In conjunction with the MySQL binary log, you can perform point-in-time recovery. This section describes techniques for moving or copying some or all InnoDB tables to a different server or instance. For example, you might move an entire MySQL ...
This removal operation is called a purge, and it is quite fast, usually taking the same order of time as the SQL statement that did the deletion. InnoDB is a multi-versioned storage engine: it keeps information about old versions of changed rows, ...
A timeout occurs while waiting for an exclusive lock on the table, which may be needed briefly during the initial and final phases of the DDL operation. The operation takes a long time and concurrent DML modifies the table so much that the size of ... The failure of an online DDL operation is typically due to one of the following conditions: An ALGORITHM clause specifies an algorithm that is not compatible with the particular type of DDL operation or storage ...
A newly created secondary index contains only the committed data in the table at the time the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE statement finishes executing. When you add a primary key using the ALGORITHM=COPY clause, MySQL converts NULL values in the ...
If the specific changes were different each time, you might have to construct a new complex ALTER TABLE for each slightly different scenario. Before the introduction of online DDL, it was common practice to combine many DDL operations into a single ...
Hole punching size is the NTFS compression unit, which is 16 times the NTFS cluster size. InnoDB supports page-level compression for tables that reside in file-per-table tablespaces. Page compression is enabled by specifying the COMPRESSION ...
MySQL uses a variable amount of free space for the pages within each compressed table, only when a designated percentage of compression operations “fail” at runtime, requiring an expensive operation to split the compressed page. Because working ... Traditionally, the InnoDB compression feature was recommended primarily for read-only or read-mostly workloads, such as in a data warehouse ...
This section also provides information about estimating ANALYZE TABLE complexity, which may be useful when attempting to achieve a balance between accurate statistics and ANALYZE TABLE execution time. This section describes how to configure ...
Eliminating unnecessary transaction IDs reduces the size of internal data structures that are consulted each time a query or data change statement constructs a read view. InnoDB can avoid the overhead associated with setting up the transaction ID ...
When the purge lag exceeds the innodb_max_purge_lag threshold, a delay is imposed on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations to allow time for purge operations to catch up. InnoDB does not physically remove a row from the database immediately when ...