thread policy and priority for management nodes; see manual for allowed values

  • HostName: Host name or IP address for this management node.

  • Id: Number identifying the management node (Id). Now deprecated; use NodeId instead.

  • LogDestination: Where to send log messages: console, system log, or specified log file

  • NodeId: Number uniquely identifying the management node among all nodes in the cluster.

  • PortNumber: Port number to send commands to and fetch configuration from management server

  • PortNumberStats: Port number used to get statistical information from a management server

  • TotalSendBufferMemory: Total memory to use for all transporter send buffers

  • wan: Use WAN TCP setting as default


After making changes in a management node's configuration, it is necessary to perform a rolling restart of the cluster for the new configuration to take effect. See Section, “Defining an NDB Cluster Management Server”, for more information.

To add new management servers to a running NDB Cluster, it is also necessary perform a rolling restart of all cluster nodes after modifying any existing config.ini files. For more information about issues arising when using multiple management nodes, see Section, “Limitations Relating to Multiple NDB Cluster Nodes”.

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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