MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD (argument types: char *, char *) This option adds an attribute key-value pair to the current set of connection attributes to pass to the server at connect time. int mysql_options4(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, ...
This function can be called multiple times to set several options. int mysql_plugin_options(struct st_mysql_client_plugin *plugin, const char *option, const void *value) Passes an option type and value to a plugin. If the plugin does not have an ...
service-startup-timeout=seconds How long in seconds to wait for confirmation of server startup. If the server does not start within this time, mysql.server exits with an error. MySQL distributions on Unix and Unix-like system include a script named ...
By default, notification is enabled for these session system variables: autocommit character_set_client character_set_connection character_set_results time_zone To change the default notification for this tracker type, set the session_track_schema ... int mysql_session_track_get_first(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_session_state_type type, const char **data, size_t *length) MySQL implements a session tracker mechanism whereby the server returns information about session state changes to ...
It can be called multiple times to send the parts of a character or binary data value for a column, which must be one of the TEXT or BLOB data types. bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned int parameter_number, const char *data, ...
By default, result sets for successfully executed prepared statements are not buffered on the client and mysql_stmt_fetch() fetches them one at a time from the server. int mysql_stmt_store_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) Result sets are produced by ...
(The menu item mentioned previously sets the font and character set as just described.) To avoid those steps each time you run mysql, you can create a shortcut that invokes mysql.exe. row *************************** msg_nro: 3068 date: 2000-03-01 ...
This forces mysql to retrieve results from the server a row at a time rather than retrieving the entire result set and buffering it in memory before displaying it. mysql is a simple SQL shell with input line editing capabilities. When used ...
(If the option is given multiple times, the last value is used.) For additional information about these and other option-file options, see Section, “Command-Line Options that Affect Option-File Handling”. mysqld_multi is designed to ...
The following discussion covers these MySQL server configuration topics: Startup options that the server supports. You can specify these options on the command line, through configuration files, or both. These variables reflect the current state and ...