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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 91 to 100 of 192 total results
Information about table definitions is stored in the InnoDB data dictionary. If you move data files around, dictionary data can become inconsistent. If a data dictionary corruption or consistency issue prevents you from starting InnoDB, see Section ...
To add a UCA collation for a Unicode character set without recompiling MySQL, use the following procedure. If you are unfamiliar with the LDML rules used to describe the collation's sort characteristics, see Section, “LDML Syntax ...
NDB Cluster Disk Data storage is implemented using the following objects: Tablespace: Acts as containers for other Disk Data objects. A tablespace contains one or more data files and one or more undo log file groups. Undo log file: Contains undo ...
For memory-based columns, you can work around this limitation by using a variable-width column type such as VARCHAR or defining the column as COLUMN_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; this does not work with columns stored on disk. Some database objects such as ...
MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0 supports online table schema changes using the standard ALTER TABLE syntax employed by the MySQL Server (ALGORITHM=DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY), and described elsewhere. Note Some older releases of NDB Cluster used a syntax specific ...
ndb_select_all prints all rows from an NDB table to stdout. Usage ndb_select_all -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name [> file_name] The following table includes options that are specific to the NDB Cluster native backup restoration program ...
When using a replication setup involving multiple masters (including circular replication), it is possible that different masters may try to update the same row on the slave with different data. Conflict resolution in NDB Cluster Replication ...
Character set information is not available in the binary log, which affects string column display: There is no distinction made between corresponding binary and nonbinary string types (BINARY and CHAR, VARBINARY and VARCHAR, BLOB and TEXT). The ...
(See Section, “Clustered and Secondary Indexes”.) Create an AUTO_INCREMENT column as the primary key if your primary key is long, or index a prefix of a long VARCHAR column instead of the entire column. Use the VARCHAR data type instead ... Once your data reaches a stable size, or a growing table has increased by tens or some hundreds of megabytes, consider using the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement to reorganize the table and compact any wasted ...
This section discusses obtaining information about existing partitions, which can be done in a number of ways. Methods of obtaining such information include the following: Using the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement to view the partitioning clauses used ...
Displaying 91 to 100 of 192 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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