role [, role ] ...: Set the default to the named roles, which must exist and be granted to the account at the time SET DEFAULT ROLE is executed. SET DEFAULT ROLE {NONE | ALL | role [, role ] ...} TO user [, user ] ... For each user named ...
If you disable a consumer, the server does not spend time adding event information to it. For detailed information about the effect of enabling different consumers, see Section 26.4.7, “Pre-Filtering by Consumer”. The setup_consumers table has ...
For example: shell> mysql --ssl-mode=DISABLED -u sha256user -p Enter password: password For this connection attempt by sha256user, the server determines that sha256_password is the appropriate authentication plugin and invokes it (because that was ... MySQL provides two authentication plugins that implement SHA-256 hashing for user account passwords: sha256_password: Implements basic SHA-256 ...
Note Issuing a SHOW BINLOG EVENTS with no LIMIT clause could start a very time- and resource-consuming process because the server returns to the client the complete contents of the binary log (which includes all statements executed by the server ...
SHOW CREATE EVENT event_name This statement displays the CREATE EVENT statement needed to re-create a given event. It requires the EVENT privilege for the database from which the event is to be shown. For example (using the same event e_daily ...
This is a TIMESTAMP(2) value (with a fractional part in hundredths of seconds) for triggers. SHOW CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name This statement shows the CREATE TRIGGER statement that creates the named trigger. This statement requires the TRIGGER ...
Note Issuing a SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS with no LIMIT clause could start a very time- and resource-consuming process because the server returns to the client the complete contents of the relay log (including all statements modifying data that have been ... SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS [IN 'log_name'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count] [channel_option] channel_option: FOR CHANNEL channel Shows the events in the relay log of a replication ...
The following statements cause that error because the named condition is associated with a MySQL error number: DECLARE no_such_table CONDITION FOR 1051; SIGNAL no_such_table; If a condition with a given name is declared multiple times in different ...SIGNAL provides error information to a handler, to an outer portion of the application, or to the ...
This can last for a long time if the master is idle. The following list shows the most common states you see in the State column for a slave server I/O thread. This state also appears in the Slave_IO_State column displayed by SHOW SLAVE STATUS, so ...
On a Unix system, this can be done as shown here: shell> cat new_relay_log_name.index >> old_relay_log_name.index shell> mv old_relay_log_name.index new_relay_log_name.index A slave server creates a new relay log file under the following conditions: ... The relay log, like the binary log, consists of a set of numbered files containing events that describe database changes, and an index file that contains the names of all used relay log ...