To facilitate the use of code written for SQL implementations from other vendors, MySQL maps data types as shown in the following table. These mappings make it easier to import table definitions from other database systems into MySQL. If you create ...
If no restrictive modes are enabled, MySQL clips the value to the appropriate endpoint of the column data type range and stores the resulting value instead. When an out-of-range value is assigned to an integer column, MySQL stores the value ...
MySQL implements an A LEFT JOIN B join_specification as follows: Table B is set to depend on table A and all tables on which A depends. Table A is set to depend on all tables (except B) that are used in the LEFT JOIN condition. The LEFT JOIN ...
Columns using other data types relating to dates or times are not supported as partitioning columns. The next two sections discuss COLUMNS partitioning, which are variants on RANGE and LIST partitioning. COLUMNS partitioning enables the use of ...
SELECT ..., then drop the old table and rename the new one, but this could be very time-consuming when dealing with a large amounts of data. Adding and dropping of range and list partitions are handled in a similar fashion, so we discuss the ...
There are no plans at this time to introduce vertical partitioning into MySQL. This section provides a conceptual overview of partitioning in MySQL 8.0. For information on partitioning restrictions and feature limitations, see Section 23.6, ...
By limiting the search, it is possible to expend much less time and effort in finding matching rows than by scanning all partitions in the table. Pruning can also be applied for tables partitioned on a DATE or DATETIME column when the partitioning ... The optimization known as partition pruning is based on a relatively simple concept which can be described as “Do not scan partitions where there can be no matching ...
As you can see from the result when the SELECT is run a second time, there remains a row in the table matching the WHERE condition, but residing in a different partition (p2). Explicit selection of partitions and subpartitions for rows matching a ...
Time spent executing the code while the plugin was loaded was still spent even if the plugin is unloaded later. Removing a plugin with UNINSTALL PLUGIN does not affect information already collected for code in that plugin. The associated event ...
Because the Performance Schema is configured into the server at build time, a row for PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA appears in the output from SHOW ENGINES. It is possible to exclude certain parts of the Performance Schema instrumentation. For example, to ...